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The Forest-Mudwater

The Forest The Forest has an assortment of plants and animals, as you walk around you can hear animals running around, birds singing, and the sound of nature all around you.
Trails? (Dc 12 perception) As you are looking around you see a relatively large trail, It looks like something human-sized was dragged away from here. (Dc 8 survival)-They stay on the path, After walking for a few minutes you see a clearing some fifty feet in front of you. along with the clearing you can now hear voices of people talking in an unknown language (Theifs cant). In the middle of the clearing, you see a large wall made of logs planted into the ground.
The Forest Fort On the walls, there are 4 guards on the lookout. they rotate every 4 hours. There are a total of 18 guards on the inside.
(Dc 16 Deception)-To let the players inside You manage to lie to the guards convincing them that you are supposed to be inside.
(Stealth v D20)-to sneak in you weave through the shadows making your way into the fort without being seen.
The Forest Fort-Inside Now that you are inside of the fort you see to the left a campfire with 5 guards around it along with a large tent that is 30x30ft and to your right you see three tents each being around 15x20ft except the one farthest to the right which is 40x50ft. you see that there are two guards standing in front of the tent on the right while the other two are unattended. (The tent on the left is the dining tent) Tents on the right-(Rightmost tent-prison tent) Middle tent is sleeping quarters) (left tent-Higher Ups tent).
Prison Tent To Convince guards to let in(DC 18 deception) or kill guards no sneaking in. In the tent, there are 5 cages with 9 people in total within them.
Higher-ups tent On the inside of the tent, there is a table on the back side with three tough-looking Thugs once you enter they will ask why your there if no good reason provided they will attack-If combat is not ended in three rounds other people will notice and 5 Bandits will come in. if players search the tent-You find a medium-sized locked chest (Key is on one of the thugs) inside is 237c 73 silver 2 gold and a (+1 version of a weapon that the players are using)
Sleeping tent In this tent, there are 8 beds on each side. at the end of the beds, there are small chests for clothing and other belongings (1d10+2 copper in each) in 6 of the beds there are some bandits sleeping (dc 12 stealth)-to not wake them.
Dining Tent Inside this long tent is nothing but a Long table fitted to sit around 22 people.

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