Tengu Species in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil


Tengu bear a unique gift from the gods, that being their natural talent for battle and martial arts. They are known for their physical agility and prowess, as well as their exceptional combat abilities. Tengu are not immortal like the gods, but they are long-lived, with a lifespan of several centuries. They are not bound to any Godly Realm like the Elves or Dragons, but they have a deep connection to the spiritual world, with many Tengu being born with the ability to communicate with spirits.   Loarkam foretold that, after the end of the world, Tengu would play a vital role in the "Rebirth of the 4 Realms" due to their combat skills and ability to adapt to any situation. While Tengu may be tempted by their own pride and ambition, they will ultimately find their true calling and purpose in the world. Kofusachi also noted that "The Tengu, with their strength and martial arts, will use their gifts to protect the balance of the world, and in doing so, will bring glory to the work of the gods".

Basic Information


The Tengu body is the structure of a Tengu being. It is composed of many different types of magic cells that together create the body and subsequently power systems. They ensure the viability of the Tengu body. The body varies anatomically in known ways. Many systems and mechanisms interact in order to maintain the bodies, with safe levels of substances such as mana and energy in the blood. The body is studied by healers, shamans, anatomists, and by artists to assist them in their work.

Growth Rate & Stages

As for the tengu, they age slower than humans. They stay in their childhood from the age of 1 to the age of 10, which is when their adolescence starts. During adolescence, they grow and change until they reach the age of 30, where they become fully mature. They maintain their physical prime for a significant portion of their lifespan, from 30 to 80 years old. After that, they enter their middle lifespan, which lasts until they are around 160 years old.   During this time, they start to experience physical decline, but they also become wiser and more experienced. In their old age, which starts around 160 years old and can last for several hundred years, they become mentors and teachers, passing on their knowledge and skills to the next generation.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Tengu, like humans, have dietary needs that are essential to support their life and good health. Poor nutrition is a chronic problem in many societies and is often linked to poverty, food insecurity, or a poor understanding of nutritional requirements. Malnutrition and its consequences are significant contributors to deaths, physical deformities, and disabilities across the 4 Realms, including the Tengu.   Therefore, it is crucial for the Tengu to have a good understanding of their nutritional needs and ensure they have access to a balanced and healthy diet.

Biological Cycle

Tengu have feathers that cover their bodies, ranging in color from black to brown, and some may have faded blond or orange red feathers. Their eyes have white sclera and can range in color from brown, green, blue, or gray, with some having mixed colors in between. Their skin can range in color from a light pinkish-red to various shades of brown, as well as beige.


The tengu seek adventure and are known for their daring and ambitious nature. They strive to earn glory and recognition from their peers by accumulating power, wealth, and fame. Unlike other races, tengu tend to champion causes rather than territories or groups, as they prioritize personal achievement and success.
Demonym Birdbrains, Feathery, Wingless Strix
Scientific Name
avis populo
100 to 160 years
Average Height
1,5 to 2,1m. / 5" to 6,5" ft.
Average Weight
35 to 60 kg. / 90 to 140 lbs.
Average Physique
The Tengu have a diverse set of abilities, making them versatile and adaptable to various situations. They excel in many areas, but are not necessarily the best in any single one. This balanced approach allows them to thrive in a wide range of environments and circumstances, making them well-suited for exploration and survival.


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