The Keepers Organization in The Free City | World Anvil
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The Keepers

The Keepers are a semi-monastic order dedicated to the upkeep of the guardian golem of the Oathneedle. They are a recent re-revival of an older religious order also called the Keepers that used to protect the Oathneedle that was disbanded for unknown reasons.


High Deacon Deacons (6) -- Mechanic Proctor  Preist-mechanics

Divine Origins

The Keepers were re-founded in 1919 following the psychic scream event earlier that year. They were funded by a consortium of notable citizens, corporations, and local gangs, all of whom had a vested interest in seeing that nothing like that ever happened again.    They took their name and symbolism from an older organization that was said to protect the Oathneedle from outside forces. However, they are not materially connected to them.

Tenets of Faith

They have exactly one tenant:  The Oathneedle is Not To Be Fucked With under any circumstances. 


Beyond the central tenant of the faith, they generally have no other restrictions on their membership or the public. They are very careful to not restrict all access to the Oathneedle, as this would be seen as a gross power grab but do have a "Suggested Donation" for new applicants wanting to swear.


The rank-and-file priesthood mostly consists of Mech-mages who contribute to the upkeep of the Oathneedle's golem. They are paid a salary for their service. The head of this division, the Mechanic Proctor is effectively the head of the practical organization, However, the Mechanic Proctor does answer to the Deacons.    Becoming a mechanic-priest of the keeper requires passing a written and practical exam on the maintenance of magical constructs and fortifications. They run one of the best courses on Mech-magic in all the planes, which draws students from all over the multiverse.    The Deacons mostly consist of the notable donors that pay for the golem's upkeep. The High Deacon of the priesthood generally rotates around between the Deacons by way of a secret vote from year to year

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Deacons of the priesthood are all generally very rich and are therefore influential. However, as Deacon is basically a purchased title, it does not wield as much influence as it otherwise might. They occupy a very precarious place in society, as most citizens are very touchy about any organization presuming to control the Oathneedle.
Founding Date
Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
Oathkeepers, The new keepers,


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