Beastpeople Species in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil


Beastpeople bear the god's gift of the curiosity, they were born longing and seeking for answers, they are the youngest of all ancestries. While their no Mortals they are not immortal, in the sense that they are not susceptible to disease.   However, altought more curios than their fellow ancestries, the Beastpeople were just as bound to Godly Realms as their Elven or Dragon counterparts were. The fate foretold by the Old-Gods was one of expression for all the gifts life can give, plagued by frustration not able to stay in the worlds forever, and to come to accept to live at the moment. Flax declared that, after the creation of the gift of the Beastpeople, that was supposed to cause them to discover and be free, it could also lead to oppression and slavery. Beastpeople would play a part in the "Rebirth of the 4 Realms", as they and their adventures spirits may aid the gods to to protect the world from evil.   Ryu-Jin foretold that the Race of Beastpeople, with their curiosity, would often go and explore the world and spread as followers of the gods, especially because they were made from the flesh of Sanguis. However, He also noted that "The love and kinship of their own" and other mortals, in their time, shall help them find themselves and give them the answers to their questions and journeys to settle down and enjoy bringing their story onto their youngens

Basic Information


The beastpeoples body is the structure of their being. It is composed of many different types of arcane cells that together create the body and subsequently power systems. They ensure the viability of their more controlled magic body.   The body anatomically is an almost identical to those of the humans, thought males can have wider Shoulders and females wider hips than humans on average. Many systems and mechanisms interact in order to maintain the bodies, with safe levels of substances such as beer Ashmans. As most dwarves body when they die, it composes into mud over time similar to that of the humans

Growth Rate & Stages

Beastpeople age faster than humans, they only stay in their childhood from the age of 1 to the age of 10, which is when their puberty starts kicking in where they grow and change until they reach the age of 14, for males this means their voice becomes deeper and their body turn hairier as for females their features like chests, Hips and Claws start developing as well as their eyes taking an animal shape and colour of, yellow or Blue color in order to attract males, the most beautiful of the colors being Green eyes.   After the ages of 14 Beastpeople start entering their middle lifespan from 14 to 50, their cells start regressing, and they become wiser (in most cases) traveling out into the lands or building and continuing their families legacies.   At the ages of 50 and up the Beastpeople start the last stage of their lifespan, being their old age, teaching and bringing their skills to the next generation, telling their storys in order to inspire others and spread themselves along the lands as arace of proud and adventures people.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Beastpeople dietary needs deals with the forging and hunting of animals for consumption of large amounts of wheat and meat, most beastpeople had a very varied diet and were focused and dedicated to taste anything that could be eaten to find out how to make it palatable   Varied nutrition is what the beastpeople are known for, some having the best possible nutrition to forge their bodies to be ready for day to day tasks or adventures, able to find food anywhere and everywhere.


Beastpeople seek companionship and adventure, they are the most wandering of all the races. They seek to earn awards and glory in the eyes of their fellows by living a full life, to be able to tell stories and inspire others, or simply life their lives as who they are without much change necessary as long as everyone gets a say in what is happening.
Demonym Sanguins, Furromen, Nageaz
Scientific Name
Animal Auritus
50 to 100 Years
Average Height
1,6 to 1,9 m. / 5'1 to 6'2 ft.
Average Weight
55 to 100 kg. / 120 to 220 lbs.
Average Physique
Beastpeople, like humans, have a more balanced physique of in comparison to other races being good at everything but not the best at any of the thought they are slightly faster and slightly physically weaker than humans.


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