The region that is now Tajikistan has been a vassal state pretty much consistently since the Persians invaded in the 5th century BCE. Weakened by every empire since that’s put its boot on the country’s neck, it remains among the poorest of developed nations. Since gaining independence, continued economic strain has come from internal strife. Revolutions, riots, coups, and unrest are regular occurrences as different ethnic or interest groups make their individual bids for power to the detriment of all the others.
Almost every uprising centers around a moderately superpowered leader. Gifted with special powers, some feel obligated to stand up and serve their people. Those people adopt the powered leader as a symbol to rally around and march forth in an attempt to overthrow the current rulers. Many of the superhumans thrust to the forefront of these revolutions are unwilling victims of the time, while some are opportunistic villains who use their legions of followers to further their own nefarious plans.
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