Strix Species in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil


Strix are known for their natural affinity with the night and darkness, which is reflected in their black feathers and the shadowy magic they wield. They are a mysterious and reclusive race, often dwelling in secluded places and avoiding contact with other creatures. While the Gods are immortal, in the sense that they do not age or succumb to disease, Strix are known for their short lifespan and their tendency to live fast and die young. They are creatures of passion and intensity, and their wild and unpredictable nature often leads them into trouble.   Despite their relatively short lives, Strix are bound to the deeper and darker corners of the realm, where they plot and scheme against other races. The fate foretold by the Old-Gods was one of envy for the things they could not have, such as the ability to soar through the skies without fear. They yearned for true freedom and autonomy, but their nature often led them to act impulsively and recklessly.   Koandicen declared that after bestowing the gift of shadow magic upon the Strix, they would play a part in the "Destruction of the 4 Realms", as their cunning and unpredictability among their armies was unmatched. Koandicen foretold that the race of Strix, with their intense emotions and unpredictable nature, would often lose themselves in their own desires and cause chaos without fully realizing their own potential.

Basic Information


Strix possess a unique and powerful body that is composed of various types of arcane cells. These cells work together to create the Strix's body and power their magical abilities. Despite their wild magic, the Strix's body is well-structured and refined, resembling a lean and agile version of the human form. The Strix's body features numerous intricate systems and mechanisms that work in harmony to maintain proper levels of substances such as mana and elemental energy in their bloodstream. The health of their body is studied closely by both Strix Mages and Elders, who work tirelessly to ensure their race remains healthy and strong.

Growth Rate & Stages

rix, much like Elves and Humans, experience distinct stages throughout their long lifespan. They remain in their childhood from the age of 5 until they reach the age of 20, at which point their puberty begins. During this time, Strix experience significant growth and change, with males becoming larger and developing deeper voices, while females begin to develop more feminine features like hips and curves.   From the ages of 500 to 700, Strix enter their middle lifespan, during which time they become more focused and master their magical abilities. They are known for their keen intellect and wisdom, often serving as advisors and mentors to younger generations.   At 700 years old and beyond, Strix enter the final stage of their lifespan, becoming revered elders and passing on their knowledge and magical skills to the next generation. They may also serve as scholars, studying the mysteries of the universe and sharing their discoveries with others until they pass away peacefully in their sleep.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Strix have a diverse and unique dietary needs that focuses on the consumption of a combination of fish and fruits, particularly berries and other exotic fruits found in their forested homes. Some Strix are known to subsist solely on these foods for their entire lives, while others consume a more varied diet that may include small game and insects. Due to their varied dietary needs, Strix exhibit a range of bodily builds, from sleek and slender with long, feathery wings to larger and more muscular individuals with shorter wings.


The Strix are a moody and solitary race, seeking to either embrace their connection to the darkness or cut themselves off from it entirely. They strive to earn respect and admiration from their peers through displays of combat prowess and bravery. Unlike other races, Strix typically live alone or in small family groups of up to ten individuals, as their presence can have a negative impact on the environment and those around them.
  Demonym Wingmonster, Twilight hunters, Bluebirds
Strix Nocturna
60 to 100 years
Average Height
1.5 to 2.0m / 4.9" to 6.6" ft.
Average Weight
40 to 80 kg / 88 to 176 lbs.
Average Physique
Strix possess a lean and agile physique, allowing them to move swiftly and silently through the darkness. Their bodies are adapted for hunting and survival in their forested homes. Related Ethnicities


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