
Goblins bear the trickster's gift of mischief above all else, which their crude and ragged clothing represents, they never age, but rather stay the same malicious creatures for eternity. While the Gods are immortal, in the sense that they are not susceptible to aging and disease.   Goblins seem to revel in their constant state of chaos and disorder. However, despite their immortality, goblins are bound to the darker corners of the realm, where they scheme and plot against the other races. The fate foretold by the Old-Gods was one of envy for the things they couldn't have, unlike power and influence they yearned for true order.   Koandicen declared that, after the creation of the gift of the goblins' chaotic nature, goblins would play a part in the "Destruction of the 4 Realms", as they and their unruliness amongst their armies' cunning were unmatched. Koandicen foretold that the race of goblins, with their envy and bitterness, would often lose themselves and try to cause chaos but never able to fully realize their own potential.   However, He also noted that "The companionship of the other mortals and the love of the creatures of the realm, in their time, shall help them find the true purpose in life, the purpose being the chaos that lies in each and every creature, even in the gods."

Basic Information


The goblin body is their den. It is composed of many different types of vile cells that together create the body and subsequently power systems. They ensure the viability of their more chaotic and unpredictable nature. The body anatomically is a shorter and more stocky version of that of the human. Many systems and mechanisms interact in order to maintain the bodies, with safe levels of substances such as rot and decay in their black blood. The body is studied by malice by Goblins and by Goblin Masters to assist them in their schemes. As most goblin bodies when they die decompose into a putrid mush.

Growth Rate & Stages

Goblins, unlike humans, age quickly. They stay in their childhood from the age of 2 to the age of 5, which is when their puberty starts kicking in where they grow and change until they reach the age of 20, for males this means their voice becomes raspier and their body turn stockier and their skin tougher as for females their features like warts, wrinkles, and crooked teeth start developing.   After the age of 20 Goblins start entering their middle lifespan from 21 to 80, their cells start degenerating, and they become craftier (in most cases) able to master their mischief in between those 80 years of their life.   At the ages of 80 and up Goblins start the last stage of their lifespan, being their lasting age, teaching and passing on their tricks to the next generation ready to take on their legacy, they mostly stay in leading positions or as mentors until the day comes where they feel the passing of ages and decompose into a putrid mush.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Goblin dietary needs deals with the scavenging and consumption of large amounts of rotting carcasses and moldy vegetables, most goblins going their entire lives without even tasting fresh fruit or plants. Good nutrition is not what goblins are known for, leading them to a short and vicious life due to the lack of proper vitamins and excess consumption of rotten and decaying food.


Goblins seek chaos and destruction and are the most selfish race. They seek to cause chaos and mayhem in the eyes of their fellows and themselves. More than other races, Goblins live in small, scattered groups of individuals in caves and tunnels underground, in constant conflict with each other.
Demonym Shortstack, Shiteater, Elf Dwarv
Scientific Name
Fungorum Viridis Parvus
80 to 900 years
Average Height
90 cm to 120 / 2,9" to 4,1"
Average Weight
30 - 60 kg / 70 - 130 lbs.
Average Physique
Goblins have a hunched and twisted physique, making them more agile but also more fragile than other races, which they easily can counteract by using their cunning to outsmart their opponents.


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