Gun-gun (GUNN-GUNN)

Gun-gun is the fruit (typically with its nut-kernel removed) of the gungeinga tree; though the term arose to describe a chutney-like preparation of the fruit, it has since entered colloquial usage for the fruit in whatever form. The fruit are glossy and regardless of ripeness, can mature from pale green to shades of white, yellow, orange, or purple; the inner flesh is orange-red and has a sharp, somewhat sweet, almost astringent taste.   The fruit and its stone-nut are always separated to be consumed for their separate purposes to reduce wastefulness. The fruit is often candied, or preserved with herbs or simply in oil in a chutney, or eaten fresh or added to cooked dishes. It is a common staple of Qalneyan cuisine.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink


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