The laws, culture, history, and geography of Western Europe are quite varied, and each country within that area is ethnically diverse. This goes beyond the simple effects of international immigration, and extends far back into the region’s history. Areas like Basque country, Catalonia, and Corsica all have a strong regional identity, even within their respective nations. On top of this, every country has communities of foreign nationals and descendants of the former colonies that show “melting pot” is not just an American dish. All countries of Western Europe (and Central Europe, see that Atlas of Earth-Prime entry) are signatories to the international treaties that allow UNISON to operate within their borders, and most European capitals have a UNISON office or assigned representative. Thus far, only Spain and Portugal have allowed UNISON agents to operate solo. In all other countries, agents must have support from the local authorities. For independent heroes, things vary widely from city to city. Heroes can turn to an information network called the European Coordinated Heroes Organization (ECHO) for help understanding regional legal differences. The European Union has nothing like an official superhero team. The reason lies in the very nature of European Union, which started as a solely economic entity and has since transformed into an administrative union and regulating body. It has never included a military or police component. The legal and logistical problems inherent in a pan-European superhero team have always kept such a project from reaching fruition. During each major crisis—such as the second invasion of the Basque Country by the dragon Sugaar (see later in this entry) and the Amsterdam Ascent (see the Central Europe entry)—the various European teams have proven they can work together when needed. ECHO is present and ensures the transmission of information related to paranormal threats everywhere in Europe, using local informants to relay messages to heroes around the continent in times of need. Monitored by the European Union and NATO, the initiative also includes joint training sessions and exercises as well as regular information meetings. Due to these meetings, a number of European heroes are at least familiar with each other.