Shisk Species in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil


The Shisk, blessed by their deity sary, are bestowed with formidable physical prowess and endurance, and their lineage spans back to ancient times, brimming with pride. Unlike the Gods, who are eternal and immune to the ravages of time and ailment, the Shisk are born as mortal beings, susceptible to the same frailties as other mortal races. Despite their renowned strength, the Shisk also possess a deep well of empathy and compassion. The divine foresight of sary revealed that the Shisk would encounter numerous challenges in their journey, including discrimination and misunderstanding stemming from their reptilian visage.   Nevertheless, the Shisk were destined to play a pivotal role in the "Rebirth of the 4 Realms", utilizing their inner resilience to withstand the malevolent forces that lurk in the shadows. The goddess also prophesied that the Shisk, with their penchant for the arts and crafts, would find common ground with other races and learn to appreciate the unique talents and perspectives of others. United, they would achieve remarkable feats and usher in a new era of harmony and prosperity.

Basic Information


The Shisk possess a wondrous and awe-inspiring body, composed of an intricate network of arcane cells. These cells synergize to form the Shisk's corporeal form and bestow upon them their formidable magical prowess. Despite their untamed magic, the Shisk's body is a marvel of refined craftsmanship, reminiscent of a taller and more muscular rendition of the human form. Within their body, complex systems and mechanisms interplay harmoniously to regulate crucial substances like venom and oxygen in their bloodstream, maintaining their health and vitality. The well-being of the Shisk's body is meticulously studied and tended to by their esteemed Priests and Shamans, who dedicate themselves tirelessly to ensure the enduring strength and resilience of their race. Upon their passing, the Shisk's body dissolves into a reverential heap of ash, a testament to the profound magic that once animated it in life.

Growth Rate & Stages

Similar to Orcs and Humans, the Shisk undergo a gradual aging process characterized by distinct stages throughout their long lifespan. They remain in their childhood from the age of 5 until they reach the age of 20, when their puberty commences. During this period, the Shisk undergo significant growth and transformation, with males developing a more robust physique and deeper voices, while females start to manifest features like curvier hips and toned muscles.   Between the ages of 60 to 90, the Shisk enter their middle lifespan, during which their cells begin to regress, and their combative nature becomes more pronounced. Many Shisk master their combat skills during this phase, becoming formidable warriors.   At the age of 90 and beyond, the Shisk enter the final stage of their lifespan, assuming the role of esteemed teachers who pass on their vast knowledge and skills to the younger generations. They may also serve in mentoring and training positions, sharing their wisdom and experience until they pass away peacefully in their sleep, leaving behind a legacy of guidance and inspiration.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Shisk have a distinct and diverse dietary requirement that revolves around the consumption of a specialized combination of fish and vegetables, particularly yams and other tubers. While some Shisk sustain themselves solely on these foods throughout their entire lives, others opt for a more diverse diet. As a result, Shisk display a wide range of bodily builds, from slender and lithe figures adorned with long, flowing hair, to brawny and robust physiques with bald heads, reflecting their individual dietary preferences and habits. The Shisk's unique dietary needs contribute to their remarkable diversity in physical appearance, a testament to their adaptability and versatility as a race.


The Shisk are a race known for their deep sense of pride and ambition, often seeking to prove their worth through displays of martial prowess. However, despite their outward bravado, the Shisk have a secret side to their nature. They are known to be skittish and easily frightened, often avoiding direct confrontations and shying away from danger. In contrast to their daytime persona, the Shisk have a tradition of coming alive at night, when they engage in elaborate and mesmerizing dance rituals. Under the moon's glow, the Shisk showcase their grace and agility, moving with fluidity and precision as they perform intricate and captivating dance routines. It is during these nocturnal displays that the Shisk truly let go of their fears and immerse themselves in the joy of dance, showcasing their cultural pride and heritage in a mesmerizing spectacle that leaves others in awe.
Demonym Hedgehogs, Quillspikers, Arrowfodder
70 to 80 years
Average Height
1.7 to 2.2m / 5.6 to 7.2ft
Average Weight
80 to 120 kg / 176 to 264 lbs
Average Physique
The Shisk are known for their agile and lithe physiques, and are skilled in a wide range of abilities and techniques. They are swift and nimble, capable of quickly traversing various terrains and environments. While not the strongest or heaviest, their flexibility and dexterity make them formidable in combat and other physical endeavors.


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