Wolf Brother
Wolf Brother
Members of the Dogs of War have their own traditions, customs, and religion. Once youth decides to put down the wolf skin and become a man the secrets of the warband are never spoken of again.
The 'Wolf Brother' is the chief diety of the Dogs of War. This is because the 'Wolf Brother' is believed to be the leader of the pack ruling all other gods. It is believed that the 'Wolf Brother' is ancient and one day will devour the world. They believe that the ancestors were literally raised by wolves. Wolves domesticated humans not the other way around. The wolves taught humans to hunt and fight as a pack. They men the concept of hierarchy. They taught men how to be both savage and gentle. These concepts are the foundation that makes civilization possible.
The Dogs of War dedicate their actions to either the Wolf Brother or to the glory of the warband.
Divine Domains
The Wolf Brother is the chief diety of the Dog's of War. The diety is never spoken of or worshipped by society at large and his existence remains a secret to a large number of the population.
Tenets of Faith
The Wolf Brother is associated with the divine attributes of life, death, youth, darkness, and cunning.
Divine Goals & Aspirations
Some believe the Wolf Brother guards the enterence to the afterlife.
Related Myths
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