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Taraia Whiteblood

Taraia Whiteblood (a.k.a. Noise)

Refugee from Beeble in the Gold Rim, 1 parent and 7 siblings, other race   1 rival, 2 important family   Thought I killed family member: Spy   Insulted family member: Assassin   Bested in combat: Noble

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Taraia is deceptively slender given her strength, possessing a tall but relatively lean build.

Body Features

Taraia's skin is pristine and scarless, kept that way by her unusual structure.

Identifying Characteristics

Though Taraia looks mostly human, she can be distinguished by the slight yellow undertones to her skin and the slight shine and odd colour to her eyes.

Physical quirks

Taraia's body is experimental, containing swarms of nanites that knit her back together and provide the fuel for a number of arcane and technological talents beyond the ability of most androids.

Special abilities

Taraia's innate arcane abilities are primarily focused through a crystal she wears on a leather band around her wrist. Energy emitted from her palm focuses through this prismatic crystal, shaped into its proper form by precise manipulation of the crystal and Taraia's emitters. The creation of hardlight requires the addition of the emerald ring she wears on one finger in order to properly focus the energy.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From Taraia's perspective, her life began the moment she awakened on the table of the starship Stargazer, a pair of wires embedded in the back of her neck and connected to a nearby interface rig. Without an identity already in place, Taraia was left with only the basic knowledge of the functions she needed to survive. It didn't take her - or the Whitebloods, a gang of Auran mercenaries - long to discover that she wasn't just any old android.   Taraia was quickly adopted into the Whitebloods as if a member of their family, with their leader, Harvel, treating her as a daughter. She grew to knew and care for her siblings despite their lack of relation to her. As she discovered, the Whitebloods had rescued her during their escape from the planet Beeble during the conflict between the Triple Star Conflux and the Darian Empire, and the group was now a set of refugees escaping from the violence there. They drifted from planet to planet for a few years, taking odd jobs here and there. Eventually, though, the group returned to Beeble, settling down there and establishing a home base instead of living out of their starship.   Taraia was told that the Triple Star Conflux was after her in order to tie up loose ends; therefore, she had to keep her identity hidden in order to stay safe, heading out only when necessary. Taraia had no reason to disbelieve that, cooperating with her family as she learned and grew as a person.   Over the course of her time with the Whitebloods, Taraia grew fond of her family and they seemed to accept her as if she was their flesh and blood. She began to participate in their jobs, though she usually was kept at a distance for her safety. Her abilities, accentuated by training from Tune and the others, proved useful enough to justify bringing her out more and more, and Taraia eventually started to see more of the world. By the time she had been alive for around 14 years, she was accompanying them outside regularly; though she spent most of each week inside their base, she'd often get a day or two out and about, equipped with makeup and colored contacts with which to hide her slightly inhuman traits.   One particularly noteworthy day, a higher up in the Ironhide Corporation - a dwarven man by the name of Torrak Faldann - arrived at the bar the Whitebloods frequented. It was a busy evening, so the bar was full. Torrak approached Tune - he's a bit scrawnier than the others - and tried to get him and Taraia to give up their seats for him and his friend. Neither Tune nor Taraia gave him the time of day, so he took a swing at Tune and got promptly sucker-punched by Taraia. The friend joined in, assuming by Taraia's appearance that he'd be able to take her down, but Taraia broke his nose and sent the two scattering. One of her contacts fell out in the process, though, and Taraia's been worried ever since that he might send someone to find her.   Taraia's idyllic existence was shattered one fateful day by a confrontation between her and Tune. One day, Taraia got a bit too pushy about the restrictions she had. There hadn't been a single encounter with the Triple Star Conflux in the past five years of going out in the city nearby every so often. That inquiry turned into an argument, eventually turning into a shouting match before Tune suddenly explained (part of) the truth: Taraia had been stolen; she was wanted by the company she'd been stolen from, and between that and the assassinations and espionage, they'd all be put to death. While Taraia was trying to process all of this new information, having had no idea about the specific nature of that part of their work before now, Tune tried to convince her to lay down for maintenance - but Taraia recognized the tools he was using, and they weren't for anything standard. In reflex, she blasted a hole through his chest using conjured hardlight... and in her panic afterwards, she ran.   She's been on the run ever since, uncertain how much of her family was based on lies and if she'd ever be able to face Harvel again - if the name her father had given her was even real.

Gender Identity

She/they. Taraia's unsure of her relationship to gender at this moment in time.


Taraia hasn't had an opportunity to explore her orientation, but she's probably attracted to girls in some fashion.


Taraia's time as a member of the Whitebloods - a group that she's no longer sure even bears that name - ensured that she learned to use both her innate abilities as well as several new, learned skills.


Taraia spent years working with a mercenary company, though she mostly stayed off of the front lines and was for the most part spared from committing violence.

Mental Trauma

Taraia doesn't know how much her family lied to her - or if they ever told her the truth. She can be suspicious of others as a result.

Morality & Philosophy

Taraia thought of herself as reasonably well-meaning, but the revelation that her actions aided in assassinations, immoral espionage, and the like have left her questioning her beliefs and morals.

Personality Characteristics


Taraia is trying to find a place to be safe and belong. She's also hoping to find a purpose for her life given the revelation that her previous purpose was false.

Personality Quirks

Taraia's mannerisms are occasionally distinctly synthetic and inhuman. Though she grew up with a family, that family kept her isolated enough that she occasionally struggles to emote in the same way that humanoids generally do.


Contacts & Relations

Torrak Faldann was the wealthy man that Taraia bested in a fight, a representative of the Ironhide Corporation. He displayed quite a bit of arrogance, and he might now know that Taraia's an android if he ran into her again.

Family Ties

Taraia was a part of the Whitebloods, adopted and referred to as a sister to the others. She considered them her family, though she now wonders if the name Whiteblood was even real in the first place. There's a reasonable chance that very little she knows about them is true... though they couldn't go 19 years without showing any authenticity, could they?   Major NPCs "Ego", given name Harvel, real name unknown, is the leader of the Whitebloods and Taraia's assumed father. He's notably older than the other Whitebloods.   "Tune", real name unknown, is the Whitebloods' tech expert and infiltration specialist.   Buddy = drone friend. Agender (they/them).   Minor NPCs "Ink"   "Bell"   "Boots"   "Slice"   "Dare"   "Lock"

Social Aptitude

Taraia has little experience interacting with anyone outside of her family.
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"Noise" is the nickname she was given by the other Whitebloods; all of them have nicknames that they use in place of their real names.
The Stargazer, a heavily modified Transport-class ship
Current Residence
Light blonde with dark streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale/porcelain with yellow undertones
173 cm (5'8")
103 kg (227 lb.)
Known Languages
Taraia innately knew both Common and the code-language of machines, each of those hard-coded into her core programming. Over the years, she picked up knowledge of Dwarven - the most common language spoken on Beeble other than Common - and Thieves' Cant - due to her "family"'s nature.

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