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The Ghosts of Salt Marsh

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Keoland is a rather traditional fantasy setting, with a king who is time and time again put into situations that test the very core of his character. He has not always chosen wisely, and as a result his people often suffer. The southern part of the kingdom is a swampy, coastal region that in the past found great success in its fishing endeavors. However recent times have seen the rise of a rogue state in the sea, dubbed by the people as "The Domain of the Sea Princes", or simply, the Domain.   These problems may have once been easily rectified, but as the military might of Keoland has historically been tightly focused toward its northern neighbors, the Domain has had plenty of time to deeply entrench its infrastructure and establish a strong underground economy based in slave trade, and illicit substances from foreign lands. These "Sea Princes" that rule this pirate nation are unknown to even the many ship captains and swabbies that make up the conglomerate.   In recent times, the crown has mobilized its navy in an attempt to strike back at the growing insurrection in the south. However in spite of a massive success in its initial strike against the Domain, progress against the pirates has slowed to a crawl, as exotic reinforcements from distant lands have come to bolster their numbers. The Crown of Keoland may not control its seas much longer.   Although, the greatest threat may always be closer to home...