Fleshwarp Species in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil


Fleshwarps aberrantis are not blessed with any divine gifts, but are cursed with their grotesque forms and eldritch-like abilities. They are not known for their martial prowess or combat skills, but rather their child-like nature and behavior. Despite their monstrous appearance, they possess a deep connection to the spiritual world, often being born with the ability to communicate with spirits in their own unique way.   Loarkam, foretold that the Fleshwarps would have a crucial role to play in the "Rebirth of the 4 Realms" after the end of the world. While their combat skills may not be apparent, their ability to adapt to any situation and their innate resilience would be vital in protecting the balance of the world and bringing about a new era.   Kofusachi, a legendary seer, noted that "The Fleshwarps, with their monstrous strength and eldritch-like abilities, will use their unique gifts to fulfill their true calling and purpose in the world, ultimately bringing glory to the work of the gods in their own twisted way." Despite their lack of traditional martial prowess, the Fleshwarps would find their own path to protect the world and play a pivotal role in the fate of the realms.

Basic Information


The anatomy of a Fleshwarp is a grotesque and unnatural composition of fleshy masses and eldritch-like features. Their bodies are not created through traditional means of biology, but rather through dark magic and unnatural experimentation. The flesh of a Fleshwarp is made up of various types of corrupted and mutated cells that come together to form their abominable form. These cells are imbued with dark energies that power the systems within the Fleshwarp's body, allowing it to function.   The anatomy of a Fleshwarp varies greatly in form and structure, as they can take on many grotesque shapes and sizes. There are no standard or known ways in which their bodies are formed, as each Fleshwarp is a unique and twisted creation. Their bodies lack any semblance of normalcy and are often studied by dark healers, mad scientists, and those who dabble in forbidden knowledge to understand their dark and unnatural composition.   Only those who are willing to face the horrors of the Fleshwarp's anatomy dare to explore its mysteries, and it is a subject that is often shrouded in fear and dread.

Growth Rate & Stages

As for the Fleshwarps, they have an unnatural and twisted lifespan that is plagued by agony and suffering. Created through dark magic, Fleshwarps do not age like natural beings. They are formed as mounds of flesh and abominable shapes, with their minds resembling that of a 5-year-old human child. Despite their monstrous form, they go through a semblance of growth and change over time.   Fleshwarps do not age in a conventional sense, as they are cursed to exist in a state of perpetual agony for potentially thousands of years. They do not experience childhood, adolescence, or adulthood in the same way as other races. Instead, their bodies constantly mutate and change, warping into new forms and shapes as the dark magic that sustains them ebbs and flows.   In their prolonged existence, Fleshwarps do not reach a state of maturity or wisdom. They simply continue to exist, tormented by their monstrous form and their eternal suffering. They are cursed to wander the world as abominations, feared and shunned by other races, their suffering continuing indefinitely without the solace of old age or the wisdom of experience.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Fleshwarps do not have a proper understanding of nutritional requirements or the concept of a balanced diet, as their minds are child-like and limited in their comprehension. They are driven by their monstrous instincts and dark desires, often leading to gruesome acts of consumption without consideration for nutritional value or health. It is important to note that the dietary habits of Fleshwarps are considered abominable and unacceptable by other races, as they are fueled by dark magic and driven by their monstrous nature. Their consumption of flesh or blood is often feared and condemned by other races, further isolating them from society and reinforcing their status as grotesque abominations.


Fleshwarps do not seek adventure in the traditional sense. Their child-like minds and grotesque forms often lead them to be feared and shunned by society. They may be curious and drawn to explore the world around them, but their actions are often driven by their dark desires and instincts rather than a sense of ambition or personal achievement.   Fleshwarps do not prioritize wealth, fame, or power like other races. Their existence is often wrought with agony and suffering due to their cursed nature, and their motivations are more primal and instinctual.   Unlike other races, who champion causes and strive for personal glory, the Fleshwarps are often misunderstood and feared. They are not driven by a sense of ambition or recognition from others, but rather by their twisted instincts and the dark magic that corrupts their being.   It is important to note that the motivations and behaviors of the Fleshwarps are distinct from other races, as they are created beings of dark magic and eldritch abominations. Their child-like minds and grotesque forms make them unique and often tragic figures in the world, struggling to find their place amidst their cursed existence.
Demonym Fleshlight, Braintumor, Childbrain
Scientific Name
Tenebris Aberrantis
Up to 1000 years, unable to die naturaly
Average Height
1.2 to 3 m/ 3.9" to 9.8" ft.
Average Weight
100 to 500 kg / 220 to 1100 lbs.
Average Physique
Fleshwarps possess a grotesque and ever-changing physique, composed of mounds of flesh and abominable eldritch features. Their forms are grotesque and unnatural, lacking any semblance of normalcy. Despite their monstrous appearance, they possess an unusual resilience, able to withstand great amounts of damage and often unable to be directly harmed by conventional means.


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