
The Avatar aku'Phaetun is considered the descendant of the holiest ancestor -- Bejol Bephtalpet -- in Phaetun Creedist belief and in this sense, is their spiritual leader. As well as serving a ceremonial function, more importantly the Avatar is the sole individual believed capable of empowering and blessing a Listener's ability to commune with and interpret the messages of their tribe's ancestors -- a core feature of Creedist practice.   Avatars need not be direct descendants of Bejol Bephtalpet, but often were/are, and to the present day are elevated to a portion of the near-deific significance Bejol enjoyed in life.


The current Avatar typically chooses their successor as guided by the ancestors and past Avatars; in the case of unexpected or sudden deaths, either a Listener or (less commonly) another person is chosen, and this verdict communicated to all Listeners to confirm to other Creedists.
Religious, Special
Form of Address
Avatar [first name] aku'Phaetun
Source of Authority
Collectively, tribal ancestors of Kivan tribes via (initially) Bejol Bephtalpet, then subsequent Avatars
Length of Term
Until death
First Holder
Current Holders
Past Holders
Related Locations
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