Accepted Variant Rules and Homebrew Content

These rules may be accepted at a specific table or across the entire Frozen Wastes campaign.  

List of Server-Wide Variant Rules

Mariner Fighting Style

As detailed in UA Waterborn Adventures, when not wearing heavy armor or using a shield, you have a swimming speed and climbing speed equal to your normal speed, plus +1 AC.  

Ship Rules, Roles, and Combat

As detailed in Nautical Adventures  

List of Table-Specific Variant Rules


The flanking variant rules as written on p.251 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide  

Readied Action + Extra Attack

When readying the Attack action, the character can make use of the Extra Attack feature if they possess it.  

Reroll Inspiration

In addition to the standard rules for Inspiration on p.125 of the Player’s Handbook, Inspiration can be used to reroll an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, instead of granting advantage.  

Sessional Inspiration

Rather than rewarding inspiration at the DM’s discretion, some DMs opt to provide inspiration to all characters, once per adventure session. This inspiration does not carry over to other adventures if it is not consumed.