PF.2e Armor & Shields with their Traits

Your class, feats and magic items grant Proficiency in certain Armors or Shields, reflecting both your character's focus and the tools you are most likely to use. Whether you favor a Tower shield or a Buckler shield, your armor and shield and your ability to wield it effectively can mean the difference between life and death while adventuring.  

Armor Class

Your Armor Class (AC) measures how well you can defend against attacks. When a creature attacks you, your Armor Class is the DC for that attack roll.   Armor Class = 10 + Dexterity modifier (up to your armor’s Dex Cap) + proficiency bonus + armor’s item bonus to AC + other bonuses + penalties   Use your proficiency bonus for the category (light, medium, or heavy) or the specific type of armor you’re wearing. If you’re not wearing armor, use your proficiency in unarmored defense.  

Donning and Removing Armor

Getting in and out of armor is time consuming—so make sure you’re wearing it when you need it! Donning and removing armor are both activities involving many Interact actions. It takes 1 minute to don light armor, 5 minutes to don medium or heavy armor, and 1 minute to remove any armor.  

Armor Statistics

provides the statistics for the various forms of protection without wearing armor. Armor provides the statistics for suits of armor that can be purchased and worn, organized by category. The columns in both tables provide the following statistics.    
Unarmored Price AC+ Dex Max Check - Speed - Bulk Traits
Naked - 0 - - - - -
Clothed 1 SD 0 +5 - - Light Comfort
Light Armor Price AC+ Dex Max Check - Speed - Strenght Group Bulk Traits
Padded Armor - 1 +3 - - 11 - Light comfort
Leather Armor - 1 +4 1 - 11 - 1 -
Studded Armor - 2 +3 1 - 13 - 1 -
Chain Shirt - 2 +3 1 - 13 - 1 flexable, noisy
Medium Armor Price AC+ Dex Max Check - Speed - Strenght Group Bulk Traits
Hide - 3 +2 3 5 ft. 14 Leather 2 -
Scale Mail - 3 +2 3 5 ft. 14 Composite 2 -
Chain Mail - 4 +1 3 5 ft. 16 Chain 2 -
Breast Plate - 4 +2 3 5 ft. 17 Plate 2 Bulwark
Heavy Armor Price AC+ Dex Max Check - Speed - Strenght Group Bulk Traits
Splint Mail - 5 1 2 10 ft. 15 Composite 3 -
Half Plate - 5 1 3 10 ft. 16 Plate 3 -
Full Plate - 6 0 3 10 ft. 16 Plate 4 Bulkwark
Monster Scale - 6 1 3 10 ft. 17 Composite 4 -

Armor Specialization Effects

Chain: The armor is so flexible it can bend with a critical hit and absorb some of the blow. Reduce the damage from critical hits by either 4 + the value of the armor’s Potency Rune for medium armor, or 6 + the value of the armor’s Potency Rune for heavy armor. This can’t reduce the damage to less than the damage rolled for the hit before doubling for a critical hit.   Composite: The numerous overlapping pieces of this armor protect you from piercing attacks. You gain resistance to piercing damage equal to 1 + the value of the armor’s Potency Rune for medium armor, or 2 + the value of the armor’s Potency Rune for heavy armor.   Leather: The thick second skin of the armor disperses blunt force to reduce bludgeoning damage. You gain resistance to bludgeoning damage equal to 1 + the value of the armor’s Potency Rune for medium armor, or 2 + the value of the armor’s Potency Rune for heavy armor.   Plate: The sturdy plate provides no purchase for a cutting edge. You gain resistance to slashing damage equal to 1 + the value of the armor’s Potency Rune for medium armor, or 2 + the value of the armor’s Potency Rune for heavy armor.  

Armor Traits

  Bulwark: The armor covers you so completely that it provides benefits against some damaging effects. On Reflex saves to avoid a damaging effect, such as a fireball, you add a +3 modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier.   Comfort: The armor is so comfortable that you can rest normally while wearing it.   Flexible: The armor is flexible enough that it doesn’t hinder most actions. You don’t apply its check penalty to Acrobatics or Athletics checks.   Noisy: This armor is loud and likely to alert others to your presence when you’re using the Avoid Notice exploration activity.  

Shield Statistics

A shield can increase your character’s defense beyond the protection their armor provides. Your character must be wielding a shield in one hand to make use of it, and it grants its bonus to AC only if they use an action to Raise a Shield. This action grants the shield’s bonus to AC as a circumstance bonus until their next turn starts. A shield’s Speed penalty applies whenever your character is holding the shield, whether they have raised it or not.  

Hitpoints and Breakingthreshold, HP/BT

These measure how much damage the shield can take before it’s destroyed (its total HP) and how much it can take before being broken and unusable (its BT). These matter primarily for the Shield Block reaction.   Whenever a shield takes damage, the amount of damage it takes is reduced by the Hardness amount.
Small Shields AC+ Speed- Strenght Bulk Hardness HP/BT Trait
Wooden Buckler 1 - 8 Light 2 - Parry
Metal Buckler 1 - 9 1 3 8/4 Disarm, Parry, Block
Throwing Shield 2 - 9 1 3 - Thrown 20/80 ft.
Big Shields AC+ Speed- Strenght Bulk Hardness HP/BT Trait
Wooden Wankel Shield +2 - 10 Light 3 10/4 Block, Melee
Metal Wankel Shield +2 - 10 1 4 12/4 Block, Melee
Wooden Round Shield +2 - 12 1 4 15/5 Block, Melee
Metal Round Shield +2 - 12 1 5 20/10 Block, Melee
Wooden Tower Shield +2/4 5 ft. 12 3 4 20/5 Block, Shove, Melee
Metal Tower Shield +2/4 5 ft. 13 4 5 25/8 Block, Shove, Melee

Shield Traits

Block : Allows for a shield to be used for the Block Reaction   Parry : While wielding this shield, if your proficiency with it is trained or better, you can spend an Interact action to position your shield defensively, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn .   Melee : Allows you to use your Shield to make a Melee attack with the shields hardness added as a bonus to your Strenght modifier.   Shove: You can use this shield to Shove with the Athletics skill even if you don’t have a free hand. the shields hardness is added as a bonus to the Athletics check. If you critically fail a check to Disarm using the shield, you can drop the shield to take the effects of a failure instead of a critical failure. On a critical success, you still need a free hand if you want to take the item.   Disarm : You can use this shield to Disarm with the Athletics skill even if you don’t have a free hand. the shields hardness is added as a bonus to the Athletics check. If you critically fail a check to Disarm using the shield, you can drop the shield to take the effects of a failure instead of a critical failure. On a critical success, you still need a free hand if you want to take the item.


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