Dwarves Species in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil


Dwarves bear the god's gift of the craft and tunes, which their unavoidable strive for perfection represents, they age and evolve as the stone does, long grueling being smoothed until they are ready to be reborn a new. While the Gods are immortal, in the sense that they are not susceptible to aging and disease.   However, this meant that Dwarves were bound to Godly Realms as their Elves or Dragon counterparts were. The fate foretold by the Old-Gods was one of greed for power, wealth and growth. Loarkam declared that, after the creation of the gift of the Cursed Runes, Dwarves would play a part in the "Rebirth of the 4 Realms", as they and their craft were unmatched.   Loarkam foretold that the Race of Dwarves, being greedy and ambitious, would often focus and try to relish in their gift. However, She also noted that "The King and Deity of the mountains, in their time, shall find them and show them the true beauty in creation for the sake of creation and not just greed"

Basic Information


The dwarven body is the structure of a their being. It is composed of many different types of arcane cells that together create the body and subsequently power systems. They ensure the viability of their more controlled magic body.   The body anatomically is a shorter and bulkier version of that of the human. Many systems and mechanisms interact in order to maintain the bodies, with safe levels of substances such as beer and oxygen in their white blood. The body is studied by health by miners and by craft artists to assist them in their work. As most dwarves body when die, they compose into rock an inorganic material.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves age fast, they only stay in their childhood from the age of 1 to the age of 8, which is when their puberty starts kicking in where they grow and change until they reach the age of 16, for males this means their voice becomes deeper and their body turn hairier as for females their features like chests, beards start developing as well as their eyes taking a crimson red, yellow or orange color in order to attract males, the most beautiful of the colors being purple eyes.   After the ages of 16 Dwarves start entering their middle lifespan from 16 to 150, their cells start regressing, and they become wiser (in most cases) able to master their craft in between those 110 years of their life.   At the ages of 250 and up Dwarves start the last stage of their lifespan, being their old age, teaching and bringing their skills to the next generation ready to move on into the mountains and stones after giving their children and students all they need to progress in their lives.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dwarven dietary needs deals with the hunting and consumption of large amounts of meat and fish, most of them going their entire lives long without even tasting fruit or vegetable.   Bad nutrition is a chronic problem with the dwarves race, leading some of them to die of an early age such as 100 or 200 due to not enough difference in meat and consumption of vitamins


Dwarves seek wealth and self-fulfillment and are the most greedy race. They seek to earn awards and glory in the eyes of their fellows by creating, reforming, and framing metal or stone. More than other races, dwarves life in small groups of families in mountains of multiple layers of stone, apart from others of their kin.
Demonym Mountain Folk, Oremonger, Kurzbart
Scientific Name
Parva Plasmator
350 to 400 Years
Average Height
1,2 to 1,3m. / 4" to 4,2"
Average Weight
60-120 kg ./ 135 to 265 lbs.
Average Physique
Dwarves have more hearty and stronger physique, points makes them stronger but slower than other races Wich they easily can counteract by using their intellect to build and create items to improve themselves
Related Ethnicities


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