
"The Keen" is the non-verbal communication method of Azgorach, seemingly utilized by all sapient and intelligent species within it. Xa'aroch referred to it as "Ach'gor", though it is uncertain whether this is the name of the language or the act of speaking itself. It has also been used as a minor abstract noun as a synonym for command/order, decree, demand, creed, etc.   Although information about the Keen is limited, it is speculated to include psychic and chemical signals as well as audible and non-audible sounds. It contains an unusual isolated creed (a 'keen') known as the Passage of the Aeboqar ("Door-Opener" in common interpretations) that is half prophecy, half evolutionary instinct, and which is seemingly intrinsically known by all Azgorach rather than being written down or taught as a religious doctrine.  
The Anchors
  Xa'aroch noted that there are some living creatures, places, or objects that act as 'anchors' within the Keen. Though he does not seem sure of their purpose, they appear to be unusual elements of specificity from a force that is normally vague or deliberately unintelligible. So far, he has been using them as a sort of 'wayfinding' as he carries out his purpose.  
The Keen and Mikahnzoch
  The mikahnzoch -- ostensibly a non-sapient yet sentient Azgorach lifeform -- is unusual and noteworthy in that it can utilitize the Keen for the species sole -- and selective -- means of reproduction. It is also possible that it is responsible for conveying the Keen to the unborn or, at least, facilitating its first perception, though it is unclear whether it can be called the source of the Keen itself.

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