Poppet Species in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil


The Poppet, known for their diminutive size and whimsical nature, are not gifted with divine powers, but are renowned for their unique behaviors and abilities. While they may not excel in martial prowess or combat skills, they possess a profound connection to the mystical realm and are often born with an inherent talent for communing with spirits in their own peculiar manner. As foretold by the wise sage Loarkam, the Poppet would play a crucial role in the "Rebirth of the 4 Realms" after the cataclysmic end of the world.   Despite their unorthodox approach to combat, the Poppet's unparalleled adaptability and innate resilience would prove to be invaluable in safeguarding the delicate balance of the world and ushering in a new era. The legendary seer Kofusachi has prophesied that "The Poppet, with their uncanny strength and singular gifts, will fulfill their true purpose and destiny in the world, bringing glory to the work of the gods in their own whimsical way." Despite lacking traditional martial skills, the Poppet would carve their own path in protecting the world and play a pivotal role in shaping the fate of the realms.

Basic Information


The Poppet body is a marvel of magical engineering, composed of an intricate network of diverse magical cells that work in harmony to create their form and power their systems. These cells ensure the vitality and functionality of the Poppet body. The anatomy of a Poppet varies in fascinating ways, with numerous systems and mechanisms working in tandem to maintain the body's balance, including the regulation of mana and energy levels in their blood.

Growth Rate & Stages

As for the Poppet, they have a unique aging process that differs from humans. They age at a significantly slower rate, remaining in their childhood phase from the age of 1 to 10, when their adolescence begins. During adolescence, they undergo rapid growth and transformation, maturing into their adult form by the age of 30. They then enter their prime years, maintaining their physical prowess and vitality from 30 to 80 years old, a prolonged period of their lifespan.   As Poppets reach their middle lifespan, which lasts until around 160 years old, they may start to experience some physical decline. However, this stage is also marked by increased wisdom and experience, as they become mentors and teachers, passing down their knowledge and skills to the next generation. In their old age, which can last for several hundred years starting around 160 years old, Poppets become esteemed elders, revered for their wisdom and guidance. Their longevity and accumulated knowledge make them invaluable mentors and advisors, playing a vital role in the continued growth and development of their communities.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Similarly to humans, Poppets also have dietary requirements that are vital for their wellbeing and overall health. Adequate nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting their longevity and vitality. Inadequate nutrition, often associated with poverty, food insecurity, or a lack of understanding about their unique dietary needs, can result in malnutrition and its detrimental consequences, including physical deformities and disabilities, which are of great concern in Poppet societies.   Hence, it is imperative for Poppets to have a thorough understanding of their specific nutritional needs and ensure access to a balanced and healthy diet. Proper nutrition is essential for their physical and mental wellbeing, and Poppet communities prioritize education and resources to ensure that their members have access to the nourishment they require for optimal health. Poppets value the importance of a well-rounded diet and strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle to support their longevity and wellbeing in their journey through the ages.


The Poppets' curiosity is legendary, driving them to constantly seek out new knowledge and unravel the mysteries of the world. They are avid collectors of information, often delving into ancient tomes and exploring forbidden realms to satisfy their thirst for understanding. However, their insatiable curiosity can sometimes lead them into dangerous situations, as they are willing to take risks to uncover the secrets of the universe. Despite their reputation as wielders of potent voodoo magic, Poppets are often misunderstood and feared by others. Many believe that the Poppets have the power to manipulate fate and control the destinies of those around them. Some even view them as omens of misfortune, believing that crossing paths with a Poppet may bring about curses or hexes.   In conclusion, Poppets are enigmatic beings with a deep curiosity and thirst for knowledge, often associated with the powers of voodoo dolls. While they are feared and revered by others, their true nature is one of curiosity and exploration, driven by a relentless desire to uncover the mysteries of the world.
  Demonym Dolls, Toyfolk, Childmayer
Scientific Name
Poppetus sapiens
100 to 160 years
Average Height
0.5 to 0.7 meters / 1'8" to 2'3" ft.
Average Weight
15 to 25 kg / 33 to 55 lbs.
Average Physique
The Poppet have a diverse set of abilities, making them versatile and adaptable to various situations. They excel in many areas, but are not necessarily the best in any single one. This balanced approach allows them to thrive in a wide range of environments and circumstances, making them well-suited for exploration and survival. Their small size and nimble bodies make them agile and quick, enabling them to maneuver through tight spaces and evade danger with ease. Their compact physique also grants them a natural resilience, allowing them to endure hardships and recover from injuries swiftly. Additionally, their keen senses and sharp minds make them excellent observers and problem-solvers, making up for their lack of raw physical strength with their wit and resourcefulness.


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