LEGACY PF.2e Beastpeople Ancestry

The Beastpeople, an extraordinary ancestry of humanoid beings, were shaped by the divine hand of Sanguis Gladio, the Chaotic God of Chaos & War. Despite his imposing title, Sanguis is a god known for his close connection to mortals, often walking among them in mortal guise to better understand and learn from their lives. As the creator of the Beastpeople, he carefully crafted their nature, blending their ancestral roots with the essence of various furry mammals, including bears, foxes, wolves, and ratels.   These Beastpeople exhibit a unique combination of traits, each influenced by their specific animal lineage. They bear a resemblance to the creatures that inspired their creation, with fur, ears, and tails that reflect their mammalian counterparts. Sanguis, in his wisdom, designed the Beastpeople to be adaptable and versatile, allowing them to harness the strengths of both their human, dwarf, or elven heritage and the attributes of their animal lineage. This fusion of traits gives rise to various subgroups of Beastpeople, each with its own set of distinctive features and abilities, ultimately enriching the world's diversity and culture.

Common Traits

Innate Curiosity: Beastpeople possess a natural curiosity that drives them to explore the world around them. They are drawn to the mysteries of their surroundings and often find themselves investigating new places, cultures, and ideas. This curiosity can lead to exciting adventures and a deeper understanding of the world.
Close-Knit Communities: Beastpeople value strong bonds with their kin and tend to form close-knit communities. They prioritize loyalty and support within their social circles, creating a sense of belonging and camaraderie. These tight-knit relationships extend beyond immediate family, often encompassing friends and allies.
Adaptive Resilience: Beastpeople are known for their adaptability and resilience in the face of challenges. They embrace change and are quick to adjust to new circumstances, making them resourceful problem solvers. Their ability to navigate unpredictable situations makes them valuable allies in times of crisis.

Potential Traits

Innate Linguists: A rare subset of Beastpeople possess a natural aptitude and intresst for languages and communication.
Eco-Activists: Uncommonly, some Beastpeople are fervent advocates and live for environmental preservation and balance.
Ancient Lorekeepers: In a society that values adaptability, a rare few Beastpeople have a deep fascination with history and ancient knowledge.  

Physical Description

Beastpeople, both males and females, possess well-toned and muscular physiques, rivaling the strength of other formidable humanoid species such as orcs. Their average height ranges from 160 to 190 centimeters, making them shorter than orcs but no less physically imposing. These robust individuals reach maturity at the young age of 10 and typically enjoy a lifespan of 60 to 100 years.   One distinguishing feature of the Beastpeople is their animal-like ears and tails, which set them apart from standard humans. These unique characteristics add a touch of the wild to their otherwise indistinguishable, muscular appearance. Females often display dominant tendencies and may even surpass their male counterparts in stature. This is partly due to their innate motherly instincts, which drive them to protect their offspring while the males are away on hunting expeditions.   The distaste for alcohol and drugs within their culture reflects their focus on physical and mental clarity, ensuring they are always at their best to safeguard their communities and loved ones.  

Society Development

Beastpeople have evolved their societies over time, transitioning from tribal communities nestled deep within forests to more structured settlements resembling the ways of humans. In their early history, these tribes were often led by a matriarchal system, where females held prominent roles in governance, decision-making, and protection. This leadership was a testament to the innate motherly instincts of Beastpeople women, as they were seen as the primary guardians of their communities. However, as Beastpeople continued to adapt to changing circumstances and interacted with other races, their societal structures evolved as well.   In the present day, Beastpeople communities tend to favor a more balanced and egalitarian approach to leadership. They have shifted toward shared rulership, where both males and females hold equal authority and responsibility in decision-making processes. This transition has been influenced by the recognition that the strengths of both genders are vital for the survival and prosperity of their societies. As a result, the Beastpeople have cultivated a harmonious coexistence, celebrating the unique contributions of every member, regardless of gender, and ensuring a more inclusive and resilient society.  

Alignment And Religion

Beastpeople exhibit a natural inclination towards chaotic behavior, rooted in their feral instincts and playful nature. However, their adaptability allows many of them to embrace lawfulness, particularly when residing in more structured and visited communities. They have a distinct preference for the company of other humanoid races, with humans being their favored breeding partners due to their compatibility. In matters of religion, Beastpeople often adopt the faiths prevalent in the regions where they reside, with a significant number showing reverence for Sanguis, the Chaotic God of Chaos & War who played a pivotal role in their creation. Some Beastpeople choose to blend aspects of their native religion with Sanguis' teachings  


Beastpeople names are often chosen with care, reflecting their connection to both their ancestral roots and their adaptability to new cultures. Many Bearpeople names are influenced by the languages and naming conventions of the regions they inhabit, particularly when residing among humans or other humanoid races. Male names such as Atticus, Silas, Cassius, and Leo and female names like Ava, Jude, Mabel, and Clementine have become common, inspired by the diverse cultures they encounter.   Examples: Atticus, Silas, Cassius, and Leo and female names like Ava, Jude, Mabel, and Clementine

Ancestry Mechanics

Hit Points: 8
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 ft.
Ability Boosts: Constitution, Wisdom, Free
Ability Flaw: Charisma
Language: Common, Zmei
Additional Languages: 1 plus equal to your Intelligence modifier
Choose from Daemonic, Diabolic, Empyrean, Tsmok, Zwerg
  Low-Light Vision: You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.
Land on Your Feet: When you fall, you take only half the normal damage and don't land prone.  

Beastpeople Ethnicitys

  Flaxian Beastpeople (Eastern)
Koandian Beastpeople (European)
Saryian Beastpeople (Asian)

Beastpeople Heritages

HeritageTypesFolk Heartige Ability/Trait
Wolf Beastpeople (Cold) You come from a long line of skilled hunters and trackers and have a particularly keen sense of smell. You gain imprecise scent with a range of 30 feet. This means you can use your sense of smell to determine a creature's location. The GM will usually double the range if you're downwind from the creature or halve the range if you're upwind. In addition, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Track a creature or object if you've smelled it before.
Fox Beastpeople (Chaos) You have the ability to assume the appearance of a specific Creature or type of Creature that has to be a humanoid, but you retain most of your own physical qualities. You cannot change shape to a form larger or smaller than medium. This ability functions as a Polymorph spell, but the Creature does not adjust its ability scores or gain any of its abilitys.
Rabbit Beastpeople (Lawfull) You were born with big, expressive ears that move with your moods and perk up at any unexpected sound. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to locate undetected creatures that you could hear within 30 feet with a Seek action. As long as you're aware of a creature via sound, once per round, your ears can help you Point Out the creature to all allies as a free action.
Tiger Beastpeople (Electricty) Your family has always seemed to bounce back from disaster, not through physical hardiness or specialized skill, but from sheer luck. Other beastpeople whisper that you have nine lives. If you are reduced to 0 Hit Points by a critical hit on an attack roll, you become dying 1 instead of dying 2.
Monkey Beastpeople (Fire) You are part of an beastpeople community that participates in ritual scarification or furr sheding. The marks on your skin show your exceptional hardiness and vitality. You gain 10 Hit Points from your ancestry instead of 8. You also gain the Diehard feat.
Bear Beastpeople (Positive) You have a thick coat of fur that protects you from the cold. You gain cold resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1). You treat environmental cold effects as if they were one step less extreme (incredible cold becomes extreme, extreme cold becomes severe, and so on).
Raccon Beastpeople (Negtative) Your incredibly small bones allow you to easily compress your body and squeeze through gaps. You gain the Quick Squeeze feat as a bonus feat, even if you aren't trained in Acrobatics. Tight spaces not tight enough to require the Squeeze action aren't difficult terrain for you.
Ratel Beastpeople (Sonic) You come from a long line of ratel beastpeople from a community based in the sewers beneath a large settlement. You are immune to the disease filth fever. Each of your successful saving throws against a disease or poison reduces its stage by 2, or by 1 for a virulent disease or poison. Each critical success against an ongoing disease or poison reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 for a virulent disease or poison.

1st-Level Ancestry Feats

Ancestry FeatPrerequisitesFeatureability
Beast Rider none To you,moutain lions, tigers, wolfes are loyal steeds, not monsters. You gain the Ride feat, even if you don't meet the prerequisites. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Nature checks to Handle an Animal as long as the animal is a non-sapient cat or wolf.
Razor Claws none You have honed your claws to be deadly. You gain a claw attack that deals 1d6 slashing damage and gains the versatile (piercing) trait.
Beast Whisperer none You hear the sounds of cats, wolfs, foxes, bears, rabbits and skunks as language. You can ask questions of, receive answers from, and use the Diplomacy skill with them (the GM determines which animals count as cat or wolf etc.).
Whisk Fire none A crack of your tail sparks wisps of blue, red, yellow or purple energy. Choose either electricity, fire, negative or positive when you gain this feat. You gain a whiskfire ranged unarmed attack with a maximum range of 20 feet. The attack deals 1d4 damage of the chosen type (no ability modifier is added to the damage roll). Your whisk fire is in the sling weapon group and has the magical trait.
Like other unarmed attacks, you can improve this attack with handwraps of mighty blows. Special If you are a Fox beastperson your whiskfire deals chaos damage instead.
Sharp Fangs strenght +2 Your teeth are formidable weapons. You gain a fangs unarmed attack that deals 1d8 piercing damage with the 1d12 deadly trait.
Seeking Eyes trained perception A lifetime of experience helps you see through disguises. When you come within 10 feet of a creature that is transformed into another form or is Impersonating a specific creature or disgused, the GM rolls a secret Perception check for you to realize that the creature is transformed, even if you didn't spend an action to Seek against that creature.
Beast Traveler wisdom +2 You have seen people from so many walks of life in your travels that you naturally adopt a pleasant and affable demeanor when meeting others. You become trained in Diplomacy. If you are already trained in Diplomacy (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. In addition, you gain the Hobnobber skill feat.
Beastfolk Weapon dexterity +2 You favor weapons that you can use with quick, darting slashes like a cat's claws. You are trained with the poi, tanto, naginata, uchigatana, and nagakiba they count as beastfolk weapons.

5th-Level Ancestry Feats

Ancestry FeatPrerequisitesFeatureability
Light paws none You can balance on your toes to step carefully over obstructions. You can use 2 action to Stride and then Step, or Step and then Stride, to ignore difficult terrain during the asformationed movement.
Hunters Pride none You avoid the attention of creatures focused on your allies. You can use lesser cover from your allies to Hide.
People Guidance none You can use the Aid reaction to grant a +2 bonus to an ally's Reflex save. As usual for Aid, you need to prepare by using an action on your turn to encourage the ally.
Sprining Leaper trained athletics You can Leap as a 2-action activity to double the distance you can Leap vertically, or Leap as a 3-action activity to triple the distance you can Leap vertically. You don't automatically fail Long Jumps for jumping in a different direction than your Stride.
Weapon Rake Beastfolk weapon feat Whenever you critically hit using a beastfolk weapon, you apply the weapon's critical specialization effect twice.
Elemental Claws Razor Claw Feat Your claw attack deals another 1d6 type damage based on your heritage, it also gains the deadly-d8 trait
Remarkable Eyes Seeking Eyes Feat You gain Darkvision and are able to decern a creatures type if you succeed on a seeking eye check ontop of their disguse
Curl Ball trained in acrobatics You roll up into a ball and move up to four times your Speed in a straight line down an incline. If you reach the bottom of the incline or hit an obstacle during this first turn of movement, you stop rolling safely.   Otherwise, you automatically keep rolling at this Speed during subsequent turns until you hit the bottom of the incline or an obstacle ends this movement (which can happen in the middle of your turn). You're slowed 2 each turn after the first that you keep rolling, and if you hit an obstacle on a turn after the first, you and the obstacle both take 2d6+6 bludgeoning damage and you stop rolling.

9th-Level Ancestry Feats

Ancestry FeatPrerequisitesFeatureability
Defensive Senses dexterity +3 Your body tenses up when surrounded, putting you on edge just enough to anticipate an attack. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the beginning of your next turn and Step.
Uncanny Awareness wisdom +3 You have a keen sense of movement around you. You gain motion sense as an imprecise sense out to 30 feet. Motion sense allows you to detect nearby motion through vibration and air movement.
Beastfolk dance constitution +3 Once per hour after resolving the successful attack, the triggering creature must attempt a Fortitude save against the higher of your class DC or your spell DC. On a failure, you and the triggering creature switch places. You and the triggering creature must each be able to fit in the new space, and your positions must be unoccupied.
Dormarling Seeker trained nature or religion You and your family know well the ravages of dormlaring predations, and you know how to best defend yourself against their growing corruption in the world. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against occult spells.
Size of the Warrior trained arcana The beastpeople of old were tricksters able to step across wide rivers or slip into impossibly small spaces. You can cast enlarge and shrink once per day each as 2nd-level divine innate spells. You can target only yourself and other beastpeople with these spells.
Uncanny Cheeks trained survival You squirrel away useful objects and seem to retrieve them at just the right time. You gain the Prescient Consumable and Prescient Planner feats, except that you always withdraw the objects from your cheek pouches. This means the object you retrieve must fit in your cheek pouches; this is generally an item of negligible Bulk unless you also have the Cheek Pouches feat.

13th-Level Ancestry Feats

Ancestry FeatPrerequisitesFeatureability
Warren Digger none You've learned to put your sturdy claws to work digging through the earth. You gain a burrow Speed of 15 feet.
Nimble Climber none You've learned to put your sturdy claws to work clinging to buildings. You gain a climbing Speed of 15 feet.
Skitter Sneak none You squish, slink, and skitter from cover to cover with great speed and stealth. You can move up to your full Speed when you Sneak.
Beastyowl none An ally within 30 feet would be reduced to 0 HP but not immediately killed. You give a daring yowl in the face of adversity, calling your companion back from the brink of unconsciousness. Your ally isn't knocked out and remains at 1 Hit Point. Your ally's wounded condition still increases by 1 as though they had been dying and recovered.

17th-Level Ancestry Feats

Ancestry FeatPrerequisitesFeatureability
Trouble breaker dexterity +3 You slip through your foe's opening. Stride up to your Speed. This movement doesn't trigger movement-based reactions from the creature that missed you.
Ten Lives constitution +3 When your character would die, you can attempt a DC 17 flat check. On a success, you're instead reduced to 0 HP and a dying value 1 less than would normally kill you (typically dying 3). This doesn't change the result for any other creature affected.
9-Tailed Beast Elemental Claws Once per day for the duration of 5 minutes per your wisdom score modifier, you can change shape into a quadrupdal elemental animal like form based on the animal of your ancestry with 9 consecutive tails. your size becomes Huge and you gain a +1 Bonus to all of your ability score modifiers.
Primal Scales Defensive Senses You can cause bloody scales to grow on your body and glow with a suttle dark red color, protecting you from energy while scaring foes. Once per day, you can cast prismatic armor as an divine innate spell, except the spell makes you grow bloody scales instead of causing you to be clad in armor. This difference is cosmetic, and the spell has all the same effects as normal.


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