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The Titans

The Titans vanished from the galaxy at large many millinea ago, retreating to their core world. Recently the galalaxy has found that world and found ~100 year old ruins.   Almost all creatures have some amount of Titan Weave Connection, with the average being ~2.51 × 10^-3009% implying most civilizations were seeded around 200,000 years ago. With some Titans staying on many worlds, resulting in high varience.   Note of % of notable characters:
  • Voss: 8.79 × 10-2558% : 8500 Generations : 170,000 years ago
  • 3.30× 10-1805 : Camerons Bard:
  • The Nephilim: 3.54× 10-1504: 5000 Generations: 100,000 Years
  • Pyrola 4.355× 10-601: 2000 generations: 40,000 years
  • Astrid 1.53× 10-149: 500 generations: 10,000 Years
  • Oni: 100%: is a Titan: 0.
  • The Vanishing Enigma: Titans and The Silent Rapture

      During the height of their civilization they seeded life across the cosmos.  


      The Titans, enigmatic and colossal beings, are a now-extinct race that once held a significant role in the galactic history of the Starfall universe. Their legacy and sudden disappearance during The Silent Rapture have left behind a multitude of mysteries that continue to intrigue and baffle scholars, explorers, and inhabitants of the galaxy. This article delves into their vanished legacy, their connection to The Weave, their unique method of sustaining themselves, and the bewildering questions surrounding their extinction.  

    Titans: Emissaries of Magic

      Living Relics: Titans were known for their massive size, towering over other humanoid species in the galaxy. Despite their imposing presence, Titans exhibited diverse physical features, reflecting the diversity of their sub-species. Some were adorned with luminescent markings, intricate appendages, and even elemental manifestations, further enhancing their enigmatic nature.   Masters of Magic: Every Titan, from the mightiest to the humblest, wielded magic as an innate extension of themselves. Their arcane abilities transcended the boundaries of spells, casting them as beings of myth and legend in the galaxy. Their mastery over The Weave was unparalleled, allowing them to shape reality itself with a mere thought.  

    The Enigma of The Silent Rapture

      Catastrophic Disappearance: The Titans were witnesses to The Silent Rapture—an event of unimaginable scale that wiped out 99% of all life in the galaxy. The Titans themselves, along with other sentient races, vanished without a trace, leaving the galaxy in stunned silence. The extent of this cataclysmic event is best illustrated by the remnants left behind—a fractured galaxy struggling to heal from its wounds.   Mysterious Extinction: The Titans' extinction remains at the heart of a deep and unresolved mystery. Their complete disappearance defies explanation, evoking speculation and theories ranging from cosmic cataclysm to transdimensional shifts. Many wonder if the Titans' own mastery over magic and The Weave played a role, perhaps inadvertently attracting the calamity that ultimately consumed them.  

    A Unique Survival Mechanism

      Consuming The Weave: One of the most puzzling aspects of Titans' existence was their unique method of sustaining themselves. In regions lacking sufficient Weave energy, Titans had to consume living creatures alive, absorbing their Weave connections to nourish themselves. This necessity, driven by their innate connection to The Weave, was not born out of malice but rather as a survival imperative.   Feeding on Life: Titans' consumption of living creatures raised ethical questions among scholars and observers. Some believe that this act of consumption was intricately tied to their ability to wield immense magical power, drawing energy from the living beings they ingested.  

    Theories and Speculations

      Cosmic Sacrifice: Some theorists propose that the Titans, in an act of selflessness, sacrificed themselves to stabilize the aftermath of The Silent Rapture. This theory suggests that their profound connection to The Weave allowed them to channel energy to mend the fabric of the universe, a final act of benevolence that led to their vanishing.   Transcendence to Another Realm: An alternate belief suggests that the Titans transcended the material plane, ascending to a higher realm or alternate dimension. This interpretation draws parallels to their mystique and their connection to The Weave. Perhaps their immense power allowed them to transcend the limitations of mortal existence.  

    Titans' Echo in the Present

      Enduring Influence: Despite their absence, the Titans' legacy echoes through the cosmos. Their connection to The Weave continues to shape magical practices, and their vanished presence is a driving force behind quests for knowledge and truth. Those who study The Weave often seek to tap into the echoes of Titans' power, even if only partially.   The Quest for Answers: Scholars, historians, and intrepid explorers have embarked on quests to uncover the fate of the Titans. Ancient texts, fragmentary records, and whispered prophecies all contribute to the tapestry of speculation surrounding the Titans' disappearance. The very pursuit of understanding their story has become a quest for enlightenment and self-discovery.  


      The Titans' enigma, intertwined with the shroud of The Silent Rapture, stands as a testament to the mysterious and awe-inspiring nature of the Starfall universe. Their vanished legacy continues to fuel curiosity, inspiring explorers and thinkers to unravel the riddles of the cosmos and, perhaps, shed light on the enigmatic event that reshaped the galaxy. As civilizations rise and fall, and new chapters of history unfold, the Titans' vanishing act remains an enduring enigma—a cosmic puzzle waiting to be solved.   ---   [Editor's Note: This article is a compilation of information gathered from various sources, including historical records, speculative narratives, and philosophical contemplations. Theories presented are conjectures, as the truth behind the Titans' disappearance remains veiled in uncertainty.]   ---  

    Title: Eternal Echoes: Unraveling the Enigma of Titans

    Author: Dr. Elara Voss


    Excerpt: Chapter Four - Titans: Guardians of Cosmic Secrets

      "Throughout the annals of galactic history, the Titans stand as both awe-inspiring enigmas and the architects of profound mysteries. As I journeyed through the labyrinthine corridors of lore and sifted through the fragments of ancient texts, I found myself captivated by their existence—a race of beings whose connection to the cosmos was as intricate as The Weave of magic itself.   The Titans' affinity for The Weave marked them not merely as beneficiaries, but as conduits, channels through which the very essence of magic coursed. Their towering forms and luminescent markings were manifestations of their profound bond, a silent testament to the symphony of energy that flowed through them. This tether, ancient and innate, rendered them stewards of cosmic harmony, even in the face of the inexplicable Silent Rapture.   The Silent Rapture, a cataclysmic event that tore through the fabric of the universe, left the Titans unscathed by the cataclysmic tide. And yet, it extinguished them from existence without a trace—a contradiction that still baffles the minds of scholars and philosophers alike. Were they protectors or unwitting participants? Did their intrinsic link to The Weave offer salvation or mark them for cosmic dissolution?   In my fervent search for answers, I have traversed forgotten worlds, delved into forbidden libraries, and deciphered ancient prophecies. The whispers of those who remember the Titans' presence, the artifacts that hum with residual energy, and the enigmatic messages woven into arcane scrolls—all paint a mosaic of the Titans' legacy.   The Titans' profound connection to The Weave may have been their salvation, a path to transcendence that allowed them to embrace the vast unknown beyond the physical realm. Or, perhaps, they became vessels of cosmic balance, sacrificing their form to mend the tapestry of reality torn asunder by The Silent Rapture.   As my quest for understanding continues, one truth becomes ever clearer: the Titans were not mere footnotes in history, but cosmic figures whose threads were intricately woven into the grand tapestry of existence. Whether guardians, architects, or martyrs, their legacy endures as a testament to the interwoven mysteries of the universe—a legacy that demands not only our fascination, but our reverence."