Oameni Supersitions

by Lleij Schwartz and jesse.f

As an itinerant people, the Oameni have many unusual customs and beliefs that have been adopted through contact with the myriad other cultures and races whose lands they have traveled through as a result of their diaspora.

List of Common Oameni Supersitions

  • Always turn widdershins near a lake.
  • Travelers can reverse bad luck by burning incense at a crossroads.
  • Spotting an iron bell is an omen of a death.
  • Anyone who desires love should offer a sacrifice at a shrine of Cesdia at midnight during the summer equinox.
  • Seeing a dog foretells an escape.
  • Farmers seeking to protect their crops from blight or frost must offer solemn prayers to Cesdia when both moons are full.
  • If you play dice during a rainstorm you might overhear a secret.
  • You can curse a rival in love by hunting a stag and slaying it in a forest during the winter solstice.
  • Due to an obscure event in Oameni history, it is believed that if you eat in a graveyard, the spirits of the dead will believe they are invited visit you in your home. However, if one wades across a stream on the way home, the spirits will not visit you.
  • Seeing a discarded boot in one's path is thought to foretell a misstep.
  • If you chip a cup, plate or dish, it is considered a sign of an upcoming windfall, but only if you don't cover your head for a week.
  • Always spit on the first day of the month.
  • Never pray to deities near a patch of silver toothwort or the gods will misunderstand your prayer.
  • For good luck, always take a drink from a fountain at the start of a journey.
  • A deal made in a graveyard during midnight will never be broken.
  • A hummingbird portends a speedy journey
  • Never sleep near a patch of weeping inkberry or you will wake up with a headache.
  • Always mend clothing at noon.
  • Spotting an eagle in the sky near camp is an omen of victory.
  • Finding a feather sometimes foretells a romance.
  • To dream of a wolf warns of a long and arduous journey.
  • When Bennos draws near, make an earthen figurine and mark it with his name that he might be distracted. If you recover, give the figurine back to the earth so that Bennos doesn't continue waiting for you.
  • Lysdar takes great joy in impersonating Cesdia. Guard your possessions when a beautiful/handsome stranger suddenly woos you.
  • Bringing wood for a hosts hearth reduces the chance of discord during your stay.
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Cover image: by Lleij Schwartz