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The Gatekeeper

The mystic paths of The Cosmic Coil were once much more open to those who sought them; crossing between worlds was as easy as crossing a field or a room (and still is, in some rare places in the world). Ancient Master Mages like Ios the Seer systematically placed seals, closed and locked gates, and rearranged the occult landscape so Earth—although it remains a mystic crossroads—is safer from the forces from other spheres of existence. However, for every locked door and gate, there is a key, and a guardian, and it is the Gatekeeper.   The Gatekeeper is a living nexus between the worlds, an embodiment of the crossroads energies of Earth’s dimension. It is the Gatekeeper’s responsibility to stand on the threshold between this world and countless others, keeping vigil and opening or closing the gates as needed for what must and what must not pass.   While the role of Master Mage is certainly one of destiny, it is also a position attained through ambition and achievement. The Gatekeeper, on the other hand, is truly chosen by destiny, although whether by the impersonal forces of chance or an embodiment of fate like the Norn remains unclear. Whatever the case, the Gatekeeper is born, not made, and another cannot take up the mantle until the current Gatekeeper is no more. Rumors abound of secret rites to usurp a Gatekeeper’s power, but thus far, they remain only legend.   The Gatekeeper also has strong ties with The Dimension of Doors. The Door Wardens acknowledge the holder of the inheritance as an honorary one of their number, and they often assume the duty of training and teaching the new Gatekeeper about his or her responsibilities.
Magical, Honorific

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