Nagaji Species in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil


The Nagaji are gifted by their goddess sary with great strength and resilience, and they are an ancient and proud ancestry. Unlike the Gods, who are immortal and do not age or succumb to sickness, the Nagaji were born mortal and are subject to the same frailties as other mortal races. While they are known for their strength, they also possess a great capacity for empathy and compassion.   The goddess sary foresaw that the Nagaji would face many challenges in their lives, including discrimination and misunderstanding due to their reptilian appearance. Despite this, the Nagaji were destined to play a critical role in the "Rebirth of the 4 Realms", using their inner strength to resist the forces of evil that lurk in the shadows. The goddess also prophesized that the Nagaji, with their love of the arts and crafts, would find common ground with other races and learn to appreciate each other's unique talents and perspectives. Together, they would achieve great things and bring about a new era of harmony and prosperity.

Basic Information


The Nagaji possess a unique and powerful body that is composed of various types of arcane cells. These cells work together to create the Nagaji's body and power their magical abilities. Despite their wild magic, the Nagaji's body is well-structured and refined, resembling a taller and more muscular version of the human form. The Nagaji's body features numerous intricate systems and mechanisms that work in harmony to maintain proper levels of substances such as venom and oxygen in their bloodstream. The health of their body is studied closely by both Nagaji Priests and Shamans, who work tirelessly to ensure their race remains healthy and strong. Upon death, the Nagaji's body dissolves into a pile of ash, a testament to the powerful magic that animated it during life.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Nagaji, much like Orcs and Humans, age slowly and experience several distinct stages throughout their lifespan. They remain in their childhood from the age of 5 until they reach the age of 20, at which point their puberty begins. During this time, Nagaji experience significant growth and change, with males becoming bulkier and developing deeper voices, while females begin to develop features like hips and muscles.   From the ages of 60 to 90, Nagaji enter their middle lifespan, during which time their cells begin to regress, and they become more aggressive, often mastering their combat skills.   At 90 years old and beyond, Nagaji enter the final stage of their lifespan, becoming teachers and passing on their knowledge and skills to the next generation. They may also serve in training positions, sharing their wisdom with others until the day they pass away peacefully in their sleep.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Nagaji have a diverse and unique dietary needs that focuses on the consumption of a combination of fish and vegetables, particularly yams and other tubers. Some Nagaji are known to subsist solely on these foods for their entire lives, while others consume a more varied diet. Due to their varied dietary needs, Nagaji exhibit a range of bodily builds, from slender and small with long, flowing hair to larger and more muscular individuals with bald heads.


The Nagaji are a proud and ambitious race, constantly seeking to prove their strength and prowess in combat. They value honor and glory, and strive to earn the respect and admiration of their fellow Nagaji by amassing power, wealth, and fame. Unlike other races, the Nagaji are not bound by territories or groups, but rather champion causes that align with their values and beliefs. They are driven by a deep sense of purpose and conviction, and are willing to take great risks to achieve their goals.
  Demonym Lizardorc, Monsterhuman, Longsnout
90 to 100 years
Average Height
1,9 to 2,4m. / 6,3" to 7,7" ft.
Average Weight
55 to 100 kg. / 120 to 220 lbs.
Average Physique
The Nagaji are known for their muscular physiques, and are proficient in a wide variety of skills and abilities. While they may not be the absolute best at any one thing, they are capable and adaptable, and are able to excel in many different areas.


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