Shoony Species in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil


Shoony, known for their playful and affectionate nature, are mortal beings with shorter lifespans compared to humans. Despite their limited time in the world, Shoony cherish every moment and strive to make the most of their lives. They are known for their friendly and nurturing disposition, forming deep bonds with humans and other races through their unwavering loyalty and loving nature.   Flax god of the heart, declared that Shoony would be gifted with their joyful and caring nature, instilling in them a deep sense of appreciation for the value of time and relationships. Shoony would be known for their ability to bring happiness and unity to those around them, using their boundless energy and affection to form strong connections with their human companions.   However, Flax also foresaw that Shoony's shorter lifespans would bring them challenges, as they would need to make the most of their limited time in the world. Despite this, Shoony would always stay true to their kind and loving nature, using their time to spread joy and create lasting memories with their loved ones. Through their unwavering loyalty and genuine love for humans, Shoony would leave a lasting impact on the world, fostering deep bonds of friendship that would be cherished for generations to come.

Basic Information


The Shoony body is a marvel of magical intricacy, composed of various types of enchanted cells that work together to create a functioning vessel for their spirit. These magical cells, powered by the Shoony's innate connection to nature, ensure the vitality and resilience of their body.   Anatomically, the Shoony body displays unique features that set them apart from other species. Their lithe and agile form is optimized for swift movements and agility, allowing them to navigate their natural environments with ease. Their senses are keen, allowing them to perceive subtle changes in their surroundings, and their inherent magic enhances their physical capabilities.   Many systems and mechanisms within the Shoony body work in harmony to maintain their health and well-being. From the regulation of magical energies to the maintenance of optimal levels of vital substances like mana and essence, the Shoony body is a well-coordinated system that keeps them in peak condition.   Overall, the Shoony body is a remarkable vessel for their spirit, intricately woven with magic and optimized for their natural abilities. It is a subject of awe and fascination for those who seek to understand and appreciate the wonders of Shoony physiology.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Shoony, much like Orcs and Humans, age slowly and experience several distinct stages throughout their lifespan. They remain in their playful and energetic childhood from the age of 5 until they reach the age of 10, at which point they enter their adolescence. During this time, Shoony undergo significant growth and change, with males becoming more agile and developing their natural instincts, while females begin to display grace and finesse in their movements.   From the ages of 20 to 30, Shoony enter their prime adulthood, during which time their experience and wisdom come to the forefront. They become more adept at their chosen professions and may excel in combat or other skills they have honed over the years. Their determination and resilience often make them formidable opponents or mentors to younger generations.   At 40 years old and beyond, Shoony enter the final stage of their lifespan, becoming revered elders in their communities. They are known for their wisdom and are sought after as teachers, passing on their knowledge and skills to the next generation. They may also serve in leadership or advisory positions, guiding their people with their deep insights and understanding of the world.   Shoony in this stage of life are highly respected and often regarded as the pillars of their communities, and they continue to contribute to their society until the day they pass away peacefully in their sleep, leaving behind a legacy that lasts for generations.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Shoony, much like other races, have a dietary preference that primarily revolves around the consumption of raw meat and fish. These natural foods provide essential nutrients that are crucial for their unique physiology. Some Shoony individuals choose to subsist solely on these foods, while others incorporate a wider variety of sustenance into their diet.   As a result of their raw meat and fish-based diet, Shoony individuals exhibit a range of bodily builds. Some may be lean and agile, with sharp teeth and claws adapted for hunting and consuming raw meat, while others may have a stockier and more muscular build for capturing fish and other aquatic prey.   The consumption of raw meat and fish provides the Shoony with essential proteins, healthy fats, and other vital nutrients that support their physical and mental well-being. Their unique dietary needs are carefully balanced to meet their specific nutritional requirements and ensure their optimal health and vitality.   The Shoony's relationship with food is deeply rooted in their cultural traditions and way of life. Hunting and fishing are integral parts of Shoony society, with sacred rituals and ceremonies associated with the harvest and preparation of their dietary staples.


The Shoony are known for their protective nature and unwavering loyalty, making them exceptional followers and friends. They prioritize the safety and well-being of their loved ones and will go to great lengths to ensure their protection.   As friends, the Shoony are steadfast and reliable, always there to support and encourage those close to them. They are known for their unwavering loyalty, standing by their friends through thick and thin. They are willing to put themselves in harm's way to shield their friends from danger and offer a helping hand whenever needed.   In a group or as followers, the Shoony are known for their dependability and dedication. They excel in roles that require vigilance and protection, such as guards or defenders. They take their responsibilities seriously and will do whatever it takes to ensure the safety and well-being of those they are entrusted to protect.
  Demonym Goodboys, Furrball, Manhound
Scientific Name
Terramorphus Vita
40 to 60 years
Average Height
1.6 to 2.0 meters (5.2 to 6.4 feet)
Average Weight
55 to 100 kilograms (120 to 220 pounds).
Average Physique
Shoony have a lean physique, Shoonies are also known for their strength and stamina. They are capable of climbing trees, leaping great distances, and running at impressive speeds. Their agile bodies allow them to navigate through narrow spaces and quickly respond to changing situations.


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