LEGACY PF.2e Gemcore Ancestry

The Gemcore, a race of living crystals dwelling deep within caves and mountains, are revered for their age-old wisdom, but like the Arboren, they grapple with the challenge of adapting to new knowledge. Their existence remains concealed, as their crystalline bodies are a valuable and magical resource, essential for crafting weapons requiring magicpowder.   Unlike many other races, the Gemcore's primary allegiance is to themselves, and they are often perceived as selfish by outsiders. Created by the Dwarves with a different purpose than the Arboren, they were given the gift of life to pursue their own desires, without any obligation to protect or serve other races. While some Gemcore may willingly enter into servitude for the Dwarves, they are never coerced into it, as the Dwarves intended for them to live freely and purposefully. This contrast between the Dwarves' intentions and the Gemcore's self-centered outlook sets them apart from other ancestries.  

Common Traits

Patient Contemplation: Gemcore are renowned for their serene patience and contemplative nature, taking their time to make decisions.
Inherent Wisdom: They possess a deep well of ancient wisdom, drawing from their long existence to provide sage counsel and guidance to those who seek it.
Guardians of the Earth: JGemcore fiercely safeguard their crystal-rich environments, serving as vigilant stewards of caves and mountains they call home.

Potential Traits

Experimental Curiosity: Some might exhibit an unusual fascination with understanding and adapting to new knowledge, challenging the stereotype of their race's resistance to change.
Altruistic Mentorship: While their natural disposition leans towards self-interest, some Gemcore may find fulfillment in guiding and mentoring younger races.
Symbiotic Harmony: Some might prioritize forging profound bonds with other races and creatures, seeking to bridge the gap between their own self-interest.

Physical Description

The Gemcore are an enigmatic and captivating race of sentient crystal beings, defying easy classification as mere constructs. Their existence is a testament to the intricate fusion of biology and crystalline matter. Encased in a kaleidoscope of gemstone facets and crystal formations, each Gemcore possesses a unique and dazzling appearance. Some are delicate and petite, resembling delicate sculptures adorned with gemstone accents, while others stand as towering behemoths of immense stature and strength, their formidable crystal bodies commanding awe.   Within their crystalline forms, a complex network of canals weaves like an intricate circulatory system, transporting a powdered, iridescent liquid known as "gemmeflow" to their core, which serves as their heart-like center. The Gemcore's core is a diamond of extraordinary beauty, its coloration a reflection of their emotional state and health. When at peace, it gleams with brilliant clarity, but tumultuous emotions or physical injury can manifest as shifting hues, from deep blues during moments of contemplation to fiery reds in times of anger or distress. These fascinating beings are a testament to the mesmerizing fusion of nature and artistry, embodying both elegance and might in their crystalline essence.

Society Development

Nestled deep within the cavernous heart of mountains and caves, they have evolved to become masterful custodians of their precious environments. Their society thrives on a strict hierarchy, with the most ancient and wise Gemcore serving as the ruling council, overseeing matters of governance and policy. While some Gemcore have embraced a reclusive existence, others venture beyond their crystal-laden realms as explorers, merchants, or even scholars, seeking to expand their understanding of the world. This duality of seclusion and engagement has fostered a unique balance within their society.   The Gemcore place an unyielding emphasis on the preservation of their crystalline resources, recognizing them as both a source of power and a means of sustaining their civilization. Their development has been driven by an unyielding commitment to self-preservation and the mastery of their innate magical prowess, which they harness in various facets of their daily lives, from crafting intricate gem-based technologies to protecting their precious crystal domains from external threats.  

Alignment And Religion

The Gemcore possess a simple yet profound religious reverence for Jesper, the demi-god and Arch Angel of Stone and Creation. Their faith centers around self-preservation and the sanctity of the precious crystalline essence that defines their existence. Jesper embodies the core principles of their belief, symbolizing the artistry of creation and the intrinsic connection between the Gemcore and the geological wonders of their world. In their worship of Jesper, the Gemcore find solace in the belief that the divine essence of the demi-god guides them in the preservation and mastery of their crystal-rich environments.   The Gemcore, by their nature, often lean towards a neutral and self-centered alignment, prioritizing their own interests and preservation of their crystalline resources. However, there are exceptions within their ranks, as some Gemcore individuals break away from this inherent disposition. These outliers may embrace a more selfless and good-aligned approach, finding fulfillment in aiding others and fostering positive connections with different races and cultures.   One notable aspect of Gemcore religion is their reverence for the Dwarves, the creators who granted them the gift of life and independence. While Gemcore as a whole serve the same god as the dwarves, there exists a deep gratitude towards the Dwarves for their existence. This appreciation has forged a unique bond between the two races, with some Gemcore voluntarily entering servitude to the Dwarves in acts of goodwill and mutual respect.


Gemcore naming conventions are deeply rooted in their crystalline nature, often adopting the name of a gem or crystal and adding a syllable to create unique monikers that reflect their individuality. Alternatively, some Gemcore might incorporate the names of their Dwarven creators or adopt the surnames of their Dwarven families, often appending the name of a gem to honor their origins.   Examples: "Amberlyn," "Topazin," "Emeraldor," and "Sapphiron." for Female "Amethysta," "Garnelia," "Diamondra," and "Jadelise."

Ancestry Mechanics

Hit Points: 10
Size: Medium
Speed: 25 feet
Ability Boosts: Constitution, Strenght, Free
Ability Flaw: Dexterity
Language: Zwerg
Additional Languages: 2 plus equal to your Intelligence modifier
Choose from Anglo, Common (Englo), Feé, Tsmok   Constructed Body: Your physiological needs are different than those of living creatures. You don’t need to eat or drink. You don’t need to sleep, but you still need a daily period of rest. During this period of rest, you must enter a recuperating standby state for 4 hours, which is similar to sleeping except you are aware of your surroundings and don’t take penalties for being unconscious. Much like with sleeping, if you go too long without entering your standby state, you become fatigued and can’t recover until you enter standby for 2 hours.   Low-Light Vision: A creature with low-light vision can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the Concealed condition due to dim light.  

Shardmind Heritages

HeritageTypesFolk Heartige Ability/Trait
Hunter's Mind Your father shaped you to serve as a scout or assassin and have a body resembling a pack hunter like a large cat or wolf. Though you typically move like a quadruped, you can still stand and fight like a biped, allowing you to use all shardabilitys normally. Your quadruped design allows you to move quickly; if you have both hands free, you can increase your Speed to 30 feet as you run on all fours.
Figther's Mind Sporting a bulkier, powerful stone and ore, your body has been destined for combat. You have a bulky, humanoid shape. The damage die for your fist increases to 1d6 instead of 1d4. You don’t take a penalty when making a lethal attack with your fist or any other unarmed attack.
Scholar's Mind Your core has a more direct connection to the rest of your crystal, allowing you to tap into your core’s magical energy more innatly than other shardmind. You gain one cantrip from the primal spell list. You can cast this spell as an arcane innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up.

1st-Level Ancestry Feats

Psychic Stone none You can deliver silent messages. You gain touch telepathy, allowing you to communicate silently and mentally with any creature you're touching, as long as you share a language. Enhancement You can send your messages even further. Your telepathy gains a range of 10 feet, but you still have to share a language with your target.
Psychic Eyes none Your eye has been magically enhanced to pierce darkness. You gain darkvision.   Enhancement Your eye can see invisible creatures in brief spurts. You can cast see invisibility as an arcane innate spell once per hour.
Gemcore Lore none You have come to better understand the craft that made your body and the magic that powers it. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Arcana and Crafting. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Shardmind Lore.   Enhancement Your gain greater understanding. Increase your proficiency rank in either Arcana or Crafting, as well as Shardmind Lore, to expert. If you were already an expert in the chosen skill, increase your rank to master instead.
Gemcore Beam none You can channel your core's power through your crystal to shoot a beam of Ligh out of your mouth. You gain an energy beam ranged unarmed attack that deals 1d4 force damage. The energy beam has a range increment of 20 feet. On a critical hit, the target takes persistent fire damage equal to the number of weapon damage dice. Your eye beam does not add critical specialization effects.   Enhancement You channel greater power. Increase the damage die of your energy beam by one step, from 1d4 to 1d6 if you take it again to 1d8.
Gem Overcharge none Once per Hour when you attempt a skill check requiring three actions or fewer. You stimulate your crystals energy flow, forcing your body to temporarily increase its arcane flow. You gain a +2 status bonus to the triggering skill check. In addition, your bodys core starts enlightening your body, lighting a 10-foot emanation with dim light for 1 round.

5th-Level Ancestry Feats

Psychic Healing Psychic Stone Your bodys innate psychic healing powers treat diseases with ease. Each time you succeed at a Fortitude save against an ongoing disease, you reduce its stage by 2, or by 1 against a virulent disease. Each critical success you achieve against an ongoing disease reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 against a virulent disease.
Gem Shroud none You can break parts of your off and turn them into a fine dust, swarming around you in a cloud. You become concealed for a number of rounds equal to half your level. You can't use this concealment to Hide or Sneak, as normal for concealment that makes your position obvious. While Shard Shroud is active, you can't use other abilities that require the use of your Shards.
Gem Hardening Gemcore Overcharge Your shards density can be changed to strenghten your defenses. You can choose to activate Shardmind Overcharge when you attempt a saving throw, instead of when you attempt a skill check. If you do, you gain a +2 status bonus to the triggering saving throw.
Gem Resistance Gemcore Beam The magic powering trought your core, and your better understanding of its powers makes it difficult for outside magic to affect you. You gain the Resist Magic reaction.   Enhancement Your resistance improves. When you Resist Magic, you gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to the spell level of the triggering effect.   Resist Magic   Trigger You attempt a saving throw against a harmful magical effect but haven't rolled yet.   Your innate magic protects you. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the triggering saving throw. Additionally, if the triggering effect is arcane, if you roll a success, you get a critical success instead. GnG
Shardmind Weapons none Your crystal body can create a weapon or shield that you can quickly draw and stow, leaving you prepared for combat at all times.   You can use a 1-minute activity, which has the manipulate trait, to engrave a single dwarven rune, for a one-handed weapon or shield into one of your arms. You can draw or stow this item as an Interact action. Creatures don't automatically see this integrated item when it's stowed and must actively Seek in order to find it. They take a –2 circumstance penalty to any checks to do so.   While you are wielding the item, it can't be Disarmed and you can't drop or Release it; you must Interact to store the weapon and free that hand. A creature determined to retrieve the item can do so, but it requires either 1 minute to remove it or extreme violence to your arm - such as physically removing portions of the limb. You can only have one integrated armament at a time, though you can use the 1-minute activity to replace the item or swap the arm in which it's stored.   Enhancement Your body has more space for integration. You can now either integrate two one-handed weapons, a one-handed weapon and a shield, or a single two-handed weapon which is split across both arms. You can use a single Interact action to draw or store both integrated armaments. When you draw a single weapon, you can choose to hold it with either one hand or both hands.

9th-Level Ancestry Feats

Gem Life Gem Resistance Once Per day, The life-giving energy that flows in your core can revitalize you. You recover 4d6 Hit Points and gain 10 temporary Hit Points for 1 minute. When you reach 15th level, you instead recover 6d6 HP and gain 15 temporary HP.
Emotion Controll none 2-actions, Your Mind and body are in total emotion controll its almost impossiable for you to feel strong emotions when you enter this state. You gain a +3 circumstance bonus to saving throws against emotion and fear effects. If you roll a success on a saving throw against an emotion or fear effect, you get a critical success instead.
Emotional Drain none You touch an adjacent creature and attempt to draw out its excess emotion. Attempt a counteract check against a single emotion or fear effect affecting the touched creature. If you succeed, you gain temporary Hit Points equal to your level for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 round).
Gem Strenght Gem Shroud Gem Shards strenghten your attacks. You can choose to activate Gem Shroud when you attempt an attack roll, instead of when you attempt a skill check. If you do, you gain a +1 status bonus to the triggering attack roll.
Shard Augemntation none You've focused on enhancing your body and mind. You gain the enhancement benefits of one of your 1st- or 5th-level automaton ancestry feats.   You are also capable of reforming your magical structure to meet your needs. You can spend one week of downtime to change the enhancement you gain with this feat.   Enhancement You gain the enhancement benefits of another 1st- or 5th-level shardmind ancestry feat. Also, your reconfigurations take less time. You only need to spend 1 day of downtime to change any of your enhancements. If you have multiple enhancements, changing each one requires a separate day.

13th-Level Ancestry Feats

Arcane Locomotion none You've modified your body to allow you to augment your movement. You gain either a climb Speed of 20 feet or a swim Speed of 20 feet, your choice.   Enhancement Your body allows for even further forms of movement. You can either select the option from this feat you haven't chosen yet (climb Speed or swim Speed), or you can increase your land Speed by 5 feet and increase the Speed you chose from this feat increase to be equal to your adjusted land Speed.
Core Enlargement none You've empowered your core to support a larger body, granting you size and additional reach. You gain the effects of enlarge constantly.   Enhancement Your core's empowerment has stabilized, allowing for greater support. You are no longer clumsy due to the effects of enlarge.
Undying Mind none Once per day, when you have the dying condition and are about to attempt a recovery check. Your core automatically revive you.   You're restored to 1 Hit Point, lose the dying and unconscious conditions, and can act normally on this turn. You gain or increase the wounded condition as normal when losing the dying condition in this way.   Enhancement Your not only get restored to 1 Hit Point but also gain an addional Temporary Hitpoints equal to your level.

17th-Level Ancestry Feats

Greater Augmentation none You've greatly improved your abilities and your core can support further augmentations. You gain the enhancement benefits of one of your 1st-, 5th-, 9th-, or 13th-level automaton ancestry feats.   You are also capable of reconfiguring your augmentations to meet your needs. You can spend one week of downtime to change the enhancement you gain with this feat.
Psychic Propultion none Your psychic powers have grown large and strong enough for flight. You gain a fly Speed equal to your Speed, using your body to stay aloft.
Shard Entrappment none You've learned how to create traps out of your body. You deal an 2d6 piercing and 1d6 precision damage with damaging snares you craft. This increases to 2d6 additional precision damage if you're legendary in Crafting.


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