Himazé (Hih-MAH-zay)

A himazé is a key feature of eisorcei societies, acting as a wiseperson charged with keeping the clutch's histories and preserving its traditions and broader eisorcei beliefs. When a representative of the clutch is needed -- particularly to the outside world -- the himazé often steps into this role. The himazé may also act as the clutch's healer or midwife.   Though there is only ever one active per clutch, if necessary the plural is himaza. A deceased former himazé retains their title and is referred to in the same manner as any deceased eisorcei, becoming 'Ca-Himazé-[Name]' (used in the general: 'the Ca-Himazé').


On death of the former himaze.

Accoutrements & Equipment

They are typically identifiable by a colorful, long beaded lariat worn down their backs known as a len, with its colors particular to their clutch and including metal beads that denote their descendency.

Notable Holders

Rasoush, of the Tuth Clutch
Aguthsha Intoh (briefly), of the Tuth Clutch
Chirayi, of the Jemati Clutch
Civic, Honorific
Form of Address
Honored Himazé
Equates to
Kivan Head Tribesman or Crest but mostly Listener, Keismeb Keeper
Source of Authority
Current Holders
Past Holders


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