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Saltmarsh is almost the Viscounty of Salinmoor’s uncrowned capital. It is in almost every way, everything Seaton is not. Founded by fortune seeking adventurers, Saltmarsh has always been a wide open town, full of energy and opportunity. Known for its excellent fishing, and as a great base of operations from which to explore the frontier.


89% Human 6% Dwarf 3% Halfling 2% Elf


Saltmarsh is run via a town council consisting of:   Eda Oweland, the current senior member as well as the owner of 3 large fishing vessels.   Gellan Primewater, the most wealthy man in town, owner of a textile and lumber mill.   Eliander Fireborn, captain of the guard, war hero sent by the crown.   Manistrad Copperlocks, leader of the dwarven mining operation, placed on council by royal decree.   Anders Solmor, a young man recently elected after the death of his mother, resulting in him inheriting a large fishing fleet.   Skerrin Wavechaser, Anders' butler/bodyguard, has a keen eye for detail.


100 trained warriors guard the town, donned in studded leather bearing the green reed of Salt Marsh. Armed with clubs whilst patrolling town, the guards work in pairs at all times. Two guardhouses are at the road into town, with a smaller one by the docks. They also patrol the area around Salt Marsh on horseback, clad in chainmail and wielding longswords and heavy crossbows while outside of town.   There is also a militia of 500 residents that have undergone basic training for emergency scenarios.   A small force of marines watch over the docks, a veteran force that have fought several battles against the Sea Princes.

Industry & Trade

Salt Marsh trades with the many other regions of Keoland, with the prime import being timber from the Dreadwood. They use this dusky wood in their ship building, and often in their homes. The main export is fish from the Azure Sea.


A recently expanded shipyard, newly cobbled roads into and through town, an old cemetery. The Temple of Procan.


Kester's Leather Goods, The Weekly Market, The Dwarven Anvil, Winston's Store, Fishmonger's Plants, Mariners' Guildhall, Carpenter's Guildhall.


The buildings in town are mostly wood, with stone bases to help keep the water out. Unfortunately this is not the case in the lower, poorer, wetter parts of the city.


Salt Marsh wraps around a ridge overlooking the Azure Sea to the south. Surrounding it is a wet grassland, almost swampy in many places. The water ebbs with the tides, becoming more dangerous at night as the water level rises up to the hip in many places. The town itself manages to stay relatively dry, though the lower parts of town do tend to flood often.

Natural Resources

Fish, and natural metals.
Inhabitant Demonym

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