Darian Railways

Human Ingenuity and Orcish Ruthlessness

  Whatever else can be said about him, Orûg Darian is not a forgiving man. The half orc came from humble beginnings, but has in the last few decades risen to be one of the most powerful magnates on the new continent Dephrania. In the old world, where he was born about fourty years prior, Darian was the son of a half-orc mercenary and grand son of a town smith, and even in his first years displayed an impressive aptitude for metallurgy. As a result, his parents made sure he received an education at the Academy of Frenia, where he was one of the first students of the Sage Joran, most commonly known for his invention of the steam motor.   During Darians education, Joran collaborated with dwarven smiths to create the first prototypes of steam locomotives, which Darian helped improve. By the time Darians Apprenticeship was ending, fates hand touched his life: Dephrania, the new continent was rediscovered and the first wave of settlers set out to conquer it.  

Rise to the top

  With the call of the new world echoing through the lands, Darian smelled opportunity. He gathered his aging parents and with the money his father had earned in his years as a mercenary, he purchased passage across the oceans and in the new world began his work.   In the new centres of commerce along the coast of Dephrania, Darian worked tirelessly, finding business partners, building the first locomotives, negotiating and aggressively removing competition. Finally, he achieved the first victory. A rail connection was built between the ports of New Tennet and Bahía de Riques and the newly founded company Darian Railways received a monopoly on its use.   With this first connection, Darian Railways continued building and expanding, quickly adding a second route to Passtown to the Southeast along the coast. The speed at which Darians trains could complete the journey was unmatched and for every passenger and crate of cargo transported Orûg Darians wealth and power grew further.  

Current situation

  Today, there are few who command the same influence as the aging half-orc. Darian Railways continues to hold a monopoly on train connections in the new world and so far no one seems able or willing to invest the funds to challenge the giant.   Now however, Darians biggest deal is about to come to fruition. With the second settler wave in full flood, a push of expansion is happening into the lands. And with population centres growing further and further inland, the demand is there for quick travel into the midst of the continent. And even if Darian didn't already have plans to expand there, he now has a powerful backer to expedite his progress.   The Aruelian Crown is rumored to be in negotiations with Darian Railways for a deal that will change more than the companies profits, but the power balance as a whole. In return for a contract and support from the royal coffers, Darian Railways will now support the Aruelian army by providing quick transportation of troops and supplies, effectively supercharging the military presence of the empire from the old world in the new one.


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