LEGACY PF.2e Orc Ancestry

Orcs have a well-earned reputation as a fiercely diverse people, hailing from various tribes and cultures scattered across the world. While some perceive them as stoic and honor-bound warriors, others view them as sophisticated and pleasure-seeking, reveling in the pleasures of life. Orcs are renowned for their diverse pursuits, ranging from stoic green orcs who uphold their honor and traditions with unwavering determination to sophisticated red orcs who embrace the joys of life. Some orc tribes, known as the chaotic grey orcs, are consumed by an insatiable hunger for war and conquest, leaving a trail of chaos and destruction in their wake. To outsiders, orcs may appear untrusting and clannish, but to those they consider friends and family, they exhibit warmth and camaraderie, their settlements resonating with the echoes of laughter and the rhythm of drums.

Common Traits

Environmental Stewardship: some orcs have a deep connection with nature and the environment. They take on roles as protectors of the land, working to preserve and nurture their surroundings. This unique perspective sets them apart from the typical orc warrior archetype.
Warrior Spirit: Orc culture places a significant emphasis on martial prowess and strength. Most orcs grow up with a warrior's mindset.
Strong Sense of Loyalty: Orcs are fiercely loyal to their tribes and clans. They prioritize the well-being of their kin above all else and are known for their unwavering loyalty to their leaders and allies. This sense of loyalty fosters tight-knit communities where trust and camaraderie are highly valued.  

Potential Traits

Artistic Expression: some orcs possess a hidden talent for artistic endeavors such as painting, sculpting, or storytelling.
Curiosity and Wanderlust: Uncommon among orcs, a few may exhibit a strong sense of curiosity about the world beyond their tribes or clans.
Diplomacy and Negotiation: Orcs with a knack for diplomacy and negotiation skills are a rarity, but they play a crucial role in fostering alliances and resolving conflicts peacefully. These individuals act as bridge-builders between their tribes and other races, using their communication skills to promote understanding and cooperation.

Physical Description

The physical appearance of orcs is a striking blend of brawny power and rugged resilience, a testament to their ancestry rooted in the corruption of elves by dark magic, though this origin is now mostly considered a myth. Towering in stature, they often stand between 160 to 200 centimeters tall, with imposing muscular frames that exude sheer strength. Their robust physiques are defined by well-developed muscles, and their broad shoulders are a testament to their hardy nature. Orcs possess strong, chiseled jaws, and their prominent teeth often jut forward, adding to their intimidating visage. While many might consider their appearance rugged or even brutish, it's not unheard of for the occasional orc to exhibit the refined features of an elf, a rarity that can transcend generations, even within orc communities that have remained isolated from other species for centuries.

Society Development

The society of orcs complex from the diverse threads of their three primary ethnicities: the red orcs, the green orcs, and the gray orcs. These orcish cultures are as distinct as they are diverse, each driven by its own set of values and principles.   The red orcs, known for their sophistication and appreciation of the finer things in life, have developed a rich cultural tapestry. They revel in the arts, embracing music, storytelling, and visual arts. Their communities are often adorned with vibrant colors and intricate craftsmanship, and they value intellectual pursuits as much as physical strength. The red orcs are skilled diplomats and negotiators, often acting as intermediaries between their fellow orc ethnicities and other races. Their society thrives on the harmony of culture, knowledge, and pleasure.   In stark contrast, the green orcs adhere to a stoic code of honor and strength. They are unwavering in their commitment to upholding traditional orc values and martial prowess. Honor is paramount to them, and they place great importance on rituals, combat, and loyalty to their clans and tribes. The green orcs' society is characterized by strict hierarchies, and they often serve as guardians of orcish heritage, preserving ancient traditions and ensuring that their people remain grounded in their warrior roots.   Lastly, the gray orcs, the original orc archetype, remain chaotic and war-hungry. Their society is a relentless machine of conquest, constantly driven by a thirst for conflict. Their tribes are often nomadic, their territories ever-shifting as they seek new battles and conquests. Gray orcs prioritize the art of war above all else, and their society is marked by brutal strength, ruthless leadership, and a ceaseless desire for battle. They are the embodiment of chaos and relentless aggression, a stark contrast to their more culturally oriented orc counterparts.

Alignment And Religion

  Red orcs, known for their good-natured and sophisticated demeanor, often find themselves drawn to the teachings of Jesper, the god of art and creation. Sharing a love for artistic pursuits and creativity, they align with the values of this deity. While many among them may be atheists, those who do embrace faith often follow Jesper's benevolent path, fostering a society that values beauty, knowledge, and cooperation.   Green orcs, steadfast in their stoic code of honor, gravitate toward deities who align with their principles. A significant portion follows Natkys, the god of speed, as this deity's teachings resonate with the orcish emphasis on strength and swiftness. However, some green orcs, particularly those under leadership with more sinister inclinations, may follow Koandicen, the god of evil. These individuals believe in punishing those who act without honor and view Koandicen's ruthless ethos as a means of maintaining order within their clans.   Gray orcs, chaotic and war-hungry by nature, are often devout followers of the Blades of Judgment religion. This faith centers around Koandicen, the lord of all evil, and his three Arch Demons: Nemesis, Anake, and Urion. They embrace a doctrine that revels in chaos and destruction, aligning closely with the chaotic evil alignment. However, the occasional gray orc may break free from the brutal traditions of their kin, adopting a chaotic good alignment, but such individuals are exceedingly rare amid the relentless aggression and cruelty that pervades gray orc society.


Orcs have a unique approach to naming themselves, shaped by their cultural backgrounds and values. Green and gray orcs traditionally derive their names from objects or elements in their native orcish language, which bears a resemblance to Goblin. These names often reflect physical traits, achievements, or symbols of importance to the individual orc. These names carry deep significance and are passed down through generations, binding the orc to their heritage and lineage. In contrast, red orcs, with their penchant for cultural exchange and adaptability, often adopt names from neighboring tribes and cultures they interact with. Depending on their level of interaction, they might choose names from human, elven, or dwarven cultures. This practice is a reflection of their openness to the world beyond their own, and it symbolizes their desire to forge connections and alliances with other races. These names, while not rooted in their native orcish language, serve as a testament to their inclusive and cosmopolitan approach to life.´   Examples: Čekić, Drvosjekač, Ljudski, ljubavnik, liječnik, Jednorog

Ancestry Mechanics

Hit Points: 9
Size: Medium
Speed: 25 Feet
Ability Boosts: Strength, Free
Languages: Common, Oalk
Additional Languages: equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Choose from Daemonic, Diabolic, Diavoli, Elder Thing, Zmei
  Magical Strikes: Your inherent magic pervades your entire being. All your Unarmed Strikes are magical.  

Orc Ethnicities

  Crvenian Orcs (Red, Culture Orcs)   Smedhian Orcs (Grey, War Orcs)   Zelenian Orcs (Green, Honor Orcs)  

Orc Heritages

Bane Orc Slim build big feet Your body contains venom, aswell as numerous antivenoms. You gain poison resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1), and each of your successful saving throws against a poison affliction reduces its stage by 2, or by 1 for a virulent poison. Each critical success against an ongoing poison reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 for a virulent poison.
Sage Orc Large build small head You are part of the family of scholars in your community, tasked with keeping records of the history and experiences of your people. Your scholarly skill affords you a quick mind. Once per day, you can attempt to Recall Knowledge as a free action.
Half-Orc Large Limbs One of your parents was a part of another ancestry, or one or both were half-orcs. You gain low-light vision. In addition, you can select orc, half-orc, human or goblin feats whenever you gain an ancestry feat.
Gifted Orc Elongated torso You become trained in Society (or another skill of your choice if you're already trained in Society), and you gain your choice of the Courtly Graces or Streetwise feat.

1st-Level Ancestry Feats

Orc Lore none The hold elders taught you your people's histories, told tales of great athletic feats, and shared with you the hardships your ancestors endured so that you can pass this wisdom down to future generations. You become trained in Athletics and Survival. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Orc Lore.
Orc Superstition none Trigger You attempt a saving throw against a spell or magical effect, before rolling. You defend yourself against magic by relying on techniques derived from orc cultural superstitions. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your saving throw against the triggering spell or magical effect.
Orc Ferocity none Frequency once per day Trigger You would be reduced to 0 Hit Points but not immediately killed. Fierceness in battle runs through your blood, and you refuse to fall from your injuries. You avoid being knocked out and remain at 1 Hit Point, and your wounded condition increases by 1.

5th-Level Ancestry Feats

Orc Resilance none You're exceptionally difficult to kill. The DC of your recovery checks is equal to 9 + your dying value, or 8 + your dying value if you have the Toughness general feat. In addition, whenever someone returns you to life using magic that would normally leave you debilitated for a week (such as raise dead or the resurrect ritual), you don't suffer that condition.
Orc Might none Surviving in hostile terrain has given you a great talent for mobility. Whenever you roll a success on an Athletics check to Climb or Swim, you get a critical success instead.
Orc Ambush none Trigger You roll initiative. Your combat training has honed you to be ready for an attack at all times. You Interact to draw a weapon.

9th-Level Ancestry Feats

Orcish Tactics none You are adept at working with your allies to surround a foe. If an enemy is within reach of you and at least two of your allies, that enemy is flat-footed against you.
Orcish Arms none Trigger An ally within 30 feet brings a foe to 0 Hit Points. With a shout of triumph, you grant inspiration to an ally fight on. The triggering ally gains temporary Hit Points equal to their Constitution modifier until the end of their next turn.
Orcish Sneak none Stealth is an important tool in your arsenal. You can move 10 feet farther when you take the Sneak action, up to your Speed.   In addition, as long as you continue to use Sneak actions and succeed at your Stealth check, you don't become observed if you don't have cover or greater cover and aren't concealed at the end of the Sneak action, as long as you have cover or greater cover or are concealed at the end of your turn.

13th-Level Ancestry Feats

Orc Formation none Prerequisites Formation Training You can assemble a formation even with members of ancestries that lack the hobgoblins’ military discipline, and you can extend these benefits to your hobgoblin allies. When you are adjacent to at least two humanoid allies, you gain the benefits of Formation Training, even if they aren’t hobgoblin allies. Hobgoblin allies adjacent to you and at least one other hobgoblin ally also gain the bonuses from your Formation Training feat.
Orc March none You make sure that your allies push themselves while traveling. You gain the Caravan Leader and Pick Up the Pace general feats, even if you don't meet the prerequisites.
Orc Obfuscation none Prerequisites at least one arcane or occult innate spell gained from a gnome heritage or gnome ancestry feat Trigger You are attacked by a foe. The magic within you manifests as a natural reaction to threats. You gain the effects of mirror image but with two images instead of three. The tradition of this action matches the tradition of your gnome ancestry options.

17th-Level Ancestry Feats

Orc Warfare none Trigger You use Orc Ferocity You lash out viciously even as you fend off death. Make a single melee Strike. If this Strike brings a foe to 0 Hit Points, this activation of Orc Ferocity doesn't count against its frequency.
Orc Arcana none You gain plane shift as a primal innate spell. You can cast it twice per week. This can be used only to travel back and forth between the Plane of Earth and the Material Plane. Due to your attunement to the Onyx Key, you can act as the spell focus, and you do not require a tuning fork.
Orc Occultism none You can open your mouth to an immense size and spew forth an impossibly large field of tentacles. You can cast black tentacles once per day as an innate occult spell, though when you do so, you spew them from your mouth out to the appropriate range, where they take root and begin Grappling creatures as usual. The tentacles recognize you as a part of them and don't attempt to Grapple you, even if you are in the area.


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