Discord Roles

At the Frozen Wastes table and Discord, there are several roles you might fill.  

Game Master

In this campaign, Game Masters (GMs) are the driving force for the world, making large investments in lore, administration, and management efforts.  
  • GMs are considered the moderators and facilitators of community discussion, as well as the enforcers of server rules.
  • GMs are the final say in what rules and mechanics are applied to the world.
  • GMs are the only required voters in order to pass a rules proposal, and a vote is not considered complete until all GMs have cast their votes.
  • Individuals may be granted GM status by consensus among the existing GMs, and may be removed similarly.
  Current GMs are: Carl  


This is a temporary role granted to DMs who are actively working on major story/arc content or emerging narratives within the Frozen Wastes.  
  • Writers are expected to participate in Writers’ Room meetings and collaborate with GMs, Writers, and DMs on developing content and workshopping narratives and adventures.
  • Writers are expected to run, at minimum, one 5e adventure every 8 weeks, and are encouraged to run more regularly.
  • The writer role will be applied by GMs on an invitation-basis.
  • Writers may shift into/out of the role between server arcs, or within arcs, based on their availability and interests.

Dungeon Master

Dungeon Masters (DMs) run 5th edition DnD adventures within the Into the Frozen Wastes campaign. The role is optional and signifies a desire to collaborate with other DMs on advancing storylines or writing new content for adventures within the context of the Frozen Wastes.   DMs should actively participate in (or review/be aware of) rule change discussions, but are not required to participate. Server members may rotate in/out of DM status based on their interest in writing and running adventures for the Frozen Wastes. It is not necessary for a server member to have the DM role in order to DM a game in the Frozen Wastes, but strongly recommended if the member plans to run more than a single adventure within the span of 3 months.   In order to qualify as a DM, a server member must have run a 5th edition DnD adventure in the Frozen Wastes within the last 3 months, or have one scheduled to run in the next month.  


Anyone who plays in a game within the Frozen Wastes is considered a Player.  
  • Players’ participation, suggestions, input, and feedback is essential to the survival and growth of the Frozen Wastes.
  • All players are encouraged to participate in conversations around rules changes, though they are not required to do so.
  • This role is assigned by a GM after the prospective player completes the Frozen Wastes onboarding process.
  • Players may be removed from the Frozen Wastes after a period of inactivity of six months. GMs will reach out to players in this event to determine if the player wishes to resume activity in the community prior to removal.


Archivists are the people heavily invested in driving World Anvil content and organization.  
  • Archivists are the only ones who should execute major organizational changes to World Anvil and should not do so without GM consent.
  • Archivists review adventure notes, verify that they meet the requirements, create/expand missing stub articles, add images, and reorganize pages as necessary to help develop World Anvil into a true Encyclopedia of the Frozen Wastes.
  • This role can be requested by messaging a GMs and is assigned based on quality of written content in World Anvil and a commitment to perform the duties listed above.
  • Archivists may receive DMXP on an as-yet-TBD schedule for this work.


The Crafter role is a temporary role assigned for collaborating with GMs on Frozen Wastes Custom Items for 5th edition DnD adventures.   DMs can have the role assigned when they want to workshop a new item, and it will be removed after the item is approved for distribution.