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Mudwater's Missing Items

The House The extirour is not very lavish but looks like it is on the better side of houses in town The interior is not much better but is furnished with modestly looking decor
Danny Yonter interaction When the players arrive he greets them at the door saying "Welcome, my home isnt much but i have water boiling for tea if you whould like some?" If asked about the stolen item he will say "Ah yes, It was a necklace made of silver and jade, it is proboley my most prised posesion" As he finishes saying that you all hear the scurrying of a small creature presumibley a rodent.  (Perception 14) The sound seams to be coming from under the floor boards.
Inteiror The Interior of the house is modestly fashiond with its most ornate thing being a rug with a delicite pattern etched into it. The tabels and chairs all seem to be rather old looking but still sturdy. (Dex 16) You start to fall but catch yourself, it seems like the floor under the rug is uneven. (Perception 18) As you look around the house you see a a slight divet under the rug. If players lif the rug the find a hole
SECRET TUNNEL As you drop down into the hole a unpleasent smell hits your noses. the hole seems to extend west as 5ft wide tunnel as you walk farther and farther into the tunnel the smell keeps getting worse (Con save 12)- -1 to all rolls untill short rest if failed)   After a short while the tunnel expands into a circular room that is 15x15ft to the North and Northwest there are tunnels. When you enter the room you can hear many rats scurrying and 12 attack you.
North Tunnel in this room you find a small mound of items such as coins, oil lamps, candels, along with other random assortment of items, On the very top of all the items is a small little jewlary box with its lid half detached, inside the box you see a elagent jade and silver necklace. (17c 3s coins)
Northwest Tunnel The tunnel is wider then the one before being 10ft wide and 7 ft up. after a quick walk you encounter more rats this time they seem to be different your just unsure how. (7)   not even 20 seconds later you enter another circular room this one being larger as it is 30ft diamiter. In the center there is a rug with a tabel and chair on it there is also two tunnels one going North and one Going Northeast.  to your right and left are more rats that take a second and then jump at you (9 Rats). As you aproach the tabel you see the shape of another rat, once you get close enough though you can see that it is dead with a quill sticking out of its open stomach next to the rat is a paper with words writen in the blood of it Get Out of my kingdom.
North(2) As your walking down the tunnell the smell gets worse then its ever bean, this tunnel seems to be a dead end (Perception 8) You see a smaller tunnel down by your feet it seems to be 5x5ft but the enterance is blocked by iron bars.
Northeast The tunnel is rather short and before you know it your in a 20x20ft room.  in the center of the room sourounded by rats is a elivated platform ontop of wih sits a humanoind looking rat. (Were Rat) After it takes a look at you it says in a sickly and unhuman voice Master said GET OUT! Once it says that all the rats running around the platform stop and turn to look at you then charge (13)

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