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The FrostClan Saga

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Clans of the Snowy Mountain


Deep within the Alaskan region and nestled around the base of a mountain in the taiga forest, three Clans lie rather isolated from the outside world.
Making their home on the west side in the wide open, rockier terrain of the mountain, are the hardy cats of BlizzardClan who make camp on the flat surface of a tall cliff. In the center of this valley is FrostClan, the oldest Clan in the mountains, who live within a cave system perfectly camouflaged by thick foliage. And finally to the east, hidden in what seems like perpetual fog, is SleetClan, home to peculiar cats who boast their unique pelts and have learned to walk silent as they hunt among the wolves.

The rich history of these Clans stretches back many generations, with most of these past events being far longer than any cat can remember, who have only ever known to call the snow their home.

But the vibrancy of their world is ever growing with new mysteries being discovered as unlikely cats happen upon lost knowledge of their ancestors. Dark secrets are always just bubbling beneath the surface of the icy lake, and powers beyond their recognition threaten to shatter and reveal the thin understanding that they truly have of the world around them.

Loosely based on the setting of Erin Hunter's Warrior Cats

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