Boulder Coyotes

The Boulder Coyotes are found in the hills preceding the mountain range known as the range of woes. They feed on the ruins of the dwarves, consuming rock and stone until they become statues themselves as the result of a terrible curse.  

Dwarven Ruins

  Following the Myconic Plague that swept across the continent of Dephrania causing the extinction of the Dwarves there, the dwarvish settlements fell into disrepair and ruin. Skilled as they may be in architecture and masonry, Dwarves are only mortals and in the end, the gnawing tooth of time gets us all. It did not take long for their runic protection circles to wear down, and eventually they failed.  

Orcish Curses

  Even earlier in history though lies the origin of the Boulder Coyotes. Back then, dwarves were expanding on the continent, claiming more and more territory for themselves. Eventually, there was none left, but the orcish strongholds that still claimed some of their ancestral homelands.   Tensions rose and ultimately it came to war. The Dwarves, better prepared and more entrenched eventually defeated the orcs, but in a cruel twist went down a dark path after their victory. They purged orcish settlements and eradicated all orcs that still remained on the continent. In their desparation, the orcish priests of Tai'San began a tactic of scorched earth. With their final smidge of spite, they cast curses deep into the roots of the earth, tainting wide parts of the lands that now are the hills to the Northwest.  

Ravenous Hunger

  After the purges were complete, the dwarves sealed away the curses and while they were around to renew their runes, the seals held. But finally, when they weren't, the curses returned in full power. All throughout the hills, malevolent spiritual intent seeps out of the ground, often focused around the areas where dwarven ruins stand. And since the spirits cannot exact vengeance on the dwarves that are long gone, they instead begin influencing the wildlife to do their bidding.   Coyotes that live in the hills develop a hunger for rock and stone that was build by the dwarves. They will swallow pebbles whole, gnaw at stones, try to break down walls and statues. Whenever they consume stone this way, the spirits will further a transformation, turning part of their flesh into stone, which causes the coyotes to lose their hair in the affected areas. The curse eventually kills the coyotes, when too much of the body has been transformed, but until then, the curse takes hold deeper and deeper, intensifying the hunger of the beasts until all they can consider is breaking down more of the dwarvish presence on the continent.


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