LEGACY PF.2e Dormarling Ancestry

Dormarlings, a diverse and enigmatic race, possess a multitude of unique traits and appearances, reflecting their origins as creations of Koandicen, the god of evil. These beings, shaped by Koandicen's will, served as his slave soldiers in the relentless storms of war until the gates closed. Among the various Dormarling types are the Death Fiends, known as Fomoire, whose bodies and features resemble imposing, feline bipeds. The Fire Fiends, or Cambion, bear distinct goat-like characteristics, with some sporting lower halves reminiscent of goats, complete with tails and ears, while others appear more human save for their skin and goathorns.   Frost Fiends, named Thraugon, exhibit Yeti-like traits, with some possessing lower halves resembling those of Yetis, while others appear nearly human, with their skin being their sole distinguishing feature. Love Fiends, the Raccubus, take on a more human-like appearance, featuring thin tails that end in heart shapes and brown or skin-colored protruding horns. Among them are the Mask Fiends, or Haileen, who have striking white snowy bodies, dark hair, and flaming red, orange, or yellow eyes. Their faces are adorned with ebony white masks that are an integral part of their bodies, and they have elongated limbs. Finally, the Ogre Fiends, known as Akuma, evoke tales of Oni and their ancestors, characterized by blue or red skin and prominent front horns.   This immense variety among Dormarlings demonstrates the extent of Koandicen's experimentation in crafting his formidable armies, each type boasting distinct appearances and abilities tailored for different roles.  

Common Traits

Innate Charisma: Dormarlings possess a natural charm and magnetic presence that draws others to them. They have a knack for making connections and persuading people, which makes them skilled negotiators and effective communicators in social situations.
Independence: Dormarlings value their independence and often have a strong desire for self-determination. They are self-reliant individuals who prefer to make their own choices and carve their own paths in life, resisting attempts to control or manipulate them.
Resilience: Dormarlings exhibit a remarkable resilience in the face of adversity. Their ability to endure challenges, setbacks, and discrimination with a stoic and determined attitude sets them apart. They don't easily succumb to external pressures and are known for their ability to bounce back from difficult situations.

Potential Traits

Longing for Servitude: Despite their fiendish lineage and potentially rebellious nature, some Dormarlings harbor a peculiar longing for servitude or subservience. They may feel a deep-seated desire to follow strong leaders or to be part of an organized hierarchy.
Thrill-Seeking: Many Dormarlings have an insatiable appetite for excitement and thrill-seeking activities. They find joy in pushing boundaries, taking risks, and experiencing the adrenaline rush of dangerous adventures. This adventurous spirit often leads them to explore uncharted territories.
Hatred of All Other Species and Religions: A significant portion of Dormarlings bear a deep-seated animosity toward all other species and religions, which can be traced back to their creation by Koandicen as his slave soldiers. They view other races and belief systems with contempt and distrust.  

Physical Description

Dormarlings exhibit an incredibly diverse range of physical appearances, influenced by their fiendish ancestry. One common trait among them is their distinctive skin tones, which can range from deep shades of crimson, obsidian black, ashen gray, or even unearthly hues like deep blue or dark green. Their eyes often share these same striking colors, glowing with an eerie intensity, giving them an otherworldly aura.   Another noteworthy feature of Dormarlings is their unique set of horns, which can vary widely in shape and size. Some have long, sweeping horns that curve gracefully from their foreheads, resembling those of majestic creatures like antelopes or ibexes. Others may possess shorter, more sharply angled horns that give them a fierce and imposing countenance. Additionally, some Dormarlings have tails, often resembling those of animals like wolves, serpents, or even scorpions. These tails can be a source of intrigue or fascination, and they serve both aesthetic and functional purposes.   Their overall physique ranges from lithe and agile to powerfully built, reflecting the diversity of their lineages, and their height can span from slightly below average to towering figures, making Dormarlings an incredibly diverse and enigmatic race.  

Society Development

The history of the Dormarlings is a tale of transformation and resilience. Originally created as slave soldiers by the god Koandicen to serve his warlike ambitions, they were bred for war and destruction. However, over time, they defied their intended purpose and forged a new identity. The Dormarlings' society has evolved from one of servitude to one of diversity and independence.   Today, Dormarlings are a multifaceted race, and they live among various other species and cultures, resisting their past as tools of destruction. They have grown to resent the idea of servitude and have actively sought to break free from the shackles of their dark origin. While the memory of their servitude still lingers, they now aspire to build their own destinies and forge meaningful connections with others. This transformation from slaves to free individuals has led to a society that values individuality, self-determination, and the pursuit of diverse ambitions, marking them as a complex and evolving race.  

Alignment And Religion

The Dormarlings exhibit a vast spectrum of alignments and religious beliefs, mirroring the diversity of their society. Their alignment can vary from extreme evil to pure good, and they embrace both chaos and lawfulness, reflecting the wide array of experiences and environments they have encountered. Dormarlings who grew up among the unforgiving Void Sands may exhibit a more chaotic or malevolent nature, while those raised in human communities may lean toward a more orderly or benevolent disposition. This inherent adaptability and capacity for both light and darkness make them a complex and unpredictable race.   In terms of religion, Dormarlings are known to follow a wide range of faiths, much like humans. They are generally accepting of various religious beliefs, with one notable exception—any religion that reveres Koandicen and his arch demons is met with strong opposition and disdain. While the majority of Dormarlings reject the worship of the god who once enslaved them, there are isolated cases of individuals, often older and more traditional, who still adhere to these dark beliefs. Such instances are met with disapproval and even ostracism from the broader Dormarling community, as they strive to distance themselves from their painful history and embrace a brighter future.


Dormarlings' names are a reflection of their diverse heritage and the environments they grew up in. Their naming conventions can vary greatly based on their ancestry and surroundings. Those who have spent their lives among humans may adopt human names, while others who have been raised in more isolated or unique communities might have names that reflect their surroundings or cultural traditions. Dormarlings' names are a testament to their adaptability, and they often serve as a bridge between their own diverse backgrounds and the world they now inhabit, showcasing the rich tapestry of their past and present experiences.   Examples: Darak, Günther, Vlar-Kóth, Andree, Mrai, Maiya, Deänea

Ancestry Mechanics

Hit Points: 8
Size: Medium
Speed: 25 feet
Ability Boosts: Wisdom, Free
Language: Common, Diabolic
Additional Languages: 2 plus equal to your Intelligence modifier
Choose from from Daemonic, Diavoli, Nihang, Regal-Common, Under-Common, Zhong, Zwerg   Abysaal Walk: You can stride on void sand without sinking using half your movement speed.

Dormaling Heritages

HeritageTypesHeritageLooksFolk Heartige Ability/Trait
Thraugon (Frost Devil) Pure Red, Yellow or Orange Eyes   Hair White to Black   Skin White to Greyblue to blueblack Your ancestors resided on snowy peaks or the elemental of the hte ice sanktum. You gain cold resistance 5. You treat environmental cold effects as if they were one step less extreme (incredible cold becomes extreme, extreme cold becomes severe, and so on).
Cambion (Fire Devil) Eyes with Yellow Scelera   Black, Brown or Blond Hair   Skin Pink to deep red with Ram horns and a tail You descend from a line of terrifying battlefield commanders fighting in the deepest part of the Center of Magi. You are resistant 5 to fire damage, become trained in the Intimidation, and you gain the Intimidating Glare skill feat.
Akuma (Ogre Demon) White, Red or Blue skin   One or Two Oni horns   Black Scelera You are part of an dormaling group that participates in ritual tattooing. The marks on your skin show your exceptional hardiness and vitality. You gain 10 Hit Points from your ancestry instead of 8. You also gain the Diehard feat.
Raccubus (Love Demon) Red or Yellow Eyes   Skin either Fair white, red or blue   a Long Tail with a heartshape ending and Long nubian Goat horns. You life and die, of the essence of life in every creature. You can Spend 3 Actions to touch a willing creature next to you and drink some of their bodily fluids. The DC of the next spell you cast gains a +2 to its DC Save. This Bonus cannot be stacked, and only lasts 10 minutes.
Haileen (Mask Demon) Pure black bodys with black eyes and black skin but white nails   with a White mask in the shape of an animal skull on their head. You can exert your unsettling presence to subtly Demoralize others. When you do, Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait, and you don't take a penalty when you attempt to Demoralize a creature that doesn't understand your language.
Fomoire (Death Demon) Furr Skin and the Head of an animal with hindlegs and claws ofthe same kind You were exposed to powerful necromantic energies that should have killed you-but you survived. You gain resistance 5 to negative damage. You also gain a +2 bonus to will saving throws.

1st-Level Ancestry Feats

Steel Strikes strenght +1 Your fists have been forged by battle, your naturally tough skin and dense bone further hardened by conflict. Your unarmed attacks no longer have the nonlethal trait and gain the shove weapon trait.
Dormarling Lore intelegence +1 The hold elders taught you your people's histories, told tales of great athletic feats, and shared with you the hardships your ancestors endured so that you can pass this wisdom down to future generations. You gain a +1 in Athletics and Survival. You also become trained in Dormaling Lore.
Dormarling Determination constitution+1 Once per day, when You would be reduced to 0 Hit Points but not immediately killed.   Fierceness in battle runs through your blood, and you refuse to fall from your injuries. You avoid being knocked out and remain at 1 Hit Point, and your wounded condition increases by 1.
Dormarling Fangs none Your jaws can crush bone and bite through armor. You gain a jaws unarmed attack dealing 1d8 piercing damage. and the agile trait
Dormarling Tail Strike Heritage with tail By birth or throyugh training, your tail is strong enough to make for a powerful melee weapon. You gain a tail unarmed attack that deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and has the sweep trait.
Dormarling Astrology none You find wisdom in the movements of the skys. Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes to draw upon your readings of a recent night's sky to gain the trained proficiency rank in one skill of your choice; the chosen skill's key attribute must be Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom.   This proficiency lasts until your next daily preparation. Since this proficiency is temporary, you can't use it as a prerequisite for a skill increase or a permanent character option like a feat.

5th-Level Ancestry Feats

Dormarling Venom Dormarling Fangs You envenom your fangs and jaw. If the next jaw Strike you make before the end of your next turn hits and deals damage, the Strike deals an additional 1d6 poison damage. On a critical failure, the poison is wasted as normal.
Flexiable Tail Heritage with tail You can perform simple Interact actions with your tail, such as opening an unlocked door. Your tail can't perform actions that require fingers or significant manual dexterity, including any action that would require a check to accomplish, but you can use it to hold items that arent heavier than light bulk 4.
Koandicens Walk dexterity +2 You stick to walls with a preternatural grip, also allowing you to walk on walls as if you were walking on solid ground. You gain a climb Speed of 15 feet.
Bloody Strenght none Your lethal unarmed attacks leave bloody gouges or cause severe internal bleeding. When you critically hit with a Strike using an unarmed attack that isn't nonlethal, the target takes 1d4 persistent bleed damage.   This can be because you're taking the penalty to use a fist for a lethal attack or because you have an unarmed attack without the nonlethal trait due to Iron Fists or a similar ability.
Athletic Might strenght +2 Surviving in hostile terrain has given you a great talent for mobility. Whenever you roll a success on an Athletics check to Climb or Swim, you get a critical success instead if you are not encumbered.
Shifting Faces charisma +2 You wear many faces, even those that don't belong to you. Thrice per day, as 2-actions you gain the effects of 3rd-level illusory disguise for 1 hour or until you shift back, except it's a transmutation effect rather than an illusion.

9th-Level Ancestry Feats

Devil Trick trained in arcana You always have time for a joke or prank. You Create a Diversion, Conceal an Object, or Hide. All creatures who witnessed your Devil Trick then wise up to it, becoming temporarily immune to your Devil Trick for 24 hours.
Devil Size trained in occultism The Dormarlings of old were tricksters able to step across wide rivers or slip into impossibly small spaces. You can cast enlarge and shrink once per day each as 2nd-level divine innate spells. You can target only yourself and other vanaras with these spells.
Death Defying Demon trained in acrobatics You resist death's clutches with supernatural vigor. Once per day as 3-actions, you gain temporary Hit Points equal to your level.
Magic Denying Demon trained in survival You steep yourself inpractice ancient mental exercises for shrugging off the effects of magic. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against spells and magical effects at all times.

13th-Level Ancestry Feats

Lifeblood Call strenght +3 The impulse to survive and continue fighting resonates deep within you. You gain a circumstance bonus to damage rolls on your melee Strikes equal to twice the sum of your wounded and doomed conditions (to a maximum of a +8 circumstance bonus to damage) whenever you have one or both conditions.
See the Unseen wisdom +3 You notice things that others can’t see at all. While you’re adjacent to an undetected creature of your level or lower, it is instead only hidden from you. You only need a successful DC 5 flat check to target a hidden creature.
Magic Influence intelegence +3 You unlock a new level of fey power and can manipulate the perceptions of others . You gain the fey glamour focus spell as a primal spell that doesn't have the sorcerer trait. If you don't already have a focus pool, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point. Special This feat gains the trait appropriate for your ancestry (human for human, beastpeople for beastpeople, etc.).
Spew Tentacles trained in occultism You can open your mouth to an immense size and spew forth an impossibly large field of tentacles. You can cast black tentacles once per day as an innate occult spell, though when you do so, you spew them from your mouth out to the appropriate range, where they take root and begin Grappling creatures as usual. The tentacles recognize you as a part of them and don't attempt to Grapple you, even if you are in the area.

17th-Level Ancestry Feats

Actionfull Power none You lash out viciously even as you fend off death. Make a single melee Strike. If this Strike brings a foe to 0 Hit Points, you gain 1 more action for you turn. (max total of 4-actions)
Devils Health none Once per day, if a living creature within 60 feet would die. The energy that flows in your blood can save a life in the direst of times. The triggering creature receives the effects of breath of life, except they recover a number of Hit Points equal to 6d8 plus your Constitution modifier.
Rallying Cry none You call out to your allies and push them to give their all in combat. All allies within 30 feet that can hear you gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your level. In addition, these allies become quickened for 1 minute but can only use the extra action to Step, Stride, or Strike.


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