The Arcadian Peninsula
The Arcadian Peninsula, also known as the Outer Peninsula, lies across the Red River from Emerald City, and is further subdivided by the Bronze River where it flows from the mountains down to Malory Bay.
The westernmost part of the peninsula, to the west of The Bronze River, is rolling Pacific rainforest, except where areas have been cleared, primarily along the coast and river shorelines. The Benjamin Jacobs International Airport is located on the northwestern point of the Arcadian Peninsula, with smaller airfields to the south. An increasing industrial zone has spread southward from the airport.
The Arcadian Peaks, a spur of The Atlas Mountains, make up the spine of the central portion of the peninsula, between the two rivers. Most of the build-up in this area is along the eastern side, between the Peaks and the Red River, particularly near where the river flows into Malory Bay and southeastward towards Lake Vallee. This area saw waves of construction in the 1950's and again in the 1980's and early 2000's, building up suburban neighborhoods and later numerous small office and technology parks.
Numerous smaller rivers flow down from highland lakes, joining the Red and Bronze Rivers or making their way directly into Malory Bay or the Pacific. Salmon runs are common throughout these waterways, and the Arcadian Peninsula has an active salmon farming industry. Bronze River salmon is some of the most popular in the region.
The salmon runs have been on the decline for decades, and both industry experts and environmentalists are concerned about sustainability issues in the future. This has led to increasing environmental impact studies for construction and industry in the area.
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