Similar in some respects to Ani-Earth, Earth-Ape is a world where humans are replaced by other primates: apes, gorillas, monkeys, and so forth. The greatest heroes of Earth Ape are the champions of Simian City, The Primate Patrol, including Iron Monkey, Chimpanzoom, Elastigibbon, Brainiape, and Metamorph.
Heroes first encountered Earth-Ape during the Time of Crisis when Omega attempted to destroy the multiverse. The plans of Earth-Ape’s Dr. Simian (their greatest criminal mastermind) were thwarted and the destruction of the world averted, helping to maintain the integrity of reality. Since the revelation of Dr. Simian’s criminal nature, the Primate Patrol has redoubled their efforts to do good in Simian City and is always willing to offer their friends from Earth-Prime a helping hand (or prehensile tail, as the case may be).
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