Our Lady of the Orchard

Our Lady of the Orchard refers to Aguthsha Intoh, who, since her death, has begun to be revered in recent years as a martyr/pseudo-saint. Most of the 'adherents of the Lady of the Orchard' are those aware of her background as a Keeper and her skills as a botanist, as well as the original purpose of her study of the ikam after discovering it. They believe that she committed suicide through the deliberate corruption of her own research -- in the form of the Plague of the Bitter Hand and its release -- in order to stop the fruit being militarized, and that had she lived, and the war not happened, her research could have helped the continent prosper.   These adherents are becoming known as 'Intohists' or 'adherents of the Lady of the Orchard' by outsiders, though the more fervent among them call themselves 'Arborists' or 'Gardeners'. Currently there are only around fifty members and they appear to have no agenda beyond veneration; there are similarities in their practices to Creedists, though none of the members are related to Aguthsha. They are based in Keismeb.   The Lady of the Orchard's cited spheres of influence are varied, though she is commonly prayed to in matters of prejudice, fertility, agriculture, scientific and philanthropic ventures, and as a saint of the Season of Opening. Regardless, she is usually depicted with both the ikam and an Intoh's Wasp.
Founding Date
Approx 995AC
Religious, Cult
Intohists, Arborists, Gardeners, Adherents of the Lady of the Orchard


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