Infinitum PF.2e Character Creation Guide

This is a simple guide on creating a character for the Infinitum Campaign setting, whether it is run by the original poster or people adapting the setting in their own way.   The setting by itself is similar to Dark Souls and Elden Ring's dark fantasy. Despite being a world largely devoid of much magic or special powers, where people are weak in comparison to monsters, it still retains a touch of the "heroic" godlike characters that individuals might become after reaching higher heights and achieving their goals, attaining strength comparable to the gods and monsters you fight.

Typical Questions regarding PF.2e Rules in the Offical Campaign

keep in mind that you should still ask about these things personaly as exceptions can sometimes be made   What Variant rules do we get to use ?
  We use Point Buy, + Ancestry and Background Bonuses
We use Automatic Bonus Progression for Magic Items
We use accomplishment XP & Medium XP Advancement (1000 XP)
  What about having Companions ?
  A Party can have 1 Companion at max controlled by 1 player
Yes they can still attempt to tame wild animals but not as Companions
    What Sourcebooks and Resources are we allowed to use ?
  Any Offical Pathfinder2e can be used for feats and spells aslong as they fit the setting
Certain things such as gods, ancestries and classes are restricted tought keep that in mind
  What special Rules/Homebrew do we use ? can we make our own ?
  Generaly No homemade Homebrew or other books, unless we sit down and fit it to setting together
We have some homebrew Ancestries and Dedications you can pick from and find in the steps below   What kind of Character should i build for this campaign ? Is there Gonna be a Focus on Combat ?
  For the official game, we have a good mix of combat and roleplay, with no two sessions without at least one fight.
Characters should be well rounded for both RP and someonewhat Combat as encounters can get difficult.

Creating the Character

There are many diffrent ways one might create a character and this guide and set of things in the to-do list is only a suggested method should someone struggle to create a character and only serves as a direct guide.  

1. Write about your Character and Choose their Background, Ancestry & Heritage

  Figure out what who or what you want to play as, think of writting a character with a goal and flaws and some way they have dreamt about achiveing it and what they may seek in life. If you need some prompts and ideas here are my suggestions.   What is their Name ?, Where do they come from ?, What do they Look like ?
How do they Behave ? How old, tall and how much do they weigh ?
How do they dress ? How do they prefer to fight ? do they like the stealthy approche ?
What are 3 things they like and 3 they dislike ?
  After you roughly have that down and understand what your character is supposed to be like Choose a Background and a playable ancestry that you think might fit them, with a culture that aligns with your ideas   You can find Backgrounds here & Ancetrys here
  If you want to create a character with more than one Ancestry or Heritage, you simply pick the appearance of one and take the ancestry option of another one, you cannot mix Ancestry feats or Hertiage feats unless its a versatile hertiage.    

Primer on how Spellcasters in this world Function

Using and Harnessing the powers of magic in spellcasting depends on the type of Caster or type of Magic they use, normaly pathfinder diffreranciates into 4 Categories, Primal, Occult, Divine and Aracane.   In this world these 4 categories are more or less not the direct origin of the magic but a indicator on how people have to use magic in order to be able to spellcast.   Primal Magic is channeled and harnessed through Magical Glyphs that are created either through hand signs or wands, accompanied by spoken incantations. This process then allows the user to harness their own innate magical energy as a conduit, drawing power from the center of magic to cast the spell.   Occult Magic is channeled through a being's pure emotions and emotional state, utilizing a conduit such as an object that holds personal significance. For example, a bard may use their favorite instrument, while a witch might employ a staff gifted from her patron god that she cherishes with devotion.   Divine Magic is innate and does not require an object or artifact to cast, as it is a fraction of a god bestowing power upon their subject. One indicator of a divine spellcaster is that when they cast a spell, their voices begin to echo, and their eyes light up in either blue, yellow, or red light, depending on the god from whom they receive their powers and blessings.   Arcane Magic works similarly to how primal magic functions, but instead of creating glyphs, the users recreate glyph symbols with their hands, forming hand signs, and uttering the same or similar incantations as Primal magic would use. The reason this type of magic is so similar to primal magic is the fact that it's a more advanced form of taking primal magic and manipulating it. It's also considered the most illegal type of magic, as you are forcing your will onto the magic.     On top of these four main categories, spells are divided into diffrent types for spellcasters. There are also lore-relevant changes to how there are different Magical Traditions. Instead of following the schools of magic as in 5e, these traditions form a system in place to help spellcasters understand the source from which they draw their magic. Additionally, it indicates which types of magic they are inherently more capable of casting.   For example, a Cleric may derive their power from a certain god, but what magic and place does the god use its powers from? Some even grant the player a unique damage type based on their divine magic. Instead of Spirit damage, it becomes Death Flame if they draw their powers from Flax the Greater, and so on.   You can find information about the different Magical Traditions and Sources here.    

Primer on How Technology and Firearms Are Viewed and Function

In the world of Infinitum, technology is seen as something strange and otherworldly, almost eldritch. The machinations and functions of it require, much like the arts of the arcane, the ability to bend and shape the magic inside contraptions to make them function. Therefore, in some realms, the creation or experimentation with technology outside the laws of nature is considered illegal.   This law especially applies due to the fact that, unlike in our real world, gunpowder does still exist. However, its function in firearms is different. In order for gunpowder to ignite and start, it is required to mix it in a 3/2 ratio with gemcore dust. This dust is quite literally derived from the innermost layer of the skin of a still-alive gemcore. The potency of taking it from a dead one would render its use negligible, so they have to harvest it to use guns. This practice is seen as cruel and is almost everywhere illegal and taboo.  

2. Choose a Class and Potential Future Dedication

In this setting Classes are somewhat restricted by party composition and the region from which the character hails and resides. For instance, in the Realm of Vindicta, spellcasting outside of godly domains is "forbidden," although you won't be executed on sight for such actions. Not every settelment holds such stringent views, and some may only arrest you for engaging in forbidden spellcasting, some won't even care if you spellcast aslong as its not in public.   For the Sake of Simplicity i have compiled pathfinders currently (state 04.01.2024) 23 Classes into Certain Groups.

Combatans Classes

Simple non-spellcasting classes that are all about fighting directly in the frontlines.  
Class NameCore Ability'sClass RarityClass Summary
Fighter STR or DEX Common, Free Choice Master of Maneuvers and Weapons, no-nonsense action, best DPS and crits class.
Barbarian Strenght Common, Free Choice Fueled by rage, mega HP tank, powers of animalistic instincts, big weapons.
Ranger STR or DEX Common, Free Choice Has advantage on everything, animal companions, survival, magic as an available side option.
Swashbuckler Dexterity Uncommon, 1 per Party Fighter & rogue combination, panache, masters of dueling, tumbling, and heckling.
Gunslinger Dexterity Rare, DM Discretion Master of firearms, ranged fighter, all about style, unique reloading, and not just "guns" as options.

Specialist Classes

Swiss army knife-type classes, all about mastery of skills and having a tool for any situation that arises.  
Class NameCore Ability'sClass RarityClass Summary
Alchemist Intelligence Uncommon, 1 per Party An "item-based" caster with non-magical items for everything, poisons, bombs, healing, or mutagens.
Inventor Intelligence Rare, DM Discretion The "Doofenschmerz," focus on one creation like a weapon, armor, or a little robot with abilities.
Rouge Anything but CON Common, Free Choice Ultimate master of skills, able to lean into any main stat as their build, sneak attack, hard to hit.
Investigator Intelligence Common, Free Choice Lots of skill increases, attacks using Int mod, super-optimized actions, able to see dice outcomes before they happen.
Thaumaturge Charisma Common, Free Choice Ultimate monster hunter, uses and creates knickknacks as if they were using spells, Geralt of Rivia/Van Helsing.

Semi-Caster Classes

Classes that use spell slots or focus points for spellcasting but not as their sole ability and primary source of power.  
Class NameCore Ability'sClass RarityClass Summary
Champion Strenght Common, Free Choice Heavily armored, hard-to-hit tanks, some focus spells, different causes.
Monk DEX or STR Common, Free Choice Unarmed fighters, stances for combat, flurry of blows, Ki focus spells.
Druid Wisdom Uncommon, 1 per Party Versatile nature caster, leans into multiple druidic themes, companions.
Magus Intelligence Rare, DM Discretion Fighter & sorcerer combo, limited spell slots but functions with preparation and is highly versatile in combat.
Kineticist Constitution Rare, DM Discretion Elemental master, impulses, fighter-style spellcasting using elements as abilities.

Spontaneous Caster Classes

Spellcasters that can only cast spells that they know and have a clear understanding of.  
Class NameCore Ability'sClass RarityClass Summary
Sorcerer Charisma Uncommon, 1 per Party Powers from descended bloodline, unique spell-like abilities among spells.
Oracle Charisma Uncommon, 1 per Party Divine spells, supernatural curse, domain casting, magic source unknown.
Psychic INT or CHA Uncommon, 1 per Party Resource-limited, unique psionic adjustments, and some cantrips.
Bard Charisma Uncommon, 1 per Party Jacks of all trades, fueled by potent occult spells, buffer and debuffer.

Prepared Caster Classes

Spellcasters that cast spells they remember or write down, as well as through external sources.  
Class NameCore Ability'sClass RarityClass Summary
Wizard Intelligence Uncommon, 1 per Part Arcane casters, modifying and bending spells, make your own subclass.
Witch Intelligence Uncommon, 1 per Part Sister class to wizard, can choose from any spell list, has a patron deity, enhanced familiar companion.
Clerik Wisdom Uncommon, 1 per Part Channel the power of gods, expanding spells through godly domains, partial martial.
Summoner Charisma Rare, DM Discretion Evolves mainly around summoning, are linked, like a proxy fighter, Stand user-style class.

4. Assign your Character Attibutes for your Six Ability Scores.

Keep in mind that your character Class, Ancestry and Background give you certain boots when creating the character ontop of the basic point assignment. As for the Ability scores and what they do here is a quick rundown.   Strenght : Your Strength modifier gets added to melee damage rolls and how much Bulk your character can carry.
  Dexterity : Dexterity is with ranged weapons or use stealth to surprise foes. Your Dexterity modifier is also added to your character’s AC and Reflex saving throws.
  Constitution : Your Constitution modifier is added to your Hit Points and Fortitude saving throws.
  Intelligence : Your Intelligence modifier gives your character an addiotnal trained skill or additional languages per bonus.
  Wisdom : Your Wisdom modifier is added to your Perception and Will saving throws.
  Charisma : Your Charisma modifier is used for most social skills like society, or deception and important in swaying others

5. Contact the DM and Create your Charactersheet

You should have everything you want written down neatly, either in a PDF or a text document. Now, you and your DM will go into your virtual tabletop of your choice and build your character. Add your information into the character websheet with the help of your DM and assign your attribute points.   Now, after adding all those things, you gain 10 gold for each level you start with to buy equipment or tools that are non-magical. Your DM will assign you a magic item if the party already has access to magic items.   Assign your feats as per your level. (You can always contact your DM to inquire about available feats.)    

With that, your character is now created. Wait for the next session announcement and get ready to roleplay with your created character.


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