LEGACY PF.2e Arboren Ancestry

The Arboren, the tree people of the vast forests, are a unique and ancient race in the world of Infinitum. Unlike most races, they are unable to wear clothing, their bark-covered bodies seamlessly blending with the trees they call home. Wisdom flows through their veins like sap, and their long lives are marked by a deep connection to the natural world. However, their resistance to change means they have difficulty adapting to new knowledge or technology. These arboreal beings live in harmony among the trees, often hidden from the prying eyes of outsiders. They share a special bond with woodland creatures and occasionally interact with sharp-eared elves who also dwell in the forests.   Their purpose is to protect the sanctity of nature, a role bestowed upon them by the elves centuries ago. Over time, they have evolved to lead their own lives, some even venturing into the bustling cities and villages, though these encounters with the outside world are rare and marked by their unique, unclothed appearance.  

Common Traits

Eternal Guardians: Arboren possess an innate, unwavering commitment to protect their forest homes.
Ancient Wisdom: They are repositories of age-old knowledge and traditions, embodying the wisdom of the natural world.
Mystical Connection: Arboren can communicate with and command the flora and fauna of their forests through a mystical bond.

Potential Traits

Restless Wanderlust: Despite their rooted existence, a few Arboren feel an inexplicable urge to explore distant lands and have a yearning for adventure.
Masterful Orators: While typically reserved, some Arboren have developed remarkable skills in persuasive speech and diplomacy, defying their tendencies.
Experimental Artistry: Unconventional artists among the Arboren experiment with avant-garde forms of expression.

Physical Description

The Arboren are colossal beings, towering over the surrounding forest like ancient trees brought to life. Their bodies resemble the majestic giants of the woods, with trunks instead of legs that seamlessly merge with their massive roots that spread deep into the earth. Their skin is bark-like, rough and gnarled, often adorned with intricate patterns unique to each individual.   Despite their tree-like appearance, the Arboren possess immense physical strength, capable of uprooting trees and boulders with ease. They are formidable guardians of their forests, using their immense size and strength to deter threats to their woodland homes. However, their enormous stature also makes them slower in movement compared to smaller races, and their reliance on the forest environment can leave them vulnerable in more open terrains.  

Society Development

The Arboren society is a harmonious blend of ancient wisdom and primal instincts. Living in close communion with the creatures of the forest, they consider animals not just as neighbors but as dear friends and allies. The Arboren have developed a unique, empathic connection with these woodland creatures, fostering mutual respect and cooperation. They often act as stewards of the natural world, tending to the needs of both flora and fauna in their vast forest homes. Their bond with the animals grants them insights into the ebb and flow of the forest's life, enabling them to protect it with unwavering devotion.   While the Arboren cherish their forest sanctuary, they are fiercely protective of it. In the past, encounters with outsiders who threatened their domains led to violent confrontations, earning them a reputation as enigmatic and formidable beings. However, their isolationist tendencies shifted over time as they formed coalitions with nearby towns and villages. These alliances transformed them into guardians not only of the woods but also of the human settlements that relied on the forests for resources. In exchange for protection, the Arboren receive support in maintaining their beloved forests, ensuring a delicate balance between the two worlds and forging a new chapter in their enduring history.  

Alignment And Religion

The Arboren are a race predominantly characterized by lawful tendencies, driven by their unwavering commitment to preserving the natural order of their forest domains. However, their society is not devoid of moral complexities, and some individuals may occasionally deviate from this alignment, succumbing to darker impulses that threaten the balance they hold dear and falling into the lawfull evil side.   Despite their generally unified faith in Mother Nature as their sole deity, there are rare instances when an Arboren is chosen by other godly or demigod entities, such as Flax, the Greater God of the Heart, or Juraz. These chosen ones serve as spiritual bridges between the Arboren and the broader realm, offering unique perspectives and powers that contribute to the multifaceted nature of their society while reaffirming their commitment to the sanctity of the natural world.  


Arborenname themselves with unique descriptions inspired by their surroundings. They draw from the colors of their bark and leaves, as well as the appearance of their blossoms or fruits. For instance, a tree might be called "Luminaflora" for its moonlit, star-like white blossoms, or "Verdelifire" for its green leaves and fiery-red fruits. These names reflect their personality and role in the forest's tapestry of life.   Examples: Lumivara, Redlily, Purplebrush, Shroomblight, Sporeblight, Honeybright

Ancestry Mechanics

Hit Points: 12
Size: Medium
Speed: 20 feet
Ability Boosts: Constitution, Wisdom, Free
Ability Flaw: Strenght
Languages: Common, Feé
Additional Languages: equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Choose from Ancient Feé, Anglo, Cities-Anglo, Regal-Common, Under-Common
  Sunlight Healing: A arboren can enter a meditative, healing state as a 10-minute activity when exposed to direct sunlight, in which case they recover 1d8 Hit Points. At 3rd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, this healing increases by 1d8. Once a arboren has recovered Hit Points in this way, they are temporarily immune to further uses of Sunlight Healing for 1 day.  

Arboren Heritages

HeritageTypesFolk Heartige Ability/Trait
Nature of Invocation You augmented your tree body with magic. You gain one cantrip from the arcane or occult spell list. You can cast this spell as an innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up.
Nature of Wisdom You enhanced your tree body with a connection to the forest, allowing you to tap into the infinite knowledge of the world of the nature and fey. You gain the Call to Nature action.
Nature of Life Your Eyes bears small shoots that can share life. When using your Sunlight Healing, you can restore the Hit Points of an adjacent ally instead of yourself. That ally becomes temporarily immune to all uses of Sunlight Healing for 1 day.
Nature of Passing Your body remains connected with the plants that created it. You can ignore difficult terrain and uneven ground caused by undergrowth. In addition, when you use the Acrobatics skill to Balance on narrow surfaces or uneven ground within forests, you aren’t flat-footed. When you roll a success attempting one of these Acrobatics checks, you get a critical success instead.
Nature of Hardness Your bodys bark rivals the hardest armors that can be found. Your bark is medium armor in the plate armor group that grants a +4 item bonus to AC, a Dex cap of +1, a check penalty of –2, and a Strength value of 16, and has the comfort trait. You can never wear other armor or ripp off your bark. You can etch armor runes onto your exoskeleton as normal.

1st-Level Ancestry Feats

Arboren Lore none You have learned about your history and your people from the wood elves. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Crafting and Nature. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Arboren Lore.
Arboren Weaponry none You have taken it upon yourself to learn the ways of combat to aid with your tasks, perhaps in a role as a corrector. You are trained with the composite shortbow, glaive, longspear, longsword, shortbow, and spear. You also gain access to two uncommon weapons. For the purpose of determining your proficiency, martial weapons are simple weapons and advanced weapons are martial weapons.
Arboren Protection none 1-action, You manipulate your body or can touch another willing person to overlap itself. You or the person gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.

5th-Level Ancestry Feats

Wooden Strider none You are adept at dodging roots, foliage, and other forest obstacles. You ignore difficult terrain in forests and jungles. In addition, when you use the Acrobatics skill to Balance on narrow surfaces or uneven ground made of plant material, you aren’t flat-footed, and when you roll a success at one of these Acrobatics checks, you get a critical success instead.
Wooden Owl none You tend to do most of your hunting and work at night and have adapted to the requirements of nocturnal life. You gain darkvision, allowing you to see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can in bright light. However, in darkness, you see in black and white only.
Wooden Defense none Ýou gain 10 temp-hp tand a creature with the animal, beast, elemental, fey, fungus, or plant trait attacks you, and you can see the attacker and he becomes unhiden. You can take this feat up to 3 times.
Wooden Healing none You have learned how to master the power contained within sunlight, just like the trees that form your body. Your Sunlight Healing recovers 1d8 Hit Points per level.

9th-Level Ancestry Feats

Elven Shield none Your creators graced you with powers of protection. You can cast resist energy and shield other each once per day as 2nd-level divine innate spells.
Elven Gift none Your creators has allowed you to call upon their gifts to serve their ends. You can cast augury and calm emotions each once per day as 2nd-level divine innate spells.
Draw Emotion none You touch an adjacent creature and attempt to draw out its excess emotion. Attempt a counteract check against a single emotion or fear effect affecting the touched creature. If you succeed, you gain temporary Hit Points equal to your level for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round).
Draw Power none Your bodys’s weapons are even more potent. gain a claws unarmed attack, it gains the deadly d8 trait. your branch unarmed attack, it gains the shove and trip traits.

13th-Level Ancestry Feats

Elven Growth Elven gift or shield You can alter your bodys’s size. You constantly gain the effects of enlarge. You can dismiss or resume these effects as an action, which has the concentrate trait.
Draw Greed Draw Emotion or Power Your gift has altered your mindset to more resemble the uncanny perspective of the fey. When you roll a critical failure against an emotion or fear effect, you get a failure instead. Once per day in place of attempting a saving throw against an emotion or fear effect, you can automatically treat your result as though you had rolled a 20; this is a fortune effect. However, your extraordinary emotional detachment makes it difficult to encourage you. You reduce any bonus you gain from an emotion effect by 1.
Poison Branches none With a combination of your poison glands and herbal concoctions, you can consistently deliver venomous attacks when you hit an enemy’s weak points. When you critically hit using a Strike with a weapon or unarmed attack and deal slashing or piercing damage with that Strike, you deal an additional 1d4 persistent poison damage to your target.

17th-Level Ancestry Feats

Branch Rider none Using your ancestors' bodys, you manifest their spirits around you in a natrual form, terrifying your foes. You can cast mask of terror on yourself as a primal innate spell once per day. When you do, you appear as a undead decaying ancestor, twisted in a way that inspires the deepest fears of those who observe you.
Fey Magic none You unlock a new level of fey power and can manipulate the perceptions of others using a font of First World magic. You gain the fey glamour focus spell as a primal spell that doesn't have the sorcerer trait. If you don't already have a focus pool, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point.


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