Iessef of Tel

Iessef of Tel was a chronicler of great renown who recorded the heroic exploits of many famous adventurers and their discoveries. The writings of Iessef form the foundation of our current understanding of the past and are requisite works to be studied by any one who desireth to be considered wise and learned.

Whilst the Halflings claim Iessef as one of their own kind, we know this to be a slanderous libel, as the erudition displayed in his books can only be evidence that they were penned by a Human. Nevertheless, information concerning the exact nation from which Iessef hailed hath been lost to the ages, thus he is honored today as a cosmopolite, a collective citizen of all mankind's realms.

His major work consisteth of the Relatio, composed of the following books - In Horrorem, Urbs Magna, Khemia Occulta, Arenae, Iter ad Akbysetum, Nomen Infernale, and Urbs Oblita. Scholars of our age refer back to the Relatio time and time age not only to learn of the past, but to be inspired to virtue from the actions of heroes past.


Cover image: by Lleij Schwartz