Story Summary: S2C7
Emil develops a strange condition in which he hallucinates water, and it eventually dawns on the party that he is caught in two realms at once. The situation quickly escalates as the collector uses the Realmshifter to create a gateway between realms. Water floods into the garden along with the relieved Emil, and a huge sea creature slips through, quickly becoming deep fried upon contact with Emil's unpredictable magic. Once the situation has been dealt with, the collector leads the protagonists to a small room hidden in an alleyway. There, they practice using the Realmshifter, which ends very, very badly. Upon emerging from the hidden room, it quickly dawns on them that they have potentially murdered everyone in the city, country, or even the whole Realm. ...also they summoned three Eldritch horrors.Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild