
The Al-’Ilim are the deities that make up the pantheon of gods worshipped by the Nar, and historically, by the Ashemites. The leader of the pantheon is Alullat, the Great Mother of Tel. Other ’Ilim include Zer, Vargus, Yirkhat, and Shayar.

Mythology & Lore

  • Alullat, Goddess of the Earth and Agriculture
  • Vargus, God of the Oceans and Weather.
  • Shayar, God of the Sun, Fire, Justice, and War
  • Yirkhat, Goddess of the Moons, Luck, Magic, and Fate
  • Zer, God of Hunting and Medicine.

Divine Origins

The 'Ilim represent the indigenous religion of the Ashemites and Nar. Revealed to the shamans of the early Ashemite tribes at the beginning of the Fourth Age. The beliefs and rituals developed during this time would eventually form the foundation of a formalized religious practice centered on the veneration of nature in all its aspects.


The worship of the 'Ilim is typically centered in holy sites located in natural surroundings meaningful to the deity. Each deity has a particular sacrifice that he or she finds most pleasing. Nar priests and priestesses are trained in rituals of augury, extrapolating the will of the gods through the intepretation of omens from natural phenomena and animal sacrifice.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Finding its demands for child sacrifice to be morally repugnant, the worship of Vargus was outlawed by the Rexan Empire after the subjugation of Qadshat as a consequence of the Rexan-Nar War. However, it is rumored that the worship of Vargus continues in some isolated Nar communities located in the frontier of the Aeriscan League, particularly Labrax Bay.

Religious, Pantheon
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Al-’Ilim

Cover image: by Lleij Schwartz
Character flag image: by Worldspinner