LEGACY PF.2e Dragonkin Ancestry

The Dragonkin, a remarkable race of humanoid beings descended from the ancient true dragons, exhibit an intricate blend of both draconic and ancestral traits. These versatile beings have inherited their dragon heritage from diverse origins, with humans, dwarves, or elves as their other lineage, imparting distinctive characteristics. The manifestation of their draconic lineage can sometimes remain dormant for generations, emerging unexpectedly in later bloodlines. Breeding within their own species guarantees the inheritance of draconic traits, yielding three distinct categories known as "warps," each influenced by the particular dragon ancestor or their affinity for magical or primal forces.   The first category, the Full Scale kin, showcases Bipedal or Quadruple dragons with dragon-like heads, torsos, horns, claws, feet, and tails covered in scales. Often referred to as dragonborn, they exhibit a formidable combination of humanoid and dragon features. The Half-Scale kin, on the other hand, appear as Humanoid Dragonkin with distinctive dragon traits, such as horns, partial scales on their bodies, and dragon tails, earning them the occasional moniker of halfdragons. Lastly, the rarest among them are the Scale-less kin, resembling humans with the exception of their sharply scaled ears and dragon horns, showcasing minimal external dragon characteristics based on their heritage.   Dragonkin are known for their exceptional work ethic, often undertaking demanding manual labor and serving as the diligent workforce within their communities, reflecting both their ancestral heritage and the unique blend of traits they inherit from their dragon lineage.    

Common Traits

Stoic Determination: Dragonkin are known for their unwavering resolve and tenacity, persisting through challenges with unyielding determination.
Respect for Ancestry: Much like Dwarves, Dragonkin hold deep reverence for their ancestry, cherishing their lineage and traditions.
  Strong Sense of Loyalty: They value loyalty deeply, forming strong bonds with their kin and allies, and often going to great lengths.

Potential Traits

Avant-Garde Eccentricity: Some may embrace eccentric and avant-garde lifestyles, pushing the boundaries of convention with unconventional fashion.
Scholarly Reclusiveness: Uncommon , a few individuals may become reclusive scholars, choosing to seclude themselves in pursuit of esoteric knowledge.
Emotional Expression: In contrast to their stoic nature, certain Dragonkin may develop an exceptional ability to express and interpret emotions, allowing them to
connect with others on a profound emotional level, which is atypical within their culture.  

Physical Description

The Dragonkin's physicality is a captivating blend of humanoid and dragon features, reflecting their unique lineage. Their bodies, often robust and muscular, are endowed with the strength and resilience reminiscent of both humans and dragons. Each Dragonkin possesses a specialized chamber within their chest, intricately connected to their circulatory system, where their breath weapon is generated and harnessed. This chamber varies in size and design, influenced by the specific draconic heritage of the individual, and can be activated to unleash a potent breath attack in combat.   There are three distinct categories, or "warps," that define the physical differences among Dragonkin. The Full Scale kin, resembling Bipedal or Quadruple dragons, boast dragon-like heads, torsos, horns, claws, feet, and tails covered in resilient scales. Half-Scale kin, the humanoid Dragonkin, feature prominent horns, partial scales scattered across their bodies, and a sinuous dragon tail. Lastly, the Scale-less kin, while still bearing the scaled ears and dragon horns indicative of their heritage, resemble humans in most aspects, standing as a unique exception among their dragon-blooded kind. This striking combination of humanoid and dragon traits endows the Dragonkin with both aesthetic beauty and formidable physical prowess.  

Society Development

The Dragonkin society is a dynamic fusion of two distinct legacies, melding the primal instincts of their draconic ancestors with the cultural nuances inherited from their human, dwarven, or elven lineage. Their communities thrive in enclaves and settlements that reflect the rich tapestry of their heritage. While the Dragonkin naturally possess an inherent hierarchy, it is their affinity for curiosity and exploration that drives the development of their society.   Their communal life revolves around a unique blend of individualism and cooperation. They value personal growth and excellence, mirroring the independence found within their draconic lineage. However, Dragonkin society also places great importance on cooperation, with elders and wise leaders guiding their kin through times of turmoil and conflict. Like their ancient dragon ancestors, they exhibit an unwavering commitment to amassing knowledge and treasure, which they consider not just as wealth but as the embodiment of their culture's achievements.   The Dragonkin's origins trace back to a dark chapter in their history when they were originally created as slaves, their powerful draconic blood harnessed for the benefit of other races in positions of power. Over time, their unwavering spirit and unyielding determination led to a hard-fought liberation, allowing many to break free from their oppressive shackles. However, despite their newfound freedom, a lingering shadow persists, as some Dragonkin still find themselves ensnared by races in positions of wealth and privilege, their draconic lineage exploited for the gains of others, a somber reminder of the trials they have overcome and the ongoing struggles they face.  

Alignment And Religion

The moral compass of the Dragonkin is a complex tapestry, often aligning them with chaotic tendencies that lean towards either the benevolent or malevolent spectrum. Much like the unpredictable nature of chromatic dragons, their alignment may vary from chaotic good to chaotic evil, depending on individual circumstances and upbringing. Despite this variance, Dragonkin generally display a unique understanding of the world, tending not to resort to violence unless their lives or the lives of their kin are directly threatened. This nuanced approach to morality reflects their instinctual wisdom, derived from their ancient dragon lineage. In matters of religion, the Dragonkin are diverse in their beliefs.   Many among them revere Sanguis, the god of chaos, acknowledging the elemental forces of change and discord as intrinsic aspects of existence. Others find solace in the religious teachings of the Blades of Judgment, embracing a structured path of morality and justice that contrasts with their chaotic tendencies. These faiths provide a framework for the Dragonkin to navigate their own moral complexities and to seek guidance in a world where they balance their unpredictable nature with a desire for understanding and redemption.


Dragon names among the Dragonkin are richly melodious, resonating with the sonorous and exotic qualities of a language that bears similarities to the ancient tongues of their draconic forebears. These names often encapsulate the essence of their heritage, with syllables that evoke both strength and grace. As each Dragonkin is unique, their names reflect their individuality while honoring the deep-rooted traditions of their people. These names draw inspiration from the language's lyrical cadence, crafting monikers that are as enchanting as they are evocative.   Examples: "Drakaroth, Vorlanthir, Zephyrix, Kavrexil" Female, "Azuralia, Sylvaria, Valandara, Zyrelitha"

Ancestry Mechanics

Hit Points: 10
Size: Small or Medium
Speed: 25 feet
Ability Boosts: Strength and one free Ability Boosts
Language: Common, Tsmok
Additional Languages: 1 plus equal to your Intelligence modifier
Choose from Diavoli, Daemonic, Oalk, Zmei, Zwerg, Feé   Dragons Breath: You breathe in deeply and release the energy stored within you in a powerful exhalation. Your dragon breath is a 30-foot line, a 15-foot cone, or a 5-foot burst within 30 feet, depending on your heritage, and deals 2d4 damage of a type depending on your heritage. Each creature in the area must attempt a basic Reflex saving throw against the higher of your class DC or spell DC. If the damage type is poison, the saving throw is Fortitude, and if the damage type is mental, the saving throw is Will.   You can't use this ability again for 10 minutes; starting at level 3, you instead can't use the ability again for 1d4 rounds. The damage increases by 1d4 at 5th level and every 2 levels thereafter, to a maximum of 10d4 damage at 19th level.   Special If your breath weapon's damage type has a matching trait, your Dragon Breath action gains that trait. For example, if you are a red dragon, your Dragon Breath gains the fire trait.   (5th level) Dragons Momentum: You gain acess to a set of wings, gills or claws, dependent on your ancestry that sprout, starting at level 5, these extra draconic features allow you to use your ancestrys designated movement speed.  

Dragonkin Warps

WarpTypeScalesPhysicalTraitsFolk Warp Ability/Trait
Full-Scale kin Bipedal or Quadruple dragons with dragons head, torso, horns, claws feet and tail You can see in darkness and dim light just as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision in darkness is in black and white.
Half-Scale kin Humanoid Dragonkin with horns, partial scales all over the body and dragons tail. Instead of a fist unarmed attack, you have a tail whip unarmed attack that deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and a claw unarmed attack that deals 1d4 slashing damage and has the agile and finesse traits. Both unarmed attacks are in the brawling weapon group.
Scale-less kin Humanoid Dragons, humans with sharp ears and horns. +5 ft. walk speed.

Dragonkin Ancestry

Gemkin Draconic Linage

Draconic HertiageDraconic Element & Movement SpeedFolk Heartige Ability/Trait
Ruby Dragon Fire, Line Attack, 20 ft. swim You gain the charlatan skill feat as a bonus feat.
Emerald Dragon Acid, Burst Attack, 10 ft. glide You gain the seasoned skill feat as a bonus feat.
Amethyst Dragon Force, Line Attack, 10 ft. glide You gain the streetwise skill feat as a bonus feat.
Sapphire Dragon Sonic, Burst Attack, 10 ft. glide You gain the assurance skill feat as a bonus feat.
Jasper Dragon Mental, Cone Attack, 20 ft. swim You gain the forager skill feat as a bonus feat.
Citrin Dragon Electircity, Burst Attack, 10 ft. glide You gain the inoculation skill feat as a bonus feat.
Peridot Dragon Posion, Cone Attack, 20 ft. swim You gain the multilingual skill feat as a bonus feat.
Bismuth Dragon Fire, Burst Attack, 20 ft. climb You gain the crystal healing skill feat as a bonus feat.

Metallic Draconic Linage

Draconic HertiageType & Draconic Element & Movement SpeedFolk Heartige Ability/Trait
Gold Dragon Fire, Line Attack, 15 ft. Swim You can cast 1st-level bless as an arcane innate spell once per day.
Silver Dragon Cold, Line Attack, 15 ft. burrow You can cast 1st-level charm as an arcane innate spell once per day.
Copper Dragon Electricity, Line Attack, 15 ft. Swim You can cast 1st-level command as an arcane innate spell once per day.
Platinum Dragon Sonic, Line Attack, 20 ft. climb You can cast 1st-level endure as an arcane innate spell once per day.
Mithralk Dragon Force, Cone Attack, 10 ft. glide You can cast 1st-level fear as an arcane innate spell once per day.
Wahonite Dragon Force, Burst Attack, 20 ft. climb You can cast 1st-level sleep as an arcane innate spell once per day.
Igniasteel Dragon Force, Cone Attack, 10 ft. glide You can cast 1st-level illusory disguise as an arcane innate spell once per day.
Wrymwood Dragon Force, Line Attack, 15 ft. burrow You can cast 1st-level draw ire as an arcane innate spell once per day.

Chromatic Draconic Linage

Draconic HertiageDraconic Element & Movement SpeedFolk Heartige Ability/Trait
Red Dragon Fire, Cone Attack, 10 ft. glide You become trained in the Intimidation skill, and if your already trained with it you become an expert instead
Blue Dragon Cold, Cone Attack, 10 ft. glide You become trained in the Athletics skill, and if your already trained with it you become an expert instead
Green Dragon Poison, Cone Attack, 10 ft. burrow You become trained in the Occultism skill, and if your already trained with it you become an expert instead
Purple Dragon Electricity, Line Attack, 10 ft. burrow You become trained in the Religion skill, and if your already trained with it you become an expert instead
Pink Dragon Acid, Line Attack, 15 ft. swim You become trained in the Performance skill, and if your already trained with it you become an expert instead
Yellow Dragon Force, Burst Attack, 15 ft. swim You become trained in the Society skill, and if your already trained with it you become an expert instead
Black Dragon Force, Cone Attack, 15 ft. climb You become trained in the Stealth skill, and if your already trained with it you become an expert instead
White Dragon Cold, Line Attack, 15 ft. climb You become trained in the Survival skill, and if your already trained with it you become an expert instead

1st-Level Ancestry Feats

Reptile Speaker none While the claim that dragons might be reptiles is preposterous, you have a strong affinity for scaly animals nonetheless. You can ask questions of, receive answers from, and use the Diplomacy skill with animals that are reptiles. The GM determines which animals count for this ability.
Dragon Horder none You've carried around enough of your hoard with you from place to place that it's become much easier for you to lift and carry more than your size and Strength would indicate. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Athletics, or trained in a different skill of your choice if you were already trained in Athletics. You gain the Hefty Hauler skill feat.
Draconic Sympathy none Your relationship with dragons gives you a stronger bond with other draconic beings. You can use Diplomacy to Make an Impression on low intelect draconic beings such as kobolds or make simple requests of them. As long as there aren't non draconics around, they usually let you speak.
Sturdy Scales strenght +2 You've taken an alternative approach to strengthening your scales, gaining incredible strength quickly akin to a suit of armor. Your scales are a suit of medium armor in the plate armor group that grants a +4 item bonus to AC, with a Dex cap of +1, a check penalty of –2, a speed penalty of –5 feet, and a Strength value of 16. You can never wear other armor or remove your scales; however, you still don't become fatigued from sleeping. Finally, you can etch armor runes or Affix Talismans onto your scales as normal for medium armor.
Arcane Scales charisma +2 You've directed magic to your scales. Your scales grant you a +1 item bonus to AC and a Dex cap of +4. You are trained in your scales; they do not use your armor or unarmored proficiencies. You can affix a talisman to your scales. If you wear armor of any kind, your fundamental and property runes on your scales don't function, and if you don armor with an affixed talisman while a talisman is affixed to your scales, both talismans cease to function and you must affix them again. Like explorer's clothing, your scales aren't armor, so you can't inscribe property runes that specify a particular type of armor.

5th-Level Ancestry Feats

Amphibious Ease Swimming Speed You channel your magic through your body, allowing you to move through water and over land with equal ease. If you have a 10 foot swim Speed from your heritage, your swim Speed increases to 25 feet. If you chose to have a 10 foot land Speed from your heritage, your land Speed increases to 25 feet.
Dragonkin pride none You are unbeatable, insurmountable, monumental, and more than a mere mortal, so nothing can defeat you. Or at least, in your arrogance, you convince yourself of that. Reduce your frightened condition by 1. For 1 minute, whenever you become frightened, reduce the frightened condition's value by 1. However, breaking your arrogance leads to a catastrophic way of anxiety. If you critically fail a saving throw against a fear effect while Draconic Pride is active, the effect ends immediately and you increase the frightened condition you gain from the critical failure by 1, instead of decreasing it.
Dragonkin Verve none You've focused magic on restoring your ability to shake off torpor, making it harder for others to force you to sleep or paralyze you. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against effects that would cause the paralyzed condition and effects with the sleep trait that would cause you to fall asleep, and if you roll a success on your saving throw against such an effect, you get a critical success instead. If an effect makes you fall asleep or gain the paralyzed condition for at least 2 rounds, reduce the duration by 1 round.
Dragon Scent none Magic wafts through your nose, restoring the acuity of your sense of smell so you can sniff out nearby thieves and other hidden creatures who don't think to obscure their scent. You gain imprecise scent with a range of 30 feet.
Dragons endurance none Once per day, as an action you briefly surge your magic through you as a protective force, preventing harm before it can reach you for a short time. You gain temporary Hit Points equal to twice your level that last for 1 round.

9th-Level Ancestry Feats

Channel Wings none 2-actions, Once per day you can channel your growing magical power into your wings, restoring full flight capacity for a time. You gain a fly Speed equal to your Speed for 10 minutes.
Aternal Stride none 1-action, Once per day you tap into your future potential, allowing you to move in the blink of an eye. You gain two actions, which you can use to Leap, Stand, Step, or Stride. If you have an appropriate Speed, you can add Burrow, Climb, Fly, or Swim to this list.   The movement happens so quickly, all that anyone else sees is a blur, and they can't act while you are moving, even to take free actions or reactions that would normally be triggered by your movement.
Dragon shape none 2-actions, You can take a humanoid guise, hiding your draconic majesty behind a more innocuous form. Your humanoid form is a specific form of a common Medium humanoid ancestry prevalent where you grew up (typically human). This form is distinctive and unique, and you change into the same form each time. In your humanoid form, you might possess a distinguishing characteristic that hints at what type of dragon you are, such as startling emerald eyes or a streak of copper in your hair, or there might be nothing to distinguish you from other humanoids of the same ancestry. Using Change Shape counts as creating a disguise for the Impersonate use of Deception, though only to adopt your alternate form. You lose any unarmed Strikes you gained from being a dragon in this form and gain a fist Strike instead. You can't use other abilities that require a part of your body that you don't have in humanoid form; for example, you couldn't use a feat that uses your wings if you don't have wings. As normal, if you gain any reach dependent on increased size, such as from Empowered Mass or Empowered Size, you lose that reach in your alternate form. You can remain in your alternate form indefinitely, and you can shift back to your true dragon form by using this action again.
Dragon Instincts none Your draconic instincts alert you to danger, making sure you are prepared to react first. Roll initiative twice and take the higher result.
Earthbound none You are keenly aware of your own limitations with flight without magic to keep your dense form aloft, but these magical insights make it both particularly easy and particularly satisfying to bring other fliers low. You can cast earthbind once per day as an innate spell of your heritage's tradition.

13th-Level Ancestry Feats

Ryu-jins Banishing Breath none Infused with the powers of ryu-jin your breath can banish summoned creatures with ease. As long as you are in your home realm, when a summoned creature critically fails its save against your Dragon Breath, the summoning effect ends and the summoned creature shimmers and disappears.
Ryu-jins Eyes none Your ancestors eyes are always active. You gain the effects of see invisibility at all times.
Ryu-jins Channel Scales none You channel powerful magic into your scales, increasing their power further as your scales thicken. Your scales' item bonus to AC increases to +3, and the Dex cap changes to +2. You keep any runes inscribed in your scales, and they now modify the scales' new statistics, and your scales can continue to use your unarmored defense proficiency if it is better.

17th-Level Ancestry Feats

Camouflage none You are able to camouflage into natural environments with ease, as your scales shift to match the coloration and pattern of the area around you. You can Hide in natural environments even without cover or concealment, and you don't become automatically observed in a natural environment if you end your Sneak without cover or concealment.
Alien Presence none Your connection to the strange outer dragon magic within yourself grows stronger, giving you a powerful alien presence that allows you to disorient enemies more often. You can use the presence feat you have (Dazzling Presence for solar dragons, Nauseating Presence for void dragons, Slowing Presence for time dragons, Stupefying Presence for lunar dragons, or Warping Presence for vortex dragons) once per hour, instead of once per day.
Transforming Breath none You infuse strange protean energy into your breath weapon, allowing you to transform one of your victims into a harmless form. If your next action is Dragon Breath, choose one target creature that took damage from your Dragon Breath that you can perceive. That creature must attempt a Fortitude save against the higher of your class DC or spell DC to avoid being transformed into a harmless animal, with the effects of baleful polymorph. This additional effect has the divine, incapacitation, polymorph, and transmutation traits.


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