Fetchling Species in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil


The Fetchlings bear the gift of Loarkam, the goddess of darkness and dreams. Their strive for perfection represents their devotion to her, as she embodies the beauty of imperfection and the power of dreams. Fetchlings age and evolve much like the trees do, slowly and steadily, but always reaching towards the darkness where Loarkam resides. Although they are not immortal like the gods, they are bound to her realm and have a deep understanding of the power that lies in the shadows. The fate foretold by the goddess was one of longing for the mysteries of the dark and the secrets of the dream world. She declared that, after the creation of the gift of the Fetchlings' connection to the darkness and dreams, they would play a part in the "Rebirth of the 4 Realms", using their understanding of the hidden to bring balance to the world. Loarkam foretold that the race of Fetchlings, with their deep connection to the shadow realm, would often lose themselves in their own dreams and forget the importance of the waking world. However, she also noted that "The love and connection to the natural world, in their time, shall help them find the true perfections in life, the perfection being the beauty of the unknown that lies in the darkness and dreams of all creatures."

Basic Information


The Fetchling body is the structure of their being. It is composed of many different types of dark magical energy that together create the body and subsequently power systems. They ensure the viability of their more controlled magic body. The body anatomically is a slim and agile version of that of the human. Many systems and mechanisms interact in order to maintain the bodies, with safe levels of substances such as shadow essence and air in their veins. The body is studied by healers and shadow mages to assist them in their work. As most Fetchlings die, they dissolve into shadow essence, an inorganic material that returns to the Ring of Sanktum.

Growth Rate & Stages

Fetchlings grow slowly and steadily, much like trees, with age and evolution happening gradually. They bear the gift of Loarkam, the goddess of darkness and dreams, and their devotion to her represents their drive for perfection. Fetchlings are not immortal, but their connection to the Shadow Realm grants them a deep understanding of the power that lies within the shadows. According to the prophecy of Loarkam, the Fetchlings will play a part in the "Rebirth of the 4 Realms," using their understanding of the hidden to restore balance to the world. However, their love and connection to the natural world will keep them grounded and help them find the true beauty of the unknown that lies in the darkness and dreams of all creatures.   As Fetchlings age, their bodies maintain a slim and agile structure, similar to that of humans, and are composed of different types of dark magical energy that interact to sustain their more controlled magical abilities.   Healers and shadow mages study the Fetchling body to assist them in their work, and upon death, Fetchlings dissolve into shadow essence, returning to the Ring of Sanktum, reborn as new beings.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fetchlings have a unique dietary requirement due to their connection with the darkness and the shadow realm. They need to consume a balance of dark and light magic to maintain their body and powers. They are not carnivorous like some races, nor do they subsist solely on plants. Instead, they must consume a combination of magical energies, such as the essence of the night and the energy of dreams, to keep their bodies nourished.   Fetchlings who fail to maintain this balance can suffer from chronic health issues and even early death. Healers and shadow mages often work together to create specialized diets and potions to ensure that Fetchlings are able to consume the right balance of magical energies to sustain them throughout their lives.


Fetchlings seek to understand the mysteries of the darkness and the dreams that reside within it, and are often driven by a desire for self-discovery and self-expression. They are known for their skill in crafting magical items and enhancing their connection to the Ring of Sanktum. Fetchlings tend to live in small communities of other Fetchlings, deep in forests and other areas shrouded in darkness. They value their connections with their kin and seek to learn from one another to continue to evolve and develop their skills. Material wealth is not a primary concern for Fetchlings, but rather the acquisition of knowledge and the pursuit of their passion for the dark and dreamy.
Demonym Shadowwalker, Phantom, Shadowhuman
Scientific Name
umbra humano
100 to 500 years
Average Height
1,5 to 2,1m. / 5" to 6,5" ft.
Average Weight
55 to 100 kg. / 120 to 220 lbs.
Average Physique
Fletchlings possess a well-balanced physique among all races, being proficient in a variety of abilities without excelling in any particular one.


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