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Mudwater's Tavern/Inn-The Golden Stag

The Golden Stag-Outside You can smell the stench of alcohol and food as you pass a large building with a sign of a golden stag above the door.
The Golden Stag-Tavern As you enter the smell of food and alcohol only amplifies. The plethora of food and drink is represented in the diversity and amount of people in the tavern. There are around 31 people in total. If the players have done (The Kidnnaping quest) The most noticeable group is the dwarfs there seem to be around 17 of them and they all look sullen. If asked why they would say "Well we were attacked by a group of bandits up in The Dwarven Fortress and we all got split up, We are lucky enough to have found some of each other so far but we are still missing 9 dwarfs".
The Golden Stag-Inn The bartender says "It will cost ya three copper a night, and 2 more for meals in the morning and night" Once you go upstairs there are three rooms on each of the West, East, and North walls only two on the South wall as the staircase is in the middle of it.

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