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The Gamma Earth

150 AXA

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Gamma Earth is a Gamma World universe where the players get the chance to change the world for good. The players start the campaign being inducted into a Cryptic Alliance by the name of The Restorationists with the mission of recovering technology from a new site discovered in the desert just outside of town.
The Earth in the 28th century is torn, twisted, and burned by a combination of climate change, desperate populous fighting against the fabric of society to survive, experimentation with dangerous technologies, terrorism, and war.   The old gods of the 21st century are believed to have abandoned the faithful and the legends of the Ancients have taken their place. Technology centered Cryptic Alliances hold the Ancients at a variety of levels of respect from legendary heroes to ascended gods. Those that hold technology responsible for the death of the old world believe them to be demons who still seek to destroy humanity.   The Ancients were rumored to have colonized the stars, but have not been heard from in over 300 years.   Their technology remains in hidden areas of the globe. There are rumors of small pockets of Ancients that remained behind living as they did over 700 years ago. Stories abound of Techno-mages those wielding such advanced technology that they are seen by the unknowing as magical wizards.   The last 700 years have taken a toll on the Earth. Climate change, holes in the ozone, radiation, toxic waste, terrorist actions eliminate hundreds of thousands of species of plants and animals. Glowing oceans, craters of toxic waste, lush prairie land turned into desert, and all the ice in the poles having melted coastal metropolises disappeared beneath the waves. It is rumored that areas that are near the coasts are more green and perhaps even jungles but few explorers have made it that far or even returned. Hundreds of years of exposure to toxic chemicals, radioactive waste, virus warfare, and genetic engineering have resulted in new plants and animals unlike any seen before. Some species of animals were uplifted by the ancients to talk and some even possessing humanoid bodies.   In addition to talking animals and monstrous plants two new bits of intelligence, thanks to the will of the Ancients, have been discovered. Robots had existed in various forms for almost 1000 years, but the breath of the ancients has brought them to live as you or I. Recently those that appear to be human and possess their intelligence have begun to crawl out of their tombs. To some, they are benevolent machines left by the Ancients to aid those left behind. To others, they are mechanical demons left to wipe out any remaining humans. The fourth new race left behind are the AIs, most of which were placed in automate research and military facilities called Cybernetic installations.   The cities of the Ancients are spread throughout the globe. Some were reduced to ashes and only a crater remains where they once stood. All remaining cities are tainted by various levels of radiation and toxic sludge. It is rumored that a small number of cities of the ancients still exist in their original condition maintained by machines and “magic”. Relic hunters exist who would rather risk those radioactive and toxic cities than search for those reportedly unaffected.   History is in short supply in the world. The population now is a very small fraction of the population pre-cataclysm. There are no nations left in the world, only small pockets of beings huddling together at night. It is rare to see a village of more than one hundred individuals is a very rare sight. Those that do rise above 100 often do so with the aid of technology or strong social order.   In Normerica there are many languages but most villages have only one. Clusters of villages often develop their own trade language consisting of words from all languages involved. Androids and AI communicate with each other in a language unspeakable by humans and animals – the binary bitstream.   Some villages retain the beliefs and culture of their pre-cataclysmic nations, others develop strange “cargo cults” based on the remnants of the previous civilization. Various forms of political systems can be seen across Normerica. There are chiefdoms, kingdoms, councils, and elders. Others form or join Cryptic Alliances that can span areas almost as large as pre-cataclysmic states.   Technology is viewed in many ways across the wasteland. Some views are negative viewing technology as if it were evil magic to be avoided, and others tell cautionary tales that express a cautious view because of the destruction of the ancient world. Some view technology as a tool for change and seek technology to improve the lives of fellow villagers, as protection from the elements and a force multiplier for menial labor. Then there are those who seek technology as a method of maintaining control, acquiring power, and waging war.   On the outskirts of the desert lies the village of Burnlil. A small village numbering 87 entities. Their legends tell of a stranger who appeared in town nearly 600 years ago. The visitor came back every 50 years collecting information, taking samples of their blood, injecting medicine into their arms, sewing up tears in their flesh and writing, always writing. 300 years ago the monks appeared and occupied the old town hall. They call themselves the Order of Restoration or the Restorationists. They are said to have been sent by the stranger to help us restore our society to the pre-cataclysmic way of life.   The monks organized the citizens, taught them basic hygiene, provided them with seed, taught them how to grow food, how to work wood, and created cleanup details to clean the remnants of the town. About a third of the town is now clear of debris, repairs have been made to the houses, and a school was set up where their children learn what history is known, basic mathematics, construction, and agricultural sciences. For those who desire more from life, at 15 they can join the Academy of Restoration. These monks educate the students to be Restorationists. They are taught the secrets of the restorationists, survival skills, and how to read the texts of the Ancients. Once they graduate they are sent on their coming of age adventure beyond the city boundaries. Few graduating classes have ever returned and been able to tell their stories. For that reason, the villagers of Burnlil don’t leave town.   Perhaps your adventure will be different...

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