LEGACY PF.2e Human Ancestry

Humans are renowned throughout the realms of infinitum for their enduring spirit and diverse pursuits. Enclaves and grand cities, constructed with awe-inspiring architectural mastery, are emblematic of their cultural achievements. While some may perceive them as serious and diligent craftsmen of various arts and crafts, humans, and those who have mingled with them, are well aware of their boundless passion for their endeavors, placing a premium on excellence over quantity. To outsiders, humans can appear cautious and close-knit, but to their loved ones and kindred spirits, they exude warmth and empathy, their communities resonating with the harmonious blend of laughter and the rhythmic clinking of tools in creative labor. Human Traits  

Common Traits

Versatility: Humans adapt easily to diverse environments and situations, making them resourceful individuals.
Ambition: Driven by a desire for personal growth and achievement, humans often pursue greatness in various forms.
Cultural Diversity: Human societies are a mosaic of traditions and customs, leading to rich and complex interactions.

Potential Traits

Indomitable Resilience: Some have unwavering determination, serving as beacons of strength during the toughest of times.
Yearning Wanderlust: Some possess an insatiable wanderlust, always yearning to explore new horizons and seek the unknown.
Parallel Heritage: Some being tied to bloodlines of ancients. Making them a bridge between the past and the present.

Physical Description

Humans vary widely in physical appearance, standing at an average 170cm height for their kind. Their build ranges from slender to robust, showcasing the diversity of their ancestry. While they don't possess the signature hairstyles, hair holds cultural significance for many human societies, and its styling often carries personal meaning.   Humans generally reach physical maturity around the age of 17, though the specific rituals and customs of their respective cultures play a significant role in their coming of age. In terms of lifespan, humans typically live to be around 100 years old, embracing the fleeting nature of existence compared to some longer-lived races in the fantasy world.  

Society Development

Human society is a vibrant tapestry of diverse cultures, each with its own customs, traditions, and values. Humans are known for their adaptability and acceptance of others, which is reflected in their interactions with different races and ancestries. They embrace a philosophy of inclusivity, often forming alliances and friendships with other races, fostering a spirit of cooperation and unity.   Economically, humans are entrepreneurial and resourceful, engaging in a wide range of professions from skilled craftsmanship to commerce and adventuring. Their bustling cities are hubs of trade and innovation, where goods and ideas flow freely. Humans value individual freedom and personal ambition, and this is often reflected in their economic pursuits, which can range from small family businesses to large merchant guilds.   In terms of clothing, humans display a wide array of styles and fashion trends that vary by region and culture. Their attire can range from elegant and elaborate garments in urban centers to practical and sturdy clothing in rural areas. What sets humans apart from other ancestries and races is their unparalleled diversity. This diversity extends not only to their physical appearances but also to their perspectives, beliefs, and traditions.

Alignment and Religion

The alignment of humans in the fantasy world is as diverse as their cultures and beliefs. With a wide spectrum of moral and ethical values, humans can be found embracing all alignments, from the lawful and noble to the chaotic and unpredictable. This range of alignments reflects the complexity of human nature and their ability to adapt to different circumstances. Many humans revere Flax, the Greater God of the Heart, valuing compassion, empathy, and community in their pursuit of the greater good. Others, drawn to the unpredictable nature of existence, follow Sanguis, the god of chaos, reveling in the freedom of chaos and change.   Some humans align themselves with organizations like The Blades of Judgment, which uphold strict codes of conduct and discipline, or the Covenant of the Scarab, focusing on ancient traditions and mystical connections. On the other hand, there are those who embrace atheism, eschewing organized religion in favor of secular or philosophical beliefs.   The diversity of human religions reflects their open-mindedness and willingness to explore a multitude of spiritual paths. This eclecticism can lead to both unity and discord within human societies, as they grapple with the clash of different religious ideologies. However, it also underscores the remarkable adaptability and capacity for cooperation that define human nature in the fantasy world.  


Humans typically name themselves based on a combination of cultural, familial, and personal factors. Given their diverse backgrounds and traditions, human names can vary widely in structure and meaning. In some cultures, they may inherit family names passed down through generations, while in others, they might take on titles based on personal accomplishments or life experiences.   Examples: Juhrem, Nirvor, Rhekal, Sersk, Jahnar, Rirded, Edgal

Ancestry Mechanics

Hit Points: 7
Size: Medium
Speed: 25 feet
Ability: Boosts Two free Ability Boosts
Languages: Common
Additional Languages: equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Choose from Anglo, Diavoli, Feé, Gnomish, Nihang, Oalk, Stmok, Zhong, Zmei, Zwerg  

Human Heritages

HeritageTypesFolk Heartige Ability/Trait
Devilsent Your father or mother were decendent from a dormarling heritage, manifesting as some unusual feature that belies your heritage, such as horns or a tail. You gain the dormarling trait, in addition to the traits from your ancestry. You can choose from the dormarling feats and feats from your ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat.
Godsent Your father or mother were decendent from the gods either the graces of flax or angles of loarkam, gaining an air of awe and grace, as well as features distinctive to your celestial forebears. You gain the grace trait, in addition to the traits from your ancestry. You also gain low-light vision, or you gain darkvision if your ancestry already has low-light vision. You can choose from grace feats and feats from your ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat.
Phantomsent Your father or mother was a fetchling, half living and half undead, gifted with uncanny charm and grace, a bloodless pallor, and elongated incisors. You gain the Fetchling trait, in addition to the traits from your ancestry. You also gain low-light vision, or you gain darkvision if your ancestry already has low-light vision. You can choose from Fetchling feats and feats from your ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat.
Woodsent Your father or mother were a elf. Your heterochromatic eyes are the most obvious signifier of this parentage, but you likely also have a slighter build, paler skin, and longer ears than most members of your other parent’s ancestrys. You gain the elf trait. You also gain low-light vision, or you gain darkvision if your ancestry already has low-light vision. You can select from elf feats and feats from your other parent’s ancestry whenever you gain an ancestry feat.
Tinker Human Your ingenuity allows you to train in a wide variety of skills. You become trained in one skill of your choice. At 5th level, you become an expert in the chosen skill.
Adept Human Your versatility allows you to learn a wide variety of feats. You can choose a general feat as your ancestry feat. At 5th level, you chose another genereal feat instead of an ancestry feat.
Warrior Human Your warrior blood allows you to learn a wide variety of weapon arts. You can choose one weapon type you want to be trained in, if you are already trained with it you become an expert at the weapon type art.
Remnant Human Your way of living has given you a resistance to your terrains hazards. You gain resistance to a single damage type, dependent on the region your from, equal to half your level. You also gain a +3 circumstance bonus to saving throws against effects that would cause you to gain the Controlled or Charmed condition.

Human Ethnicities

  Eastfolk, the Kroany
Northfolk, the Lithroan
Southfolk, the Avaranti
Westfolk, the Ufragar

1st-Level Ancestry Feats

Prophet Tattoos common & crazy background You have tattoos on your body. Choose one of the following schools of magic: abjuration (shield), conjuration (tanglefoot), enchantment (daze), evocation (electric arc), illusion (ghost sound), necromancy (chill touch), or transmutation (sigil). You can cast the associated cantrip (listed in parentheses) as an innate arcane spell at will.
Know Ones-self charisma +2 You roll a critical failure on a saving throw against an emotion effect. You center yourself and call to mind of a monastic ideals of mindfulness and self-knowledge. You fail the save against the emotion effect instead of critically failing.
Thursting Ambition searching & knowledge background You were raised to be ambitious and always reach for the stars, leading you to progress quickly in your chosen field. You gain a 1st-level class feat for your class. You must meet the prerequisites, but you can select the feat later in the character creation process in order to determine which prerequisites you meet.
Strength Bond strenght +2 You gain the trained proficiency rank in the skill.. You gain the Assurance skill feat in that skill, as the spirits’ help guides your actions.
Tragicly Skilled eventfull & tragic background Your ingenuity allows you to learn a wide variety of skills. You gain the trained proficiency rank in two skills of your choice.
Defender of Alchemy none You know more about the habits of constructs and magical creatures than is entirely safe. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks against constructs and magical creatures and saving throws against their abilities. In addition, whenever you meet a constructs and magical creatures in a social situation, you can immediately attempt a Diplomacy check to Make an Impression on that creature rather than needing to converse for 1 minute.
Man of God none You know more about the habits of gods and angles than is entirely safe. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks against gods and angles and saving throws against their abilities. In addition, whenever you meet a god or angle in a social situation, you can immediately attempt a Diplomacy check to Make an Impression on that creature rather than needing to converse for 1 minute.
Devil's Advocate none You know more about the habits of devils than is entirely safe. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks against devils and saving throws against their abilities. In addition, whenever you meet a devil in a social situation, you can immediately attempt a Diplomacy check to Make an Impression on that creature rather than needing to converse for 1 minute.
Courteous Comeback none You’re in a settlement or community, and you haven’t used Courteous Comeback in this settlement or community within the past month. When You critically fail a Diplomacy check. just reroll the check using the second result.
Cooperative Nature none The short human life span lends perspective and has taught you from a young age to set aside differences and work with others to achieve greatness. You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on checks to Aid.

5th-Level Ancestry Feats

Supernatural Charm trained in deception The magic in your blood manifests as a force you can use to become more appealing or alluring. You can cast 1st-level charm as an arcane innate spell once per day.
Sense Allies none Like many humans raised in a close-knit community, you have always been strongly attuned to the presence of others. Willing allies that you are aware of within 60 feet that would otherwise be undetected by you are instead hidden from you. The flat check for you to target willing allies within 60 feet that are hidden from you is 5 instead of 11.
Eyes of Glow trained in arcana You gain darkvision.
Inspiration Courteous Comeback Your own actions inspire your allies to great achievements. Whenever you critically succeed at a skill check, you automatically qualify to use the Aid reaction when attempting to help an ally using the same skill, even without spending an action to prepare to do so.
Ornate Tattoo Prophet Tattoos You expand your tattoos to encompass greater magic. Choose a 1st-level arcane spell from the same school as your Arcane Tattoos, either a common spell or another to which you have access. You can cast that spell once per day as an innate arcane spell.

9th-Level Ancestry Feats

Void Flight none Your ancestors hailed from the void sands, and a few simple tricks have come down through the ages to you. You can cast 4th-level fly on yourself as an innate arcane spell once per day.
Group Aid none Your upbringing emphasized teamwork and helping your allies comes naturally to you. After you Aid an ally at a skill check that doesn't have the attack trait, you can also Aid any other ally who attempts the same skill check for the same purpose that round. You do so as a free action rather than a reaction.   The preparation you did to help must still apply to the other allies, and you can Aid each ally only once. For example, if you helped lift up an ally to Aid them on an Athletics check to scale a wall, you could keep the same posture to give a boost to other allies attempting to scale the wall in the same round.
Multitalented none You’ve learned to split your focus between multiple classes with ease. You gain a 2nd-level multiclass dedication feat (for more about multiclass archetypes, see page 219), even if you normally couldn’t take another dedication feat until you take more feats from your current archetype.
Unkown Past none In the past, you would have been a proud initiate of the astrologers. Today, you carry on their legacy. When you use Astrology, roll 1d4 instead; on a 1, you take a –1 penalty to the skill check. On any other result, you gain a circumstance bonus of that value (for instance, a +3 circumstance bonus on a 3).
Incredible Improv none You attempt a check using a skill you’re untrained in. A stroke of brilliance gives you a major advantage with a skill despite your inexperience. Roll an additonal 1d6 Gain a +4 circumstance bonus to the triggering skill check if you roll a 1 or a 6 oherwisee you gain a +1 circumstance instead.

13th-Level Ancestry Feats

Flight Mastery none You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Acrobatics checks to Maneuver in Flight and a +5-foot status bonus to your fly Speed whenever you are flying using magic.
Advanced Experience none Over the course of adventuring, your adaptability has let you pick up numerous useful abilities. You gain another general feat of 7th level or lower. You must meet the feat's prerequisites.
Bounce Back none You recover from near-death experiences with astounding resilience. Don't increase the value of your wounded condition due to losing the dying condition.
Stubborn Persitance none Humans are renowned for their ability to persist through the most grueling of trials. When you would become fatigued, attempt a DC 17 flat check. On a success, you aren't fatigued. If the fatigued condition has an underlying cause that you don't address, such as lack of rest, you must attempt the check again at an interval determined by the GM until you fail the flat check or address the underlying cause.
Shadow Pact none You can take 1 damage to mix blood and shadows to cast 5th-level creation as an innate divine spell. You can use this ability as often as you wish, but you can have only one such object in existence at a time. If the object encounters bright light, the spell ends and the object dissolves into shadows.

17th-Level Ancestry Feats

Heroic Presence none The blood of heroes courses through your veins, and you inspire your allies to dig deep and find a new level of resolve. As an Action you can grant up to 10 willing creatures within 30 feet the effects of a 6th-level zealous conviction, though the effect automatically ends on a target if you give that target a command they would normally find repugnant. This action has the auditory trait or visual trait, depending on how you inspire your allies.
True Gaze none As an Action when you focus your eyes carefully, your gaze can pierce through all obfuscations, even magical ones. When you use True Gaze, you gain the effects of a 6th-level true seeing spell, using your Perception modifier for the counteract check.
Adapt & Overcome none Over the course of your journey, your adaptability has let you pick up numerous useful abilities. You gain another class feat of 10th level or lower Class Feat.


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