Zhongguo-Cruz Corporate Empire Alliance

Zhongguo-Cruz Corporate Empire Alliance

The Zhongguo-Cruz Corporate Empire Alliance (abbr: ZCCA) is a corporate entity constituted by the alliance between the Zhongguo Corporate Empire and the Cruz Corporate Empire. The ZCCA was formally incorporated 62 years before the start of the Galactic Era by the execution of set of business contracts specifying guidelines, restrictions, and obligations for manufacturing, pricing, marketing, data exchange, material trade, and other business practices between the two corporate empires. Because each of these corporate entities also functions as a transnational governing body in its region, these contracts also function de facto as political treaties.   Whether the ZCCA should be thought of as a distinct political entity has been a matter of academic debate since its inception. It has no military or political offices independent from those of its constituents, although joint ZCCA administrative offices have grown up for the management of joint projects and the redistribution of resources in compliance with alliance contractual requirements. Culturally, citizens identify themselves as either cida funios (citizens of Cruz) or 僱員-公民 (employee-citizens of Zhongguo), never as citizens of the alliance per se. Neither empire interferes with the culture or traditions of the other, although over time economic collaboration has naturally led to mixing of the populations with a high rate of inter-empire marriages.  

Other Diplomatic Relations

Cruz and Zhongguo share a common disdain for the Transeŭropa Demokratia Reto (TDR), which they view as a chaotic patchwork of siloed cultures lacking in strong shared values. The disdain is mutual, of course: members of the TDR view the "forced" cultural uniformity in empires like Cruz and Zhongguo as oppressive and contrary to their own values of personal liberty and freedom.   Cruz and Zhongguo have very different perceptions of, and relations with, the Watu wa Umoja wa Alkebulan (WUA). Zhongguo and the WUA have had a warm and mutually supportive relationship since before the superpowers were formed. By contrast, the current tension between Cruz and the WUA can be traced all the way back to their harsh competition for dominance in the algae and seaweed industries when the fishing industry collapsed in -285 GE. These contrasting relationships don't have much impact on joint ZCCA operations, because during the first few centuries GE the WUA has focused entirely on internal affairs and has not participated in any of the big galactic exploration projects that both the ZCCA and TDR have been involved in.

Founded: -62 GE


Alternative Name(s)
中國跨聯盟 (Zhongguo Traditional)
Alianza Cruzada-Zhongguo (Español)
Short Name(s)

Power Structure

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